millennium-core 1.0.0-beta.3

Cross-platform window management library for Millennium
// Copyright 2022
//           2019-2021 Tauri Programme within The Commons Conservancy
//                     []
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

use std::{
		atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering},
		Arc, Mutex, Weak

use cocoa::{
		self, CGFloat, NSApp, NSApplication, NSApplicationPresentationOptions, NSColor, NSEvent, NSRequestUserAttentionType, NSScreen, NSView, NSWindow,
		NSWindowButton, NSWindowOrderingMode, NSWindowStyleMask
	base::{id, nil},
	foundation::{NSArray, NSAutoreleasePool, NSDictionary, NSPoint, NSRect, NSSize, NSString, NSUInteger}
use core_graphics::display::{CGDisplay, CGDisplayMode};
use objc::{
	runtime::{Class, Object, Sel, BOOL, NO, YES}
use raw_window_handle::{AppKitHandle, RawWindowHandle};

use super::{util::ns_string_to_rust, Menu};
use crate::{
	dpi::{LogicalPosition, LogicalSize, PhysicalPosition, PhysicalSize, Position, Size, Size::Logical},
	error::{ExternalError, NotSupportedError, OsError as RootOsError},
	monitor::{MonitorHandle as RootMonitorHandle, VideoMode as RootVideoMode},
		ffi, menu,
		monitor::{self, MonitorHandle, VideoMode},
		util::{self, IdRef},
		view::{self, new_view, CursorState},
	window::{CursorIcon, Fullscreen, Theme, UserAttentionType, WindowAttributes, WindowId as RootWindowId}

#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct Id(pub usize);

impl Id {
	pub unsafe fn dummy() -> Self {

// Convert the `cocoa::base::id` associated with a window to a usize to use as a
// unique identifier for the window.
pub fn get_window_id(window_cocoa_id: id) -> Id {
	Id(window_cocoa_id as *const Object as _)

pub enum Parent {
	ChildOf(*mut c_void)

pub struct PlatformSpecificWindowBuilderAttributes {
	pub parent: Parent,
	pub movable_by_window_background: bool,
	pub titlebar_transparent: bool,
	pub title_hidden: bool,
	pub titlebar_hidden: bool,
	pub titlebar_buttons_hidden: bool,
	pub fullsize_content_view: bool,
	pub resize_increments: Option<LogicalSize<f64>>,
	pub disallow_hidpi: bool,
	pub has_shadow: bool,
	pub preferred_theme: Option<Theme>

impl Default for PlatformSpecificWindowBuilderAttributes {
	fn default() -> Self {
		Self {
			parent: Parent::None,
			movable_by_window_background: false,
			titlebar_transparent: false,
			title_hidden: false,
			titlebar_hidden: false,
			titlebar_buttons_hidden: false,
			fullsize_content_view: false,
			resize_increments: None,
			disallow_hidpi: false,
			has_shadow: true,
			preferred_theme: None

unsafe fn create_view(ns_window: id, pl_attribs: &PlatformSpecificWindowBuilderAttributes) -> Option<(IdRef, Weak<Mutex<CursorState>>)> {
	let (ns_view, cursor_state) = new_view(ns_window);
	ns_view.non_nil().map(|ns_view| {
		if !pl_attribs.disallow_hidpi {

		// On Mojave, views automatically become layer-backed shortly after being added
		// to a window. Changing the layer-backedness of a view breaks the association
		// between the view and its associated OpenGL context. To work around this, on
		// Mojave we explicitly make the view layer-backed up front so that AppKit
		// doesn't do it itself and break the association with its context.
		if f64::floor(appkit::NSAppKitVersionNumber) > appkit::NSAppKitVersionNumber10_12 {

		(ns_view, cursor_state)

fn create_window(attrs: &WindowAttributes, pl_attrs: &PlatformSpecificWindowBuilderAttributes) -> Option<IdRef> {
	unsafe {
		let pool = NSAutoreleasePool::new(nil);
		let screen = match attrs.fullscreen {
			Some(Fullscreen::Borderless(Some(RootMonitorHandle { inner: ref monitor })))
			| Some(Fullscreen::Exclusive(RootVideoMode {
				video_mode: VideoMode { ref monitor, .. }
			})) => {
				let monitor_screen = monitor.ns_screen();
				Some(monitor_screen.unwrap_or_else(|| appkit::NSScreen::mainScreen(nil)))
			Some(Fullscreen::Borderless(None)) => Some(appkit::NSScreen::mainScreen(nil)),
			None => None
		let frame = match screen {
			Some(screen) => NSScreen::frame(screen),
			None => {
				let screen = NSScreen::mainScreen(nil);
				let scale_factor = NSScreen::backingScaleFactor(screen) as f64;
				let (width, height) = match attrs.inner_size {
					Some(size) => {
						let logical = size.to_logical(scale_factor);
						(logical.width, logical.height)
					None => (800.0, 600.0)
				let (left, bottom) = match attrs.position {
					Some(position) => {
						let logical = util::window_position(position.to_logical(scale_factor));
						// macOS wants the position of the bottom left corner,
						// but caller is setting the position of top left corner
						(logical.x, logical.y - height)
					// This value is ignored by calling below
					None => (0.0, 0.0)
				NSRect::new(NSPoint::new(left, bottom), NSSize::new(width, height))

