mica 0.7.1

A simple, user-friendly, embeddable scripting language
//! NaN-boxed values. These are much less portable than the enum implementation, but each values
//! takes up half as much space (8 bytes vs 16 bytes).

use std::hint::unreachable_unchecked;

use crate::ll::{
    gc::{GcMem, GcRaw},
    value::{Closure, Dict, List, Struct, Trait, UserData, ValueCommon, ValueKind},

fn _size_and_alignment_checks() {
    // If any of these checks fail, your platform cannot use NaN boxing.
    const _: () = {
        assert!(std::mem::size_of::<*const ()>() == 8);
        assert!(std::mem::align_of::<Struct>() >= 8);
        assert!(std::mem::align_of::<Closure>() >= 8);
        assert!(std::mem::align_of::<Box<dyn UserData>>() >= 8);

/// The NaN-boxed implementation of values.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub(crate) struct ValueImpl(u64);

impl ValueImpl {
    const QNAN: u64 = 0b1111111111111 << 50;
    const SIGN_BIT: u64 = 1 << 63;

    // We use the sign bit for disambiguating between "enum" values and "object" values.
    // Enum values are ones that only have one instance, ie. `nil`, `true`, `false`.
    // Object values are ones that are stored in `Rc`s.
    const SIGN_ENUM: u64 = 0;
    const SIGN_OBJECT: u64 = 1;

    const PAYLOAD_BITS: u64 = !(Self::SIGN_BIT | Self::QNAN);

    // SIGN_ENUM payload bits.
    // Note that the bits start from 1; that is because processors produce a payload of 0 on invalid
    // operations such as dividing zero by zero.
    const ENUM_NIL: u64 = 1;
    const ENUM_FALSE: u64 = 2;
    const ENUM_TRUE: u64 = 3;

    // SIGN_OBJECT kind bits.
    // We exploit the fact that objects are aligned to 8 bytes to pack the object type into the
    // three least significant bits of the number.
    const OBJECT_STRING: u64 = 0;
    const OBJECT_FUNCTION: u64 = 1;
    const OBJECT_STRUCT: u64 = 2;
    const OBJECT_TRAIT: u64 = 3;
    const OBJECT_USER_DATA: u64 = 4;
    const OBJECT_LIST: u64 = 5;
    const OBJECT_DICT: u64 = 6;
    // NOTE: Be careful with adding more types! We're limited to supporting up to eight (the enum
    // value must be <= 7), consider using user data whenever it would make sense.

    /// The set of bits used for the object tag.
    /// The tag is three bits used to determine the type of the object.
    const OBJECT_TAG_BITS: u64 = 0b111;
    /// The set of bits used for the object pointer.
    const OBJECT_POINTER_BITS: u64 = !(Self::SIGN_BIT | Self::QNAN | Self::OBJECT_TAG_BITS);

    const NIL_BITS: u64 = Self::enum_nan_bits(Self::ENUM_NIL);
    const FALSE_BITS: u64 = Self::enum_nan_bits(Self::ENUM_FALSE);
    const TRUE_BITS: u64 = Self::enum_nan_bits(Self::ENUM_TRUE);

    /// Creates a new value from a normal float.
    fn from_float(f: f64) -> Self {
        // This function produces a valid bit pattern so it's safe to call.
        Self(unsafe { std::mem::transmute(f) })

    /// Returns the bit pattern of a NaN.
    const fn nan_bits(sign: u64, payload: u64) -> u64 {
        assert!(payload < (1 << 50), "NaN payload out of range");
        Self::QNAN | (sign << 63) | payload

    /// Creates a new value from a NaN.
    const fn new_nan(sign: u64, payload: u64) -> Self {
        Self(Self::nan_bits(sign, payload))

    /// Returns the bit pattern of an enum NaN with the given payload.
    const fn enum_nan_bits(payload: u64) -> u64 {
        Self::nan_bits(Self::SIGN_ENUM, payload)

    /// Creates a new object NaN with a type tag from a `GcRaw`.
    unsafe fn new_object_nan<T>(tag: u64, gc: GcRaw<T>) -> Self {
        // This cast is fine because `_size_and_alignment_checks` ensures that the size of
        // a usize == size of u64 (8 bytes).
        let pointer = gc.get_raw() as usize as u64;
        Self::new_nan(Self::SIGN_OBJECT, pointer | tag)

    /// Returns whether this value is a number (non-NaN or NaN with a zero payload).
    fn is_number(&self) -> bool {
        (self.0 & Self::QNAN != Self::QNAN) || (self.0 & Self::PAYLOAD_BITS == 0)

    /// Returns whether the value represents an object.
    fn is_object(&self) -> bool {
        (self.0 & Self::SIGN_BIT) == Self::SIGN_BIT && !self.is_number()

    /// Returns the object tag bits. Assumes the value is an object.
    unsafe fn object_tag(&self) -> u64 {
        self.0 & Self::OBJECT_TAG_BITS

    /// Returns the object pointer. Assumes the value is an object.
    unsafe fn object_pointer<T>(&self) -> *const T {
        (self.0 & Self::OBJECT_POINTER_BITS) as usize as *const T

    // The functions below do not perform any checks on what's inside, they just blindly
    // transmute the value to a different type.

    unsafe fn as_float(&self) -> &f64 {

    unsafe fn as_gc<T>(&self) -> GcRaw<T> {
        let pointer: *const GcMem<T> = self.object_pointer();

impl ValueCommon for ValueImpl {
    fn new_nil() -> Self {

    fn new_boolean(b: bool) -> Self {
        Self(match b {
            true => Self::TRUE_BITS,
            false => Self::FALSE_BITS,

    fn new_number(n: f64) -> Self {

    fn new_string(s: GcRaw<String>) -> Self {
        unsafe { Self::new_object_nan(Self::OBJECT_STRING, s) }

    fn new_function(f: GcRaw<Closure>) -> Self {
        unsafe { Self::new_object_nan(Self::OBJECT_FUNCTION, f) }

    fn new_struct(s: GcRaw<Struct>) -> Self {
        unsafe { Self::new_object_nan(Self::OBJECT_STRUCT, s) }

    fn new_trait(t: GcRaw<Trait>) -> Self {
        unsafe { Self::new_