millennium-webview 1.0.0-beta.3

Cross-platform WebView rendering library
// Copyright 2022
//           2019-2021 Tauri Programme within The Commons Conservancy
//                     []
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
mod file_drop;
mod web_context;

use std::{
	ffi::{c_void, CStr},
	ptr::{null, null_mut},
	slice, str

#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
use cocoa::appkit::{NSView, NSViewHeightSizable, NSViewWidthSizable};
use cocoa::{
	base::{id, nil, NO, YES},
	foundation::{NSDictionary, NSFastEnumeration, NSInteger}
use core_graphics::geometry::{CGPoint, CGRect, CGSize};
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
use file_drop::{add_file_drop_methods, set_file_drop_handler};
use objc::{
	runtime::{Class, Object, Sel, BOOL}
use objc_id::Id;
pub use web_context::WebContextImpl;

#[cfg(target_os = "ios")]
use crate::application::platform::ios::WindowExtIOS;
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
use crate::application::platform::macos::WindowExtMacOS;
use crate::http::{Request as HttpRequest, RequestBuilder as HttpRequestBuilder, Response as HttpResponse};
use crate::{
		dpi::{LogicalSize, PhysicalSize},
	webview::{FileDropEvent, WebContext, WebViewAttributes},

pub struct InnerWebView {
	pub(crate) webview: id,
	#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
	pub(crate) ns_window: id,
	pub(crate) manager: id,
	// Note that if following functions signatures are changed in the future,
	// all fucntions pointer declarations in objc callbacks below all need to get updated.
	ipc_handler_ptr: *mut (Box<dyn Fn(&Window, String)>, Rc<Window>),
	nav_decide_policy_ptr: *mut Box<dyn Fn(String, bool) -> bool>,
	#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
	file_drop_ptr: *mut (Box<dyn Fn(&Window, FileDropEvent) -> bool>, Rc<Window>),
	protocol_ptrs: Vec<*mut Box<dyn Fn(&HttpRequest) -> Result<HttpResponse>>>

impl InnerWebView {
	pub fn new(window: Rc<Window>, attributes: WebViewAttributes, mut web_context: Option<&mut WebContext>) -> Result<Self> {
		// Function for ipc handler
		extern "C" fn did_receive(this: &Object, _: Sel, _: id, msg: id) {
			// Safety: objc runtime calls are unsafe
			unsafe {
				let function = this.get_ivar::<*mut c_void>("function");
				if !function.is_null() {
					let function = &mut *(*function as *mut (Box<dyn for<'r> Fn(&'r Window, String)>, Rc<Window>));
					let body: id = msg_send![msg, body];
					let utf8: *const c_char = msg_send![body, UTF8String];
					let js = CStr::from_ptr(utf8).to_str().expect("Invalid UTF8 string");

					(function.0)(&function.1, js.to_string());
				} else {
					log::warn!("WebView instance is dropped! This handler shouldn't be called.");

		// Task handler for custom protocol
		extern "C" fn start_task(this: &Object, _: Sel, _webview: id, task: id) {
			unsafe {
				let function = this.get_ivar::<*mut c_void>("function");
				if !function.is_null() {
					let function = &mut *(*function as *mut Box<dyn for<'s> Fn(&'s HttpRequest) -> Result<HttpResponse>>);

					// Get url request
					let request: id = msg_send![task, request];
					let url: id = msg_send![request, URL];

					let nsstring = {
						let s: id = msg_send![url, absoluteString];

					// Get request method (GET, POST, PUT etc...)
					let method = {
						let s: id = msg_send![request, HTTPMethod];

					// Prepare our HttpRequest
					let mut http_request = HttpRequestBuilder::new().uri(nsstring.to_str()).method(method.to_str());

					// Get body
					let mut sent_form_body = Vec::new();
					let body: id = msg_send![request, HTTPBody];
					let body_stream: id = msg_send![request, HTTPBodyStream];
					if !body.is_null() {
						let length = msg_send![body, length];
						let data_bytes: id = msg_send![body, bytes];
						sent_form_body = slice::from_raw_parts(data_bytes as *const u8, length).to_vec();
					} else if !body_stream.is_null() {
						let _: () = msg_send![body_stream, open];

						while msg_send![body_stream, hasBytesAvailable] {
							let p = sent_form_body.as_mut_ptr().add(sent_form_body.len());
							let read_length = sent_form_body.capacity() - sent_form_body.len();
							let count: usize = msg_send![body_stream, read: p maxLength: read_length];
							sent_form_body.set_len(sent_form_body.len() + count);

						let _: () = msg_send![body_stream, close];