		let mut masks = if !attrs.decorations && screen.is_none() || pl_attrs.titlebar_hidden {
			// Resizable UnownedWindow without a titlebar or borders
			// if decorations is set to false, ignore pl_attrs
			NSWindowStyleMask::NSBorderlessWindowMask | NSWindowStyleMask::NSResizableWindowMask | NSWindowStyleMask::NSMiniaturizableWindowMask
		} else {
			// default case, resizable window with titlebar and titlebar buttons
				| NSWindowStyleMask::NSMiniaturizableWindowMask
				| NSWindowStyleMask::NSResizableWindowMask
				| NSWindowStyleMask::NSTitledWindowMask

		if !attrs.resizable {
			masks &= !NSWindowStyleMask::NSResizableWindowMask;

		if pl_attrs.fullsize_content_view {
			masks |= NSWindowStyleMask::NSFullSizeContentViewWindowMask;

		let ns_window: id = msg_send![WINDOW_CLASS.0, alloc];
		let ns_window = IdRef::new(ns_window.initWithContentRect_styleMask_backing_defer_(frame, masks, appkit::NSBackingStoreBuffered, NO));
		let res = ns_window.non_nil().map(|ns_window| {
			let title = util::ns_string_id_ref(&attrs.title);

			if pl_attrs.titlebar_transparent {
			if pl_attrs.title_hidden {
			if pl_attrs.titlebar_buttons_hidden {
				for titlebar_button in &[
				] {
					let button = ns_window.standardWindowButton_(*titlebar_button);
					let _: () = msg_send![button, setHidden: YES];
			if pl_attrs.movable_by_window_background {

			if attrs.always_on_top {
				let _: () = msg_send![*ns_window, setLevel: ffi::NSWindowLevel::NSFloatingWindowLevel];

			if let Some(increments) = pl_attrs.resize_increments {
				let (x, y) = (increments.width, increments.height);
				if x >= 1.0 && y >= 1.0 {
					let size = NSSize::new(x as CGFloat, y as CGFloat);

			if let Parent::ChildOf(parent) = pl_attrs.parent {
				let _: () = msg_send![parent as id, addChildWindow: *ns_window ordered: NSWindowOrderingMode::NSWindowAbove];

			if !pl_attrs.has_shadow {
			if attrs.position.is_none() {;
			if let Some(window_menu) = attrs.window_menu.clone() {


pub(super) fn get_ns_theme() -> Theme {
	unsafe {
		let mut appearances: Vec<id> = Vec::new();
		let app_class = class!(NSApplication);
		let app: id = msg_send![app_class, sharedApplication];
		let has_theme: BOOL = msg_send![app, respondsToSelector: sel!(effectiveAppearance)];
		if has_theme == NO {
			return Theme::Light;
		let appearance: id = msg_send![app, effectiveAppearance];
		let name: id = msg_send![appearance, bestMatchFromAppearancesWithNames: NSArray::arrayWithObjects(nil, &appearances)];
		let name = ns_string_to_rust(name);
		match &name[..] {
			"NSAppearanceNameDarkAqua" => Theme::Dark,
			_ => Theme::Light

pub(super) fn set_ns_theme(theme: Theme) {
	let name = match theme {
		Theme::Dark => "NSAppearanceNameDarkAqua",
		Theme::Light => "NSAppearanceNameAqua"
	unsafe {
		let app_class = class!(NSApplication);
		let app: id = msg_send![app_class, sharedApplication];
		let has_theme: BOOL = msg_send![app, respondsToSelector: sel!(effectiveAppearance)];
		if has_theme == YES {
			let name = NSString::alloc(nil).init_str(name);
			let appearance: id = msg_send![class!(NSAppearance), appearanceNamed: name];
			let _: () = msg_send![app, setAppearance: appearance];

struct WindowClass(*const Class);
unsafe impl Send for WindowClass {}
unsafe impl Sync for WindowClass {}

lazy_static! {
	static ref WINDOW_CLASS: WindowClass = unsafe {
		let window_superclass = class!(NSWindow);
		let mut decl = ClassDecl::new("MillenniumWindow", window_superclass).unwrap();
		decl.add_method(sel!(canBecomeMainWindow), util::yes as extern "C" fn(&Object, Sel) -> BOOL);
		decl.add_method(sel!(canBecomeKeyWindow), util::yes as extern "C" fn(&Object, Sel) -> BOOL);
		decl.add_method(sel!(sendEvent:), send_event as extern "C" fn(&Object, Sel, id));

extern "C" fn send_event(this: &Object, _sel: Sel, event: id) {
	unsafe {
		let event_type = event.eventType();
		match event_type {
			appkit::NSLeftMouseDown => {
				// When WKWebView is set on NSWindow, `WindowBuilder::with_movable_by_window_background` does not work.
				// Because of this, we need to invoke `[NSWindow performWindowDragWithEvent]` in the NSLeftMouseDown
				// event manually.
				let is_movable_window: BOOL = msg_send![this, isMovableByWindowBackground];
				if is_movable_window == YES {
					let _: () = msg_send![this, performWindowDragWithEvent: event];
			_ => ()

		let superclass = util::superclass(this);
		let _: () = msg_send![super(this, superclass), sendEvent: event];

