minecraft-client-rs 0.1.0

A client for the Minecraft RCON protocol.


Travis Badge License Badge

A client for the Minecraft RCON protocol.

Library Usage

// Create a new client and connect to the server.
let mut client = Client::new("".to_string()).unwrap();

// Send some commands.
match client.authenticate("password".to_string()) {
	Ok(_) => { },
	Err(e) => { /* handle authentication error */ },
match client.send_command("seed".to_string()) {
	Ok(resp) => { println!("{}", resp.body); }, // "Seed: [1871644822592853811]"
	Err(e) => { /* handle error */ },

// Disconnect cleanly when finished.

Shell Utility

If you are looking for a tool rather than a library, try the shell command:

$ cargo run -- --hostport --password minecraft
Starting RCON shell. Use 'exit', 'quit', or Ctrl-C to exit.
> list
There are 0 of a max of 20 players online:
> seed
Seed: [1871644822592853811]


Response bodies over 4KB will be truncated.

Starting a server for testing

$ docker pull itzg/minecraft-server
$ docker run --name=minecraft-server -p 25575:25575 -d -e EULA=TRUE itzg/minecraft-server

Running Tests

To run unit tests:

$ cargo test --lib

To run integration tests after starting the test server in Docker:

$ cargo test
