micromath 0.1.0

Embedded math library featuring fast, safe floating point approximations for common arithmetic operations, 2D and 3D vector types, and statistical analysis.
name        = "micromath"
description = """
              Embedded math library featuring fast, safe floating point
              approximations for common arithmetic operations, 2D and 3D
              vector types, and statistical analysis.
version     = "0.1.0" # Also update html_root_url in lib.rs when bumping this
authors     = ["Tony Arcieri <bascule@gmail.com>"]
license     = "Apache-2.0 OR MIT"
homepage    = "https://neobirth.org"
repository  = "https://github.com/NeoBirth/micromath"
readme      = "README.md"
edition     = "2018"
categories  = ["embedded", "no-std"]
keywords    = ["math", "vector"]

generic-array = { version = "0.12", default-features = false }

default = ["statistics", "vector"]
statistics = []
vector = []