micro-timer 0.1.2

Dumb tiny logging timer
# Micro-timer

This crate exposes a simple procedural macro that logs you how much time was spent during each call of the function it wraps.

## Installing

In ``Cargo.toml``: 

micro-timer = "0.1.2"
log = "0.4.8"

The community-standard ``log`` crate is used for output. In reality, since procedural macros don't have hygiene, you could define `log` as being anything that has the same interface as the `log` crate.

## Usage

use micro_timer::timed;
/// Expose the `log` crate as `crate::log`.
use log;

fn my_func() {
    // code here

fn main() {
    // Use any standard logger you want. 
    // In this case, we're using `simple_logger`

## Result

$ RUST_LOG=trace ./my-program
2020-02-27 14:27:01,097 TRACE [my_crate::my_module] Duration of `my_func`: 2.024734ms