					// Extract all headers fields
					let all_headers: id = msg_send![request, allHTTPHeaderFields];

					// get all our headers values and inject them in our request
					for current_header_ptr in all_headers.iter() {
						let header_field = NSString(current_header_ptr);
						let header_value = NSString(all_headers.valueForKey_(current_header_ptr));
						// inject the header into the request
						http_request = http_request.header(header_field.to_str(), header_value.to_str());

					// send response
					let final_request = http_request.body(sent_form_body).unwrap();
					if let Ok(sent_response) = function(&final_request) {
						let content = sent_response.body();
						// default: application/octet-stream, but should be provided by the client
						let wanted_mime = sent_response.mimetype();
						// default to 200
						let wanted_status_code = sent_response.status().as_u16() as i32;
						// default to HTTP/1.1
						let wanted_version = format!("{:#?}", sent_response.version());

						let dictionary: id = msg_send![class!(NSMutableDictionary), alloc];
						let headers: id = msg_send![dictionary, initWithCapacity:1];
						if let Some(mime) = wanted_mime {
							let () = msg_send![headers, setObject:NSString::new(mime) forKey: NSString::new("content-type")];
						let () = msg_send![headers, setObject:NSString::new(&content.len().to_string()) forKey: NSString::new("content-length")];

						// add headers
						for (name, value) in sent_response.headers().iter() {
							let header_key = name.to_string();
							if let Ok(value) = value.to_str() {
								let () = msg_send![headers, setObject:NSString::new(value) forKey: NSString::new(&header_key)];

						let urlresponse: id = msg_send![class!(NSHTTPURLResponse), alloc];
						let response: id = msg_send![urlresponse, initWithURL:url statusCode: wanted_status_code HTTPVersion:NSString::new(&wanted_version) headerFields:headers];
						let () = msg_send![task, didReceiveResponse: response];

						// Send data
						let bytes = content.as_ptr() as *mut c_void;
						let data: id = msg_send![class!(NSData), alloc];
						let data: id = msg_send![data, initWithBytesNoCopy:bytes length:content.len() freeWhenDone: if content.len() == 0 { NO } else { YES }];
						let () = msg_send![task, didReceiveData: data];
					} else {
						let urlresponse: id = msg_send![class!(NSHTTPURLResponse), alloc];
						let response: id =
							msg_send![urlresponse, initWithURL:url statusCode:404 HTTPVersion:NSString::new("HTTP/1.1") headerFields:null::<c_void>()];
						let () = msg_send![task, didReceiveResponse: response];
					// Finish
					let () = msg_send![task, didFinish];
				} else {
					log::warn!("Either WebView or WebContext instance is dropped! This handler shouldn't be called.");
		extern "C" fn stop_task(_: &Object, _: Sel, _webview: id, _task: id) {}

		// Safety: objc runtime calls are unsafe
		unsafe {
			// Config and custom protocol
			let config: id = msg_send![class!(WKWebViewConfiguration), new];
			let mut protocol_ptrs = Vec::new();
			for (name, function) in attributes.custom_protocols {
				let scheme_name = format!("{}URLSchemeHandler", name);
				let cls = ClassDecl::new(&scheme_name, class!(NSObject));
				let cls = match cls {
					Some(mut cls) => {
						cls.add_ivar::<*mut c_void>("function");
						cls.add_method(sel!(webView:startURLSchemeTask:), start_task as extern "C" fn(&Object, Sel, id, id));
						cls.add_method(sel!(webView:stopURLSchemeTask:), stop_task as extern "C" fn(&Object, Sel, id, id));
					None => Class::get(&scheme_name).expect("Failed to get the class definition")
				let handler: id = msg_send![cls, new];
				let function = Box::into_raw(Box::new(function));
				if let Some(context) = &mut web_context {
				} else {

				(*handler).set_ivar("function", function as *mut _ as *mut c_void);
				let () = msg_send![config, setURLSchemeHandler:handler forURLScheme:NSString::new(&name)];

			// Webview and manager
			let manager: id = msg_send![config, userContentController];
			let cls = match ClassDecl::new("MillenniumWebView", class!(WKWebView)) {
				Some(mut decl) => {
					#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
					add_file_drop_methods(&mut decl);
				_ => class!(MillenniumWebView)
			let webview: id = msg_send![cls, alloc];
			let _preference: id = msg_send![config, preferences];
			let _yes: id = msg_send![class!(NSNumber), numberWithBool:1];

			#[cfg(any(debug_assertions, feature = "devtools"))]
			if attributes.devtools {
				// Equivalent Obj-C:
				// [[config preferences] setValue:@YES forKey:@"developerExtrasEnabled"];
				let dev = NSString::new("developerExtrasEnabled");
				let _: id = msg_send![_preference, setValue:_yes forKey:dev];

