micro_quest 0.1.0

Structures and systems for managing game dialog & quests
# Micro Quest

Data and systems for structuring quests and dialogue, with an optional Bevy integration. 

## Usage

### Installation

Include in your `Cargo.toml`:

micro-quest = { version = "0.1", features = ["bevy"] }

### In Code

This crate provides the structures required to work with `.quest` toml files, as created
by Micro Forge, a game asset editor.

With the `bevy` feature enabled, you get a `QuestLog` as a resource, and a loader for `.quest` files. 
There is also an `AssetServerQuestLocator` that will use the asset server to locate quests (It will attempt to
respect named sub assets while resolving the ID to an asset path).

/* If you're using bevy, add the plugin to configure resources and loaders */
fn main() {

fn some_system(quest_log: Res<QuestLog>, assets: AssetServerQuestLocator) {
    // Assuming that the quest has been added to the log at some other point
   log::info!("My First Quest: {:?}", quest_log.get_quest_state("quests/QuestList#MyFirstQuest", assets));