pub struct SharedState {
	pub resizable: bool,
	pub fullscreen: Option<Fullscreen>,
	// This is true between windowWillEnterFullScreen and windowDidEnterFullScreen
	// or windowWillExitFullScreen and windowDidExitFullScreen.
	// We must not toggle fullscreen when this is true.
	pub in_fullscreen_transition: bool,
	// If it is attempted to toggle fullscreen when in_fullscreen_transition is true,
	// Set target_fullscreen and do after fullscreen transition is end.
	pub target_fullscreen: Option<Option<Fullscreen>>,
	pub maximized: bool,
	pub standard_frame: Option<NSRect>,
	is_simple_fullscreen: bool,
	pub saved_style: Option<NSWindowStyleMask>,
	/// Presentation options saved before entering `set_simple_fullscreen`, and
	/// restored upon exiting it. Also used when transitioning from Borderless
	/// to Exclusive fullscreen in `set_fullscreen` because we need to disable
	/// the menu bar in exclusive fullscreen but want to restore the original
	/// options when transitioning back to borderless fullscreen.
	save_presentation_opts: Option<NSApplicationPresentationOptions>,
	pub saved_desktop_display_mode: Option<(CGDisplay, CGDisplayMode)>,
	pub current_theme: Theme

impl SharedState {
	pub fn saved_standard_frame(&self) -> NSRect {
			.unwrap_or_else(|| NSRect::new(NSPoint::new(50.0, 50.0), NSSize::new(800.0, 600.0)))

impl From<WindowAttributes> for SharedState {
	fn from(attribs: WindowAttributes) -> Self {
		SharedState {
			resizable: attribs.resizable,
			// This fullscreen field tracks the current state of the window
			// (as seen by `WindowDelegate`), and since the window hasn't
			// actually been fullscreened yet, we can't set it yet. This is
			// necessary for state transitions to work right, since otherwise
			// the initial value and the first `set_fullscreen` call would be
			// identical, resulting in a no-op.
			fullscreen: None,
			maximized: attribs.maximized,

pub struct UnownedWindow {
	pub ns_window: IdRef, // never changes
	pub ns_view: IdRef,   // never changes
	input_context: IdRef, // never changes
	pub shared_state: Arc<Mutex<SharedState>>,
	decorations: AtomicBool,
	cursor_state: Weak<Mutex<CursorState>>,
	pub inner_rect: Option<PhysicalSize<u32>>

unsafe impl Send for UnownedWindow {}
unsafe impl Sync for UnownedWindow {}

impl UnownedWindow {
	pub fn new(mut win_attribs: WindowAttributes, pl_attribs: PlatformSpecificWindowBuilderAttributes) -> Result<(Arc<Self>, IdRef), RootOsError> {
		unsafe {
			let is_main_thread: BOOL = msg_send!(class!(NSThread), isMainThread);
			if is_main_thread == NO {
				panic!("Windows can only be created on the main thread on macOS");
		trace!("Creating new window");

		let pool = unsafe { NSAutoreleasePool::new(nil) };
		let ns_window = create_window(&win_attribs, &pl_attribs).ok_or_else(|| {
			unsafe { pool.drain() };
			os_error!(OsError::CreationError("Couldn't create `NSWindow`"))

		let (ns_view, cursor_state) = unsafe { create_view(*ns_window, &pl_attribs) }.ok_or_else(|| {
			unsafe { pool.drain() };
			os_error!(OsError::CreationError("Couldn't create `NSView`"))

		// Configure the new view as the "key view" for the window
		unsafe {

		let input_context = unsafe { util::create_input_context(*ns_view) };

		let scale_factor = unsafe { NSWindow::backingScaleFactor(*ns_window) as f64 };

		unsafe {
			if win_attribs.transparent {
			}|dim| {
				let logical_dim = dim.to_logical(scale_factor);
				set_min_inner_size(*ns_window, logical_dim)
			});|dim| {
				let logical_dim = dim.to_logical(scale_factor);
				set_max_inner_size(*ns_window, logical_dim)

			use cocoa::foundation::NSArray;
			// register for drag and drop operations.
			let () = msg_send![*ns_window, registerForDraggedTypes: NSArray::arrayWithObject(nil, appkit::NSFilenamesPboardType)];

		// Since `win_attribs` is put into a mutex below, we'll just copy these
		// attributes now instead of bothering to lock it later.
		// Also, `SharedState` doesn't carry `fullscreen` over; it's set
		// indirectly by us calling `set_fullscreen` below, causing handlers in
		// `WindowDelegate` to update the state.
		let fullscreen = win_attribs.fullscreen.take();
		let maximized = win_attribs.maximized;
		let visible = win_attribs.visible;
		let decorations = win_attribs.decorations;
		let inner_rect =|size| size.to_physical(scale_factor));

		let window = Arc::new(UnownedWindow {
			shared_state: Arc::new(Mutex::new(win_attribs.into())),
			decorations: AtomicBool::new(decorations),

		match pl_attribs.preferred_theme {
			Some(theme) => {
				let mut state = window.shared_state.lock().unwrap();
				state.current_theme = theme;
			None => {
				let mut state = window.shared_state.lock().unwrap();
				state.current_theme = get_ns_theme();

		let delegate = new_delegate(&window, fullscreen.is_some());