			#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
			let _: id = msg_send![_preference, setValue:_yes forKey:NSString::new("tabFocusesLinks")];

			#[cfg(feature = "transparent")]
			if attributes.transparent {
				let no: id = msg_send![class!(NSNumber), numberWithBool:0];
				// Equivalent Obj-C:
				// [config setValue:@NO forKey:@"drawsBackground"];
				let _: id = msg_send![config, setValue:no forKey:NSString::new("drawsBackground")];

			#[cfg(feature = "fullscreen")]
			// Equivalent Obj-C:
			// [preference setValue:@YES forKey:@"fullScreenEnabled"];
			let _: id = msg_send![_preference, setValue:_yes forKey:NSString::new("fullScreenEnabled")];

			// Initialize webview with zero point
			let zero = CGRect::new(&CGPoint::new(0., 0.), &CGSize::new(0., 0.));
			let _: () = msg_send![webview, initWithFrame:zero configuration:config];

			// Auto-resize on macOS
			#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
				webview.setAutoresizingMask_(NSViewHeightSizable | NSViewWidthSizable);

			// Message handler
			let ipc_handler_ptr = if let Some(ipc_handler) = attributes.ipc_handler {
				let cls = ClassDecl::new("WebViewDelegate", class!(NSObject));
				let cls = match cls {
					Some(mut cls) => {
						cls.add_ivar::<*mut c_void>("function");
						cls.add_method(sel!(userContentController:didReceiveScriptMessage:), did_receive as extern "C" fn(&Object, Sel, id, id));
					None => class!(WebViewDelegate)
				let handler: id = msg_send![cls, new];
				let ipc_handler_ptr = Box::into_raw(Box::new((ipc_handler, window.clone())));

				(*handler).set_ivar("function", ipc_handler_ptr as *mut _ as *mut c_void);
				let ipc = NSString::new("ipc");
				let _: () = msg_send![manager, addScriptMessageHandler:handler name:ipc];
			} else {

			// Navigation handler
			extern "C" fn navigation_policy(this: &Object, _: Sel, _: id, action: id, handler: id) {
				unsafe {
					let request: id = msg_send![action, request];
					let url: id = msg_send![request, URL];
					let url: id = msg_send![url, absoluteString];
					let url = NSString(url);

					let target_frame: id = msg_send![action, targetFrame];
					let is_main_frame: bool = msg_send![target_frame, isMainFrame];

					let handler = handler as *mut block::Block<(NSInteger,), c_void>;

					let function = this.get_ivar::<*mut c_void>("function");
					if !function.is_null() {
						let function = &mut *(*function as *mut Box<dyn for<'s> Fn(String, bool) -> bool>);
						match (function)(url.to_str().to_string(), is_main_frame) {
							true => (*handler).call((1,)),
							false => (*handler).call((0,))
					} else {
						log::warn!("WebView instance is dropped! This navigation handler shouldn't be called.");

			let nav_decide_policy_ptr = if attributes.navigation_handler.is_some() || attributes.new_window_handler.is_some() {
				let cls = match ClassDecl::new("UIViewController", class!(NSObject)) {
					Some(mut cls) => {
						cls.add_ivar::<*mut c_void>("function");
							navigation_policy as extern "C" fn(&Object, Sel, id, id, id)
					None => class!(UIViewController)

				let handler: id = msg_send![cls, new];
				let function_ptr = {
					let navigation_handler = attributes.navigation_handler;
					let new_window_handler = attributes.new_window_handler;
					Box::into_raw(Box::new(Box::new(move |url: String, is_main_frame: bool| -> bool {
						if is_main_frame {
							navigation_handler.as_ref().map_or(true, |navigation_handler| (navigation_handler)(url))
						} else {
							new_window_handler.as_ref().map_or(true, |new_window_handler| (new_window_handler)(url))
					}) as Box<dyn Fn(String, bool) -> bool>))
				(*handler).set_ivar("function", function_ptr as *mut _ as *mut c_void);

