microbit 0.9.0

Board support crate for the BBC Micro:bit


microbit on crates.io microbit on docs.rs

microbit contains everything required to get started with the use of Rust to create firmwares for the fabulous BBC micro:bit microcontroller board. This little board has everything and a kitchen sink built-in, even a capable debugging interface, so all that one needs to get going with programming this device is:

  • A BBC micro:bit board (at the moment v1 only)
  • A computer (macOS and Linux work perfectly, Windows tested as well)
  • A bit of open source software

Some very preliminary examples of using this crate can be found here in this repo or here on my blog.

A guide to embedded development with Rust on the microbit using this crate can be found in the MicroRust book.

The BBC micro:bit and this crate is compatible with the fantastic tooling provided by the knurling project. If you haven't done so already, installing probe-run and playing around with the examples is highly recommended:

# cargo install probe-run
# cargo run --release --example led_blocking
   Compiling microbit v0.8.0
    Finished release [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 15.39s
     Running `probe-run --chip nRF51822_xxAA target/thumbv6m-none-eabi/release/examples/led_blocking`
  (HOST) INFO  flashing program (1.95 KiB)
  (HOST) INFO  success!
RTT logs not available; blocking until the device halts..


0-clause BSD license.