minicov 0.2.0

Code coverage support for no_std and embedded programs

This crate provides code coverage support for no_std and embedded programs.

This is done through a modified version of the LLVM profiling runtime (normally part of compiler-rt) from which all dependencies on libc have been removed.

All types of instrumentation using the LLVM profiling runtime are supported:

  • Rust code coverage with -Zinstrument-coverage.
  • Rust profile-guided optimization with -Cprofile-generate.
  • Clang code coverage with -fprofile-instr-generate -fcoverage-mapping.
  • Clang profile-guided optimization with -fprofile-instr-generate.
  • Clang LLVM IR profile-guided optimization with -fprofile-generate.

Note that to profile both C and Rust code at the same time you must use Clang with the same LLVM version as the LLVM used by rustc.


Note: This crate requires a recent nightly compiler.

  1. Ensure that the following environment variables are set up:
export RUSTFLAGS="-Zinstrument-coverage -Zno-profiler-runtime"

Note that these flags also apply to build-dependencies and proc macros by default. This can be worked around by explicitly specifying a target when invoking cargo:

# Applies RUSTFLAGS to everything
cargo build

# Doesn't apply RUSTFLAGS to build dependencies and proc macros
cargo build --target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
  1. Add the minicov crate as a dependency to your program:
minicov = "0.2"
  1. Before your program exits, call minicov::capture_coverage which returns a Vec<u8> and dump its contents to a file with the .profraw extension:
fn main() {
// ...

let coverage = minicov::capture_coverage();
std::fs::write("output.profraw", coverage).unwrap();

If your program is running on a different system than your build system then you will need to transfer this file back to your build system.

  1. Use a tool such as grcov or llvm-cov to generate a human-readable coverage report:
grcov output.profraw -b ./target/debug/my_program -t html -o cov_report