				let _: () = msg_send![webview, setNavigationDelegate: handler];
			} else {

			// File upload panel handler
			extern "C" fn run_file_upload_panel(_this: &Object, _: Sel, _webview: id, open_panel_params: id, _frame: id, handler: id) {
				unsafe {
					let handler = handler as *mut block::Block<(id,), c_void>;
					let cls = class!(NSOpenPanel);
					let open_panel: id = msg_send![cls, openPanel];
					let _: () = msg_send![open_panel, setCanChooseFiles: YES];
					let allow_multi: BOOL = msg_send![open_panel_params, allowsMultipleSelection];
					let _: () = msg_send![open_panel, setAllowsMultipleSelection: allow_multi];
					let allow_dir: BOOL = msg_send![open_panel_params, allowsDirectories];
					let _: () = msg_send![open_panel, setCanChooseDirectories: allow_dir];
					let ok: NSInteger = msg_send![open_panel, runModal];
					if ok == 1 {
						let url: id = msg_send![open_panel, URLs];
					} else {

			let ui_delegate = match ClassDecl::new("WebViewUIDelegate", class!(NSObject)) {
				Some(mut ctl) => {
						run_file_upload_panel as extern "C" fn(&Object, Sel, id, id, id, id)
				None => class!(WebViewUIDelegate)
			let ui_delegate: id = msg_send![ui_delegate, new];
			let _: () = msg_send![webview, setUIDelegate: ui_delegate];

			// File drop handling
			#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
			let file_drop_ptr = match attributes.file_drop_handler {
				// if we have a file_drop_handler defined, use the defined handler
				Some(file_drop_handler) => set_file_drop_handler(webview, window.clone(), file_drop_handler),
				// prevent panic by using a blank handler
				None => set_file_drop_handler(webview, window.clone(), Box::new(|_, _| false))

			// ns window is required for the print operation
			#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
			let ns_window = {
				let ns_window = window.ns_window() as id;

				let can_set_titlebar_style: BOOL = msg_send![ns_window, respondsToSelector: sel!(setTitlebarSeparatorStyle:)];
				if can_set_titlebar_style == YES {
					// `1` means `none`, see
					let () = msg_send![ns_window, setTitlebarSeparatorStyle: 1];


			let w = Self {
				#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
				#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]

			// Initialize scripts
				r#"Object.defineProperty(window, 'ipc', {
					value: Object.freeze({postMessage: function(s) {window.webkit.messageHandlers.ipc.postMessage(s);}})
			for js in attributes.initialization_scripts {

			// Set user agent
			if let Some(user_agent) = attributes.user_agent {

			// Navigation
			if let Some(url) = attributes.url {
				if url.cannot_be_a_base() {
					let s = url.as_str();
					if let Some(pos) = s.find(',') {
						let (_, path) = s.split_at(pos + 1);
				} else {
			} else if let Some(html) = attributes.html {

			// Inject the web view into the window as main content
			#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
				// Tell the webview we use layers (macOS only)
				let _: () = msg_send![webview, setWantsLayer: YES];
				// inject the webview into the window
				let ns_window = window.ns_window() as id;
				let _: () = msg_send![ns_window, setContentView: webview];

				// make sure the window is always on top when we create a new webview
				let app_class = class!(NSApplication);
				let app: id = msg_send![app_class, sharedApplication];
				let _: () = msg_send![app, activateIgnoringOtherApps: YES];

			#[cfg(target_os = "ios")]
				let ui_window = window.ui_window() as id;
				let _: () = msg_send![ui_window, setContentView: webview];


	pub fn eval(&self, js: &str) -> Result<()> {
		// Safety: objc runtime calls are unsafe
		unsafe {
			let _: id = msg_send![self.webview, evaluateJavaScript:NSString::new(js) completionHandler:null::<*const c_void>()];

	fn init(&self, js: &str) {
		// Safety: objc runtime calls are unsafe
		// Equivalent Obj-C:
		// [manager addUserScript:[[WKUserScript alloc] initWithSource:[NSString
		// stringWithUTF8String:js.c_str()]
		// injectionTime:WKUserScriptInjectionTimeAtDocumentStart forMainFrameOnly:YES]]
		unsafe {
			let userscript: id = msg_send![class!(WKUserScript), alloc];
			let script: id =
				// FIXME: We allow subframe injection because webview2 does and cannot be disabled (currently).
				// once webview2 allows disabling all-frame script injection, forMainFrameOnly should be enabled
				// if it does not break anything. (originally added for isolation pattern).
				msg_send![userscript, initWithSource:NSString::new(js) injectionTime:0 forMainFrameOnly:0];
			let _: () = msg_send![self.manager, addUserScript: script];

	fn navigate(&self, url: &str) {
		// Safety: objc runtime calls are unsafe
		unsafe {
			let url: id = msg_send![class!(NSURL), URLWithString: NSString::new(url)];
			let request: id = msg_send![class!(NSURLRequest), requestWithURL: url];
			let () = msg_send![self.webview, loadRequest: request];