		// Set fullscreen mode after we setup everything

		// Setting the window as key has to happen *after* we set the fullscreen
		// state, since otherwise we'll briefly see the window at normal size
		// before it transitions.
		if visible {
			// Tightly linked with `app_state::window_activation_hack`
			unsafe { window.ns_window.makeKeyAndOrderFront_(nil) };

		if maximized {

		unsafe { pool.drain() };

		Ok((window, delegate))

	fn set_style_mask_async(&self, mask: NSWindowStyleMask) {
		unsafe { util::set_style_mask_async(*self.ns_window, *self.ns_view, mask) };

	fn set_style_mask_sync(&self, mask: NSWindowStyleMask) {
		unsafe { util::set_style_mask_sync(*self.ns_window, *self.ns_view, mask) };

	pub fn id(&self) -> Id {

	pub fn set_title(&self, title: &str) {
		unsafe {
			util::set_title_async(*self.ns_window, title.to_string());

	pub fn set_menu(&self, menu: Option<Menu>) {
		// TODO: if None, we should set an empty menu. On Windows we can remove it, but on macOS we can't
		if let Some(menu) = menu {

	pub fn set_visible(&self, visible: bool) {
		match visible {
			true => unsafe { util::make_key_and_order_front_async(*self.ns_window) },
			false => unsafe { util::order_out_async(*self.ns_window) }

	// Shortener for set_visible(true)
	pub fn set_focus(&self) {
		unsafe {
			let is_minimized: BOOL = msg_send![*self.ns_window, isMiniaturized];
			if is_minimized == NO {

	pub fn request_redraw(&self) {

	pub fn outer_position(&self) -> Result<PhysicalPosition<i32>, NotSupportedError> {
		let frame_rect = unsafe { NSWindow::frame(*self.ns_window) };
		let position = LogicalPosition::new(frame_rect.origin.x as f64, util::bottom_left_to_top_left(frame_rect));
		let scale_factor = self.scale_factor();

	pub fn inner_position(&self) -> Result<PhysicalPosition<i32>, NotSupportedError> {
		let content_rect = unsafe { NSWindow::contentRectForFrameRect_(*self.ns_window, NSWindow::frame(*self.ns_window)) };
		let position = LogicalPosition::new(content_rect.origin.x as f64, util::bottom_left_to_top_left(content_rect));
		let scale_factor = self.scale_factor();

	pub fn set_outer_position(&self, position: Position) {
		let scale_factor = self.scale_factor();
		let position = position.to_logical(scale_factor);
		unsafe {
			util::set_frame_top_left_point_async(*self.ns_window, util::window_position(position));

	pub fn inner_size(&self) -> PhysicalSize<u32> {
		let view_frame = unsafe { NSView::frame(*self.ns_view) };
		let logical: LogicalSize<f64> = (view_frame.size.width as f64, view_frame.size.height as f64).into();
		let scale_factor = self.scale_factor();

	pub fn outer_size(&self) -> PhysicalSize<u32> {
		let view_frame = unsafe { NSWindow::frame(*self.ns_window) };
		let logical: LogicalSize<f64> = (view_frame.size.width as f64, view_frame.size.height as f64).into();
		let scale_factor = self.scale_factor();

	pub fn set_inner_size(&self, size: Size) {
		unsafe {
			let scale_factor = self.scale_factor();
			util::set_content_size_async(*self.ns_window, size.to_logical(scale_factor));

	pub fn set_min_inner_size(&self, dimensions: Option<Size>) {
		unsafe {
			let dimensions = dimensions.unwrap_or(Logical(LogicalSize { width: 0.0, height: 0.0 }));
			let scale_factor = self.scale_factor();
			set_min_inner_size(*self.ns_window, dimensions.to_logical(scale_factor));

	pub fn set_max_inner_size(&self, dimensions: Option<Size>) {
		unsafe {
			let dimensions = dimensions.unwrap_or(Logical(LogicalSize {
				width: std::f32::MAX as f64,
				height: std::f32::MAX as f64
			let scale_factor = self.scale_factor();
			set_max_inner_size(*self.ns_window, dimensions.to_logical(scale_factor));

	pub fn set_resizable(&self, resizable: bool) {
		let fullscreen = {
			trace!("Locked shared state in `set_resizable`");
			let mut shared_state_lock = self.shared_state.lock().unwrap();
			shared_state_lock.resizable = resizable;
			trace!("Unlocked shared state in `set_resizable`");
		if !fullscreen {
			let mut mask = unsafe { self.ns_window.styleMask() };
			if resizable {
				mask |= NSWindowStyleMask::NSResizableWindowMask;
			} else {
				mask &= !NSWindowStyleMask::NSResizableWindowMask;
		} // Otherwise, we don't change the mask until we exit fullscreen.

