migra 1.0.0

Migra is a simple library for managing SQL in your application
//! # Migra
//! Migra is a simple library for managing SQL in your application.
//! For example, if you have a task list application, you can update the local user database from version to version.
//! This is main crate for [migra-cli](https://crates.io/crates/migra-cli), which allows you to manege SQL for web
//! servers in any program language without being bound to SQL frameworks.
//! ## Installation
//! Add `migra = { version = "1.0" }` as a dependency in `Cargo.toml`.
//! This crate has not required predefined database clients in features with similar name.
//! If you want to add them, just install crate with additional features (`postgres`, `mysql`, `sqlite`).
//! `Cargo.toml` example:
//! ```toml
//! [package]
//! name = "my-crate"
//! version = "0.1.0"
//! authors = ["Me <user@rust-lang.org>"]
//! [dependencies]
//! migra = { version = "1.0", features = ["postgres"] }
//! ```
//! ## Basic usage
//! **Note:** This example requires to enable `sqlite` feature.
//! ```rust
//! use migra::clients::{OpenDatabaseConnection, SqliteClient};
//! use migra::managers::{ManageTransaction, ManageMigrations};
//! fn main() -> migra::Result<()> {
//!     let mut client = SqliteClient::new(":memory:")?;
//!     client.create_migrations_table()?;
//!     let mut migrations = client.get_applied_migrations()?;
//!     client
//!         .begin_transaction()
//!         .and_then(|_| {
//!             migrations.should_run_upgrade_migration(
//!                 &mut client,
//!                 "20210615_initial_migration",
//!                 r#"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tasks (
//!                     title TEXT NOT NULL
//!                 );"#,
//!             )?;
//!             Ok(())
//!         })
//!         .and_then(|res| client.commit_transaction().and(Ok(res)))
//!         .or_else(|err| client.rollback_transaction().and(Err(err)));
//!     Ok(())
//! }
//! ```
//! ### Supported databases
//! | Database Client | Feature      |
//! |-----------------|--------------|
//! | `Postgres`      | postgres     |
//! | `MySQL`         | mysql        |
//! | `Sqlite`        | sqlite       |
#![deny(clippy::all, clippy::pedantic)]
// TODO: add missing errors doc

/// Includes additional client tools and contains predefined
/// database clients that have been enabled in the features.
pub mod clients;

/// Includes all types of errors that uses in the crate.
pub mod errors;

/// Includes utilities that use the file system to work.
pub mod fs;

/// Includes all the basic traits that will allow you
/// to create your own client.
pub mod managers;

/// Includes basic structures of migration and migration
/// lists, that are used in managers and fs utils.
pub mod migration;

pub use errors::{Error, MigraResult as Result, StdResult};
pub use migration::{List as MigrationList, Migration};