mimeograph_router 0.3.0

Codegen for a minimalistic HTTP router.

A simple request router

Designed to be wasm compatible, simple and small.

use mimeograph_router::*;

/// A request could be an `http` crate Request, or a CloudFlare
/// worker Request. Here is a very simple request:
pub struct Request {
  path: String,
  method: String

/// To use the router, implement `mimeograph_request::Request`
/// for the Request type that you are working with.
impl mimeograph_request::Request for Request {
  fn path(&self) -> Cow<'_, str> {
  fn method(&self) -> Cow<'_, str> {

/// A dummy Response type
pub struct Response {
  status: u32,
  body: String

fn get_hello(request: Request) -> Result<Response> {
  Ok(Response { status: 200, body: String::from("world") })

fn get_greeting(request: Request, name: &str) -> Result<Response> {
  Ok(Response { status: 200, body: format!("Hello, {}!", name) })

// Wildcard segment
fn foo_baz_name(request: Request, name: &str) -> Result<Response> {
  Ok(Response { status: 200, body: format!("Hello, {}!", name) })

// Glob, matches everything after /page/, ie: /page/hello/world
fn page_glob(request: Request, name) -> Result<Response> {
  Ok(Response { status: 200, body: String::from("Hello, World") })

/// All verbs are supported:
/// get, put, post, delete, head, patch, options
fn post_image(request: Request) -> Result<Response> {
  // handle request

/// The entrypoint for handling a request
pub fn handle_request(request: Request) -> Response {
    // router![] creates a closure that iterates through
    // the handlers until one is matched, then it returns
    // the matched handler's response
    let router = router![get_hello, get_greeting, foo_baz_name, page_glob];

    match router(request) {
        // Matched a route
        Ok(Ok(resp)) => resp,

        // There was an error
        Ok(Err(_err)) => {
            // convert err into an http::Response;

        // No routes matched, request is passed back
        Err(request) => {
            // provide a 404, redirect, or similar response