	pub fn set_cursor_icon(&self, cursor: CursorIcon) {
		let cursor = util::Cursor::from(cursor);
		if let Some(cursor_access) = self.cursor_state.upgrade() {
			cursor_access.lock().unwrap().cursor = cursor;
		unsafe {
			let _: () = msg_send![*self.ns_window,

	pub fn set_cursor_grab(&self, grab: bool) -> Result<(), ExternalError> {
		// TODO: Do this for real
		CGDisplay::associate_mouse_and_mouse_cursor_position(!grab).map_err(|status| ExternalError::Os(os_error!(OsError::CGError(status))))

	pub fn set_cursor_visible(&self, visible: bool) {
		if let Some(cursor_access) = self.cursor_state.upgrade() {
			let mut cursor_state = cursor_access.lock().unwrap();
			if visible != cursor_state.visible {
				cursor_state.visible = visible;
				unsafe {
					let _: () = msg_send![*self.ns_window,

	pub fn scale_factor(&self) -> f64 {
		unsafe { NSWindow::backingScaleFactor(*self.ns_window) as _ }

	pub fn set_cursor_position(&self, cursor_position: Position) -> Result<(), ExternalError> {
		let physical_window_position = self.inner_position().unwrap();
		let scale_factor = self.scale_factor();
		let window_position = physical_window_position.to_logical::<CGFloat>(scale_factor);
		let logical_cursor_position = cursor_position.to_logical::<CGFloat>(scale_factor);
		let point = appkit::CGPoint {
			x: logical_cursor_position.x + window_position.x,
			y: logical_cursor_position.y + window_position.y
		CGDisplay::warp_mouse_cursor_position(point).map_err(|e| ExternalError::Os(os_error!(OsError::CGError(e))))?;
		CGDisplay::associate_mouse_and_mouse_cursor_position(true).map_err(|e| ExternalError::Os(os_error!(OsError::CGError(e))))?;


	pub fn drag_window(&self) -> Result<(), ExternalError> {
		unsafe {
			let event: id = msg_send![NSApp(), currentEvent];
			let _: () = msg_send![*self.ns_window, performWindowDragWithEvent: event];


	pub(crate) fn is_zoomed(&self) -> bool {
		// because `isZoomed` doesn't work if the window's borderless,
		// we make it resizable temporalily.
		let curr_mask = unsafe { self.ns_window.styleMask() };

		let required = NSWindowStyleMask::NSTitledWindowMask | NSWindowStyleMask::NSResizableWindowMask;
		let needs_temp_mask = !curr_mask.contains(required);
		if needs_temp_mask {

		let is_zoomed: BOOL = unsafe { msg_send![*self.ns_window, isZoomed] };

		// Roll back temp styles
		if needs_temp_mask {

		is_zoomed != NO

	fn saved_style(&self, shared_state: &mut SharedState) -> NSWindowStyleMask {
		let base_mask = shared_state.saved_style.take().unwrap_or_else(|| unsafe { self.ns_window.styleMask() });
		if shared_state.resizable {
			base_mask | NSWindowStyleMask::NSResizableWindowMask
		} else {
			base_mask & !NSWindowStyleMask::NSResizableWindowMask

	/// This is called when the window is exiting fullscreen, whether by the
	/// user clicking on the green fullscreen button or programmatically by
	/// `toggleFullScreen:`
	pub(crate) fn restore_state_from_fullscreen(&self) {
		trace!("Locked shared state in `restore_state_from_fullscreen`");
		let mut shared_state_lock = self.shared_state.lock().unwrap();

		shared_state_lock.fullscreen = None;

		let maximized = shared_state_lock.maximized;
		let mask = self.saved_style(&mut *shared_state_lock);

		trace!("Unocked shared state in `restore_state_from_fullscreen`");


	pub fn set_minimized(&self, minimized: bool) {
		let is_minimized: BOOL = unsafe { msg_send![*self.ns_window, isMiniaturized] };
		let is_minimized: bool = is_minimized == YES;
		if is_minimized == minimized {

		if minimized {
			unsafe {
				NSWindow::miniaturize_(*self.ns_window, *self.ns_window);
		} else {
			unsafe {
				NSWindow::deminiaturize_(*self.ns_window, *self.ns_window);

	pub fn set_maximized(&self, maximized: bool) {
		let is_zoomed = self.is_zoomed();
		if is_zoomed == maximized {
		unsafe {
			util::set_maximized_async(*self.ns_window, is_zoomed, maximized, Arc::downgrade(&self.shared_state));

	pub fn fullscreen(&self) -> Option<Fullscreen> {
		let shared_state_lock = self.shared_state.lock().unwrap();

	pub fn is_visible(&self) -> bool {
		let is_visible: BOOL = unsafe { msg_send![*self.ns_window, isVisible] };
		is_visible == YES

	pub fn is_resizable(&self) -> bool {
		let is_resizable: BOOL = unsafe { msg_send![*self.ns_window, isResizable] };
		is_resizable == YES

	pub fn is_decorated(&self) -> bool {
		let current_mask = unsafe { self.ns_window.styleMask() };
		if current_mask == NSWindowStyleMask::NSMiniaturizableWindowMask | NSWindowStyleMask::NSResizableWindowMask {
			return false;

	pub fn set_fullscreen(&self, fullscreen: Option<Fullscreen>) {
		trace!("Locked shared state in `set_fullscreen`");
		let mut shared_state_lock = self.shared_state.lock().unwrap();
		if shared_state_lock.is_simple_fullscreen {
			trace!("Unlocked shared state in `set_fullscreen`");
		if shared_state_lock.in_fullscreen_transition {
			// We can't set fullscreen here.
			// Set fullscreen after transition.
			shared_state_lock.target_fullscreen = Some(fullscreen);
			trace!("Unlocked shared state in `set_fullscreen`");
		let old_fullscreen = shared_state_lock.fullscreen.clone();
		if fullscreen == old_fullscreen {
			trace!("Unlocked shared state in `set_fullscreen`");
		trace!("Unlocked shared state in `set_fullscreen`");

