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This module defines the interface between minidump-processor and its Symbolizer.

minidump-processor and the Symbolizer communicate using a series of traits. The symbolizer must provide implementations of these traits:

  • SymbolProvider - provides symbolication, cfi evaluation, and debug statistics

    • Implemented by Symbolizer
    • This actually doesn’t need to be a trait in the current design, it exists to allow multiple symbolicators to be used together, via MultiSymbolProvider. The other SymbolProviders have been removed, but I figured it would be a waste to throw out this minimally intrusive machinery.
  • SymbolSupplier - maps a Module to a SymbolFile

    • minidump-processor does not directly use this, it’s just there so the Symbolizer can generically handle different symbol fetching strategies (which minidump-processor selects and configures).

While minidump-processor provides implementations of these traits:

  • FrameSymbolizer - callbacks that symbolication uses to return its results.
    • Implemented by StackFrame
    • Implemented by DummyFrame (private, for a stack scanning heuristic)
  • FrameWalker - callbacks that cfi eval uses to read callee state and write caller state.
    • Implemented by CfiStackWalker (private)

The symbolizer is responsible for providing the following concrete functions, which minidump-processor uses to select and configure the symbol fetching strategy:

And the following concrete types:

  • Symbolizer - the main interface of the symbolizer, implementing SymbolProvider.
    • Wraps the SymbolSupplier implementation that minidump-processor selects.
    • Queries the SymbolSupplier and manages the SymbolFiles however it pleases.
  • SymbolStats - debug statistic output.
  • SymbolFile - a payload that a SymbolProvider returns to the Symbolizer.
    • Never handled by minidump-processor, public for the trait. (use this for whatever)
  • SymbolError - possible errors a SymbolProvider can yield.
    • Never handled by minidump-processor, public for the trait. (use this for whatever)
  • FillSymbolError - possible errors for fill_symbol.
    • While this is handled by minidump-processor, it doesn’t actually look at the value. It’s just there to be An Error Type for the sake of API design.


use minidump::Minidump;
use minidump_processor::{http_symbol_supplier, ProcessorOptions, Symbolizer};

async fn main() -> Result<(), ()> {
    // Read the minidump
    let dump = Minidump::read_path("../testdata/test.dmp").map_err(|_| ())?;

    // Configure the symbolizer and processor
    let symbols_urls = vec![String::from("https://symbols.totallyrealwebsite.org")];
    let symbols_paths = vec![];
    let mut symbols_cache = std::env::temp_dir();
    let symbols_tmp = std::env::temp_dir();
    let timeout = std::time::Duration::from_secs(1000);

    let options = ProcessorOptions::default();
    let provider = Symbolizer::new(http_symbol_supplier(

    let state = minidump_processor::process_minidump_with_options(&dump, &provider, options)
        .map_err(|_| ())?;
    state.print(&mut std::io::stdout()).map_err(|_| ())?;


An error produced by fill_symbol.

A parsed .sym file containing debug symbols.

Statistics on the symbols of a module.


A type of file related to a module that you might want downloaded.

Possible results of locating symbols for a module.


A trait for setting symbol information on something like a stack frame.

A trait for things that can locate symbols for a given module.


Gets a SymbolSupplier that looks up symbols by path.

Gets a mock SymbolSupplier that just maps module names to a string containing an entire breakpad .sym file, for tests.