micro_http_async 0.0.7

A small, lightweight crate using async to serve web pages or webapis with high performance and low overhead.


What is it for?

A small, lightweight crate using async to serve web pages or webapis with high performance and low overhead.

How do I use it?

Firstly, install the crate and dependencies:

micro_http_async = "*"
tokio = "1.1"

This crate is designed to abstract away many of the low level code required to run a safe, asynchrynous web server

Here is a small example which shows how to route, use asynchrynous callbacks and load webpage templates from HTML files.

For the HTML files included, please go to the repository and check the templates folder.

Static files also included.

To run the included example (which is the example seen below), run cargo run --example hello_world, and visit

Please note this is probably not the final API


/// Small example to show the functionings of the crate. Read the comments to see how everything 
/// functions

use micro_http_async::HttpServer;
use micro_http_async::Request;
use micro_http_async::HtmlConstructor;
use micro_http_async::Vars;
use micro_http_async::Variable;
use micro_http_async::Response;

/// # main handler
/// main handler is a test to test our route and function callbacks work
/// And it does!
/// The way it works is that we run test_handler when we recieve a connection. 
/// Then, this handler manipulates the request (for post info, or other info etc)
/// after, we return the response as a string. It is then served to the user.
/// The syntax is a bit weird but if it works it works. I'll try fix it :')
/// It should return a pinned box future result that implements send
fn main_handler(request: Request) -> std::pin::Pin<Box<dyn std::future::Future<Output = Result<String, String>> + Send>>{
println!("REQ: {:?}", request.raw_request);
// We wrap the return_str as a future, so we can return it for our routing system to call await on
// This works better than making the whole function a future, since doing that causes race errors.
// By returning a Pinned Boxed future, we define it as a future so it works. Just looks a bit odd
let return_future = async move { 
let mut vars = Vars::new();
let test_string = "This string will be outputted dynamically to the web page!".to_string();

vars.insert("test_var".to_string(), Variable::String(test_string));

// This part will check we have a get request parameter with "name"
// If we do, we will set a dynamic variable to the key value.
// It will show how to handle get request parameters
if request.get_request.contains_key("name"){
let name = format!("Hello, {}!", request.get_request.get("name").unwrap().to_string());
vars.insert("name".to_string(), Variable::String(name));
vars.insert("name".to_string(), Variable::String("".to_string()));

let page = HtmlConstructor::construct_page(Response::from(200), "./templates/index.html", vars).await;


return Box::pin(return_future);

/// We have to define a custom error handler, which defines what to do when we have a 404
/// Not doing this WILL result in an unrecoverable panic.
fn error_handler(request: Request) -> std::pin::Pin<Box<dyn std::future::Future<Output = Result<String, String>> + Send>>{
println!("Connection error!");

println!("Get: {:?}", request.raw_request);
let return_future = async move {      
let mut vars = Vars::new();
let test_string = format!("Could not load webpage at <code>{}</code>", request.uri);
vars.insert("uri".to_string(), Variable::String(test_string));

let page = HtmlConstructor::construct_page(Response::ClientErr, "./templates/err.html", vars).await;


return Box::pin(return_future);

/// # main
/// Does what it says, just sets up the server and routes
/// then listens for incoming connections
pub async fn main() {
let mut http_server = HttpServer::new("", "8080").await.expect("Error binding to IP/Port");

// must be placed on heap so it can be allocated at runtime (alternative is static)
http_server.routes.add_route("/".to_string(), Box::pin(main_handler)).await;
http_server.routes.add_route("err".to_string(), Box::pin(error_handler)).await;


This crate aims only to simplify webapi or lightweight web creation - not intended to run full scale web apps like chatrooms or other high intensity applications. It implements a simple asynchrynous routing system (Made using hashmaps for speed and efficiency) as well as asynchrynous file loading and more.

The demo above uses 0% CPU under no load, and less than 10mb of memory under usage