		// If the fullscreen is on a different monitor, we must move the window
		// to that monitor before we toggle fullscreen (as `toggleFullScreen`
		// does not take a screen parameter, but uses the current screen)
		if let Some(ref fullscreen) = fullscreen {
			let new_screen = match fullscreen {
				Fullscreen::Borderless(borderless) => {
					let RootMonitorHandle { inner: monitor } = borderless.clone().unwrap_or_else(|| self.current_monitor_inner());
				Fullscreen::Exclusive(RootVideoMode {
					video_mode: VideoMode { ref monitor, .. }
				}) => monitor.clone()

			unsafe {
				let old_screen = NSWindow::screen(*self.ns_window);
				if old_screen != new_screen {
					let mut screen_frame: NSRect = msg_send![new_screen, frame];
					// The coordinate system here has its origin at bottom-left
					// and Y goes up
					screen_frame.origin.y += screen_frame.size.height;
					util::set_frame_top_left_point_async(*self.ns_window, screen_frame.origin);

		if let Some(Fullscreen::Exclusive(ref video_mode)) = fullscreen {
			// Note: `enterFullScreenMode:withOptions:` seems to do the exact
			// same thing as we're doing here (captures the display, sets the
			// video mode, and hides the menu bar and dock), with the exception
			// of that I couldn't figure out how to set the display mode with
			// it. I think `enterFullScreenMode:withOptions:` is still using the
			// older display mode API where display modes were of the type
			// `CFDictionary`, but this has changed, so we can't obtain the
			// correct parameter for this any longer. Apple's code samples for
			// this function seem to just pass in "YES" for the display mode
			// parameter, which is not consistent with the docs saying that it
			// takes a `NSDictionary`..

			let display_id = video_mode.monitor().inner.native_identifier();

			let mut fade_token = ffi::kCGDisplayFadeReservationInvalidToken;

			if matches!(old_fullscreen, Some(Fullscreen::Borderless(_))) {
				unsafe {
					let app = NSApp();
					trace!("Locked shared state in `set_fullscreen`");
					let mut shared_state_lock = self.shared_state.lock().unwrap();
					shared_state_lock.save_presentation_opts = Some(app.presentationOptions_());

			unsafe {
				// Fade to black (and wait for the fade to complete) to hide the
				// flicker from capturing the display and switching display mode
				if ffi::CGAcquireDisplayFadeReservation(5.0, &mut fade_token) == ffi::kCGErrorSuccess {
					ffi::CGDisplayFade(fade_token, 0.3, ffi::kCGDisplayBlendNormal, ffi::kCGDisplayBlendSolidColor, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ffi::TRUE);

				assert_eq!(ffi::CGDisplayCapture(display_id), ffi::kCGErrorSuccess);

			unsafe {
				let result = ffi::CGDisplaySetDisplayMode(display_id, video_mode.video_mode.native_mode.0, std::ptr::null());
				assert!(result == ffi::kCGErrorSuccess, "failed to set video mode");

				// After the display has been configured, fade back in
				// asynchronously
				if fade_token != ffi::kCGDisplayFadeReservationInvalidToken {
					ffi::CGDisplayFade(fade_token, 0.6, ffi::kCGDisplayBlendSolidColor, ffi::kCGDisplayBlendNormal, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ffi::FALSE);

		trace!("Locked shared state in `set_fullscreen`");
		let mut shared_state_lock = self.shared_state.lock().unwrap();
		shared_state_lock.fullscreen = fullscreen.clone();
		trace!("Unlocked shared state in `set_fullscreen`");

		match (&old_fullscreen, &fullscreen) {
			(&None, &Some(_)) => unsafe {
				util::toggle_full_screen_async(*self.ns_window, *self.ns_view, old_fullscreen.is_none(), Arc::downgrade(&self.shared_state));
			(&Some(Fullscreen::Borderless(_)), &None) => unsafe {
				// State is restored by `window_did_exit_fullscreen`
				util::toggle_full_screen_async(*self.ns_window, *self.ns_view, old_fullscreen.is_none(), Arc::downgrade(&self.shared_state));
			(&Some(Fullscreen::Exclusive(RootVideoMode { ref video_mode })), &None) => unsafe {
				// Rest of the state is restored by `window_did_exit_fullscreen`
				util::toggle_full_screen_async(*self.ns_window, *self.ns_view, old_fullscreen.is_none(), Arc::downgrade(&self.shared_state));
			(&Some(Fullscreen::Borderless(_)), &Some(Fullscreen::Exclusive(_))) => unsafe {
				// If we're already in fullscreen mode, calling
				// `CGDisplayCapture` will place the shielding window on top of
				// our window, which results in a black display and is not what
				// we want. So, we must place our window on top of the shielding
				// window. Unfortunately, this also makes our window be on top
				// of the menu bar, and this looks broken, so we must make sure
				// that the menu bar is disabled. This is done in the window
				// delegate in `window:willUseFullScreenPresentationOptions:`.
				let app = NSApp();
				trace!("Locked shared state in `set_fullscreen`");
				shared_state_lock.save_presentation_opts = Some(app.presentationOptions_());