	fn navigate_to_string(&self, html: &str) {
		// Safety: objc runtime calls are unsafe
		unsafe {
			let url: id = msg_send![class!(NSURL), URLWithString: NSString::new("http://localhost")];
			let () = msg_send![self.webview, loadHTMLString:NSString::new(html) baseURL:url];

	fn set_user_agent(&self, user_agent: &str) {
		unsafe {
			let () = msg_send![self.webview, setCustomUserAgent: NSString::new(user_agent)];

	pub fn print(&self) {
		// Safety: objc runtime calls are unsafe
		#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
		unsafe {
			let can_print: BOOL = msg_send![self.webview, respondsToSelector: sel!(printOperationWithPrintInfo:)];
			if can_print == YES {
				// Create a shared print info
				let print_info: id = msg_send![class!(NSPrintInfo), sharedPrintInfo];
				let print_info: id = msg_send![print_info, init];
				// Create new print operation from the webview content
				let print_operation: id = msg_send![self.webview, printOperationWithPrintInfo: print_info];
				// Allow the modal to detach from the current thread and be non-blocker
				let () = msg_send![print_operation, setCanSpawnSeparateThread: YES];
				// Launch the modal
				let () = msg_send![print_operation, runOperationModalForWindow: self.ns_window delegate: null::<*const c_void>() didRunSelector: null::<*const c_void>() contextInfo: null::<*const c_void>()];

	pub fn focus(&self) {}

	#[cfg(any(debug_assertions, feature = "devtools"))]
	pub fn open_devtools(&self) {
		#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
		unsafe {
			// taken from <>
			let tool: id = msg_send![self.webview, _inspector];
			let _: id = msg_send![tool, show];

	#[cfg(any(debug_assertions, feature = "devtools"))]
	pub fn close_devtools(&self) {
		#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
		unsafe {
			// taken from <>
			let tool: id = msg_send![self.webview, _inspector];
			let _: id = msg_send![tool, close];

	#[cfg(any(debug_assertions, feature = "devtools"))]
	pub fn is_devtools_open(&self) -> bool {
		#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
		unsafe {
			// taken from <>
			let tool: id = msg_send![self.webview, _inspector];
			let is_visible: objc::runtime::BOOL = msg_send![tool, isVisible];
			is_visible == objc::runtime::YES
		#[cfg(not(target_os = "macos"))]

	#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
	pub fn inner_size(&self, scale_factor: f64) -> PhysicalSize<u32> {
		let view_frame = unsafe { NSView::frame(self.webview) };
		let logical: LogicalSize<f64> = (view_frame.size.width as f64, view_frame.size.height as f64).into();

	pub fn zoom(&self, scale_factor: f64) {
		unsafe {
			let _: () = msg_send![self.webview, setPageZoom: scale_factor];

pub fn platform_webview_version() -> Result<String> {
	unsafe {
		let bundle: id = msg_send![class!(NSBundle), bundleWithIdentifier: NSString::new("")];
		let dict: id = msg_send![bundle, infoDictionary];
		let webkit_version: id = msg_send![dict, objectForKey: NSString::new("CFBundleVersion")];
		let nsstring = NSString(webkit_version);
		let () = msg_send![bundle, unload];

impl Drop for InnerWebView {
	fn drop(&mut self) {
		// We need to drop handler closures here
		unsafe {
			if !self.ipc_handler_ptr.is_null() {
				let _ = Box::from_raw(self.ipc_handler_ptr);

			if !self.nav_decide_policy_ptr.is_null() {
				let _ = Box::from_raw(self.nav_decide_policy_ptr);

			#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
			if !self.file_drop_ptr.is_null() {
				let _ = Box::from_raw(self.file_drop_ptr);

			for ptr in self.protocol_ptrs.iter() {
				if !ptr.is_null() {
					let _ = Box::from_raw(*ptr);

			let _: Id<_> = Id::from_retained_ptr(self.webview);
			let _: Id<_> = Id::from_retained_ptr(self.manager);

const UTF8_ENCODING: usize = 4;

struct NSString(id);

impl NSString {
	fn new(s: &str) -> Self {
		// Safety: objc runtime calls are unsafe
		NSString(unsafe {
			let ns_string: id = msg_send![class!(NSString), alloc];
			let ns_string: id = msg_send![ns_string, initWithBytes:s.as_ptr() length:s.len() encoding:UTF8_ENCODING];
			let _: () = msg_send![ns_string, autorelease];

	fn to_str(&self) -> &str {
		unsafe {
			let bytes: *const c_char = msg_send![self.0, UTF8String];
			let len = msg_send![self.0, lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding: UTF8_ENCODING];
			let bytes = slice::from_raw_parts(bytes as *const u8, len);