microkelvin 0.16.0-rkyv.0

A library for tree traversal over annotated datastructures
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// Copyright (c) DUSK NETWORK. All rights reserved.

use core::borrow::Borrow;
use rand::{prelude::SliceRandom, thread_rng};

mod linked_list;
use linked_list::LinkedList;

use bytecheck::CheckBytes;
use rend::LittleEndian;
use rkyv::{Archive, Deserialize, Serialize};

use microkelvin::{
    Annotation, Cardinality, Combine, Compound, FindMaxKey, Keyed, MaxKey,
    OffsetLen, Primitive,

#[derive(Clone, Archive, Serialize, Debug, Deserialize, CheckBytes)]
#[archive(as = "Self")]
#[archive(bound(archive = "
  K: Primitive,
  MaxKey<K>: Primitive,
struct Anno<K> {
    max: MaxKey<K>,
    card: Cardinality,

impl<K> Default for Anno<K> {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            max: Default::default(),
            card: Default::default(),

impl<K> Borrow<MaxKey<K>> for Anno<K> {
    fn borrow(&self) -> &MaxKey<K> {

impl<K> Borrow<Cardinality> for Anno<K> {
    fn borrow(&self) -> &Cardinality {

impl<Leaf, K> Annotation<Leaf> for Anno<K>
    Leaf: Keyed<K>,
    K: Primitive + Ord + Clone,
    fn from_leaf(leaf: &Leaf) -> Self {
        Anno {
            max: MaxKey::from_leaf(leaf),
            card: Cardinality::from_leaf(leaf),

impl<K, A> Combine<A> for Anno<K>
    K: Clone + Ord,
    A: Borrow<MaxKey<K>> + Borrow<Cardinality> + Archive<Archived = A>,
    fn combine(&mut self, other: &A) {

    PartialEq, Clone, Debug, Archive, Serialize, Deserialize, CheckBytes,
#[archive(as = "Self")]
struct TestLeaf {
    key: LittleEndian<u64>,
    other: (),

impl Keyed<LittleEndian<u64>> for TestLeaf {
    fn key(&self) -> &LittleEndian<u64> {

fn maximum_multiple() {
    let n: u64 = 1024;

    let mut keys = vec![];

    for i in 0..n {

    keys.shuffle(&mut thread_rng());

    let mut list = LinkedList::<_, Anno<LittleEndian<u64>>, OffsetLen>::new();

    for key in keys {
        let key: LittleEndian<u64> = key.into();
        list.push(TestLeaf { key, other: () });

    let max = list.walk(FindMaxKey::default()).expect("Some(Branch)");

        TestLeaf {
            key: 1023.into(),
            other: ()