				let presentation_options = NSApplicationPresentationOptions::NSApplicationPresentationFullScreen
					| NSApplicationPresentationOptions::NSApplicationPresentationHideDock
					| NSApplicationPresentationOptions::NSApplicationPresentationHideMenuBar;

				let () = msg_send![*self.ns_window, setLevel: ffi::CGShieldingWindowLevel() + 1];
			(&Some(Fullscreen::Exclusive(RootVideoMode { ref video_mode })), &Some(Fullscreen::Borderless(_))) => unsafe {
				let presentation_options = shared_state_lock.save_presentation_opts.unwrap_or_else(|| {
						| NSApplicationPresentationOptions::NSApplicationPresentationAutoHideDock
						| NSApplicationPresentationOptions::NSApplicationPresentationAutoHideMenuBar


				// Restore the normal window level following the Borderless fullscreen
				// `CGShieldingWindowLevel() + 1` hack.
				let () = msg_send![*self.ns_window, setLevel: ffi::NSWindowLevel::NSNormalWindowLevel];
			_ => {}
		trace!("Unlocked shared state in `set_fullscreen`");

	pub fn set_decorations(&self, decorations: bool) {
		if decorations != self.decorations.load(Ordering::Acquire) {, Ordering::Release);

			let (fullscreen, resizable) = {
				trace!("Locked shared state in `set_decorations`");
				let shared_state_lock = self.shared_state.lock().unwrap();
				trace!("Unlocked shared state in `set_decorations`");
				(shared_state_lock.fullscreen.is_some(), shared_state_lock.resizable)

			// If we're in fullscreen mode, we wait to apply decoration changes
			// until we're in `window_did_exit_fullscreen`.
			if fullscreen {

			let new_mask = {
				let mut new_mask = if decorations {
						| NSWindowStyleMask::NSMiniaturizableWindowMask
						| NSWindowStyleMask::NSResizableWindowMask
						| NSWindowStyleMask::NSTitledWindowMask
				} else {
					NSWindowStyleMask::NSBorderlessWindowMask | NSWindowStyleMask::NSResizableWindowMask
				if !resizable {
					new_mask &= !NSWindowStyleMask::NSResizableWindowMask;

	pub fn set_always_on_top(&self, always_on_top: bool) {
		let level = if always_on_top {
		} else {
		unsafe { util::set_level_async(*self.ns_window, level) };

	pub fn set_window_icon(&self, _icon: Option<Icon>) {
		// macOS doesn't have window icons. Though, there is
		// `setRepresentedFilename`, but that's semantically distinct and should
		// only be used when the window is in some way representing a specific
		// file/directory. For instance, uses this for the CWD.
		// Anyway, that should eventually be implemented as
		// `WindowBuilderExt::with_represented_file` or something, and doesn't
		// have anything to do with `set_window_icon`.

	pub fn set_ime_position(&self, spot: Position) {
		let scale_factor = self.scale_factor();
		let logical_spot = spot.to_logical(scale_factor);
		unsafe {
			view::set_ime_position(*self.ns_view, *self.input_context, logical_spot.x, logical_spot.y);

	pub fn request_user_attention(&self, request_type: Option<UserAttentionType>) {
		let ns_request_type =|ty| match ty {
			UserAttentionType::Critical => NSRequestUserAttentionType::NSCriticalRequest,
			UserAttentionType::Informational => NSRequestUserAttentionType::NSInformationalRequest
		unsafe {
			if let Some(ty) = ns_request_type {

	pub fn hide_menu(&self) {}

	pub fn show_menu(&self) {}

	pub fn is_menu_visible(&self) -> bool {
		warn!("`Window::is_menu_visible` always return true on macOS");

	// Allow directly accessing the current monitor internally without unwrapping.
	pub(crate) fn current_monitor_inner(&self) -> RootMonitorHandle {
		unsafe {
			let screen: id = msg_send![*self.ns_window, screen];
			let desc = NSScreen::deviceDescription(screen);
			let key = util::ns_string_id_ref("NSScreenNumber");
			let value = NSDictionary::valueForKey_(desc, *key);
			let display_id: NSUInteger = msg_send![value, unsignedIntegerValue];
			RootMonitorHandle {
				inner: MonitorHandle::new(display_id.try_into().unwrap())

	pub fn current_monitor(&self) -> Option<RootMonitorHandle> {

	pub fn available_monitors(&self) -> VecDeque<MonitorHandle> {

	pub fn primary_monitor(&self) -> Option<RootMonitorHandle> {
		let monitor = monitor::primary_monitor();
		Some(RootMonitorHandle { inner: monitor })

	pub fn raw_window_handle(&self) -> RawWindowHandle {
		let mut handle = AppKitHandle::empty();
		handle.ns_window = *self.ns_window as *mut _;
		handle.ns_view = *self.ns_view as *mut _;

impl WindowExtMacOS for UnownedWindow {
	fn ns_window(&self) -> *mut c_void {
		*self.ns_window as *mut _

	fn ns_view(&self) -> *mut c_void {
		*self.ns_view as *mut _

	fn simple_fullscreen(&self) -> bool {
		let shared_state_lock = self.shared_state.lock().unwrap();

	fn set_simple_fullscreen(&self, fullscreen: bool) -> bool {
		let mut shared_state_lock = self.shared_state.lock().unwrap();

		unsafe {
			let app = NSApp();
			let is_native_fullscreen = shared_state_lock.fullscreen.is_some();
			let is_simple_fullscreen = shared_state_lock.is_simple_fullscreen;

