mind 0.3.5

A productive mind

A productive mind




You need cargo to install mind.

cargo install mind

A productive mind can push and pop tasks into it's stack efficiently

Push tasks into the mind stack (or continue with an existing task)


# Enter the names for the tasks to push.
# Press [ENTER] again to save the added tasks.

Pop the current task from the mind stack

mind pop

# Alias
mind p

Or while in interactive mode


# Alias

Supported commands in both CLI and interactive mode

Command Aliases Action
{num} Continue with the task at the given position
pop p Pop out the current task
pop {num} p {num} Pop out the task at the given position
edit e Edit the current task
edit {num} e {num} Edit the task at the given position


Example 1: Add all the TODO and FIXME items from the codebase.

grep -nR TODO . | mind
grep -nR FIXME . | mind

Example 2: Continue with the task positioned at [3]

  • CLI mode
mind 3
  • Interactive mode

Example 3: Pop the task positioned at [3]

  • CLI mode
mind p 3
  • Interactive mode
/p 3

Example 4: Edit the task positioned at [3]

  • CLI mode
mind e 3
  • Interactive mode
/e 3

A productive mind can remind itself of the pending and repeating tasks

Open ~/.mind/reminders.yml and add the reminders in the given format (see ~/.mind/reminder_examples.yml)

# This reminder will disappear once executed.

- name: Test reminder once on 10 July 2020, at 8 am IST
  when: "2020-07-10T08:00:00+05:30"
  repeat: Never

# The following reminders will reschedule themselves.

- name: "Test reminder everyday at 10:30 pm IST"
  when: "2020-07-10T22:30:00+05:30"
  repeat: EveryDay

- name: "Test reminder every other day at 10:30 pm IST"
  when: "2020-07-10T22:30:00+05:30"
    EveryNthDay: 2

- name: Test reminder every week at 11 am IST
  when: "2020-07-10T11:00:00+05:30"
  repeat: EveryWeek

- name: Test reminder every 3rd week at 11 am IST
  when: "2020-07-10T11:00:00+05:30"
    EveryNthWeek: 3

- name: "Test reminder every saturday and sunday at 9:15 am IST"
  when: "2020-07-10T09:15:00+05:30"
      - Sat
      - Sun

- name: "Test reminder every 2nd saturday at 9:15 am IST"
  when: "2020-07-10T09:15:00+05:30"
      n: 2
      weekday: Sat

I'll keep adding features (small or big) and keep improving the code quality while I learn more cool ways to be productive and become a better developer.