			// Do nothing if native fullscreen is active.
			if is_native_fullscreen || (fullscreen && is_simple_fullscreen) || (!fullscreen && !is_simple_fullscreen) {
				return false;

			if fullscreen {
				// Remember the original window's settings
				// Exclude title bar
				shared_state_lock.standard_frame = Some(NSWindow::contentRectForFrameRect_(*self.ns_window, NSWindow::frame(*self.ns_window)));
				shared_state_lock.saved_style = Some(self.ns_window.styleMask());
				shared_state_lock.save_presentation_opts = Some(app.presentationOptions_());

				// Tell our window's state that we're in fullscreen
				shared_state_lock.is_simple_fullscreen = true;

				// Simulate pre-Lion fullscreen by hiding the dock and menu bar
				let presentation_options = NSApplicationPresentationOptions::NSApplicationPresentationAutoHideDock
					| NSApplicationPresentationOptions::NSApplicationPresentationAutoHideMenuBar;

				// Hide the titlebar
				util::toggle_style_mask(*self.ns_window, *self.ns_view, NSWindowStyleMask::NSTitledWindowMask, false);

				// Set the window frame to the screen frame size
				let screen = self.ns_window.screen();
				let screen_frame = NSScreen::frame(screen);
				NSWindow::setFrame_display_(*self.ns_window, screen_frame, YES);

				// Fullscreen windows can't be resized, minimized, or moved
				util::toggle_style_mask(*self.ns_window, *self.ns_view, NSWindowStyleMask::NSMiniaturizableWindowMask, false);
				util::toggle_style_mask(*self.ns_window, *self.ns_view, NSWindowStyleMask::NSResizableWindowMask, false);
				NSWindow::setMovable_(*self.ns_window, NO);

			} else {
				let new_mask = self.saved_style(&mut *shared_state_lock);
				shared_state_lock.is_simple_fullscreen = false;

				if let Some(presentation_opts) = shared_state_lock.save_presentation_opts {

				let frame = shared_state_lock.saved_standard_frame();
				NSWindow::setFrame_display_(*self.ns_window, frame, YES);
				NSWindow::setMovable_(*self.ns_window, YES);


	fn has_shadow(&self) -> bool {
		unsafe { self.ns_window.hasShadow() == YES }

	fn set_has_shadow(&self, has_shadow: bool) {
		unsafe { self.ns_window.setHasShadow_(if has_shadow { YES } else { NO }) }

	fn theme(&self) -> Theme {
		let state = self.shared_state.lock().unwrap();

impl Drop for UnownedWindow {
	fn drop(&mut self) {
		trace!("Dropping `UnownedWindow` ({:?})", self as *mut _);
		// Close the window if it has not yet been closed.
		if *self.ns_window != nil {
			unsafe { util::close_async(self.ns_window.clone()) };

unsafe fn set_min_inner_size<V: NSWindow + Copy>(window: V, mut min_size: LogicalSize<f64>) {
	let mut current_rect = NSWindow::frame(window);
	let content_rect = NSWindow::contentRectForFrameRect_(window, NSWindow::frame(window));
	// Convert from client area size to window size
	min_size.width += (current_rect.size.width - content_rect.size.width) as f64; // this tends to be 0
	min_size.height += (current_rect.size.height - content_rect.size.height) as f64;
	window.setMinSize_(NSSize {
		width: min_size.width as CGFloat,
		height: min_size.height as CGFloat
	// If necessary, resize the window to match constraint
	if current_rect.size.width < min_size.width {
		current_rect.size.width = min_size.width;
		window.setFrame_display_(current_rect, NO)
	if current_rect.size.height < min_size.height {
		// The origin point of a rectangle is at its bottom left in Cocoa.
		// To ensure the window's top-left point remains the same:
		current_rect.origin.y += current_rect.size.height - min_size.height;
		current_rect.size.height = min_size.height;
		window.setFrame_display_(current_rect, NO)

unsafe fn set_max_inner_size<V: NSWindow + Copy>(window: V, mut max_size: LogicalSize<f64>) {
	let mut current_rect = NSWindow::frame(window);
	let content_rect = NSWindow::contentRectForFrameRect_(window, NSWindow::frame(window));
	// Convert from client area size to window size
	max_size.width += (current_rect.size.width - content_rect.size.width) as f64; // this tends to be 0
	max_size.height += (current_rect.size.height - content_rect.size.height) as f64;
	window.setMaxSize_(NSSize {
		width: max_size.width as CGFloat,
		height: max_size.height as CGFloat
	// If necessary, resize the window to match constraint
	if current_rect.size.width > max_size.width {
		current_rect.size.width = max_size.width;
		window.setFrame_display_(current_rect, NO)
	if current_rect.size.height > max_size.height {
		// The origin point of a rectangle is at its bottom left in Cocoa.
		// To ensure the window's top-left point remains the same:
		current_rect.origin.y += current_rect.size.height - max_size.height;
		current_rect.size.height = max_size.height;
		window.setFrame_display_(current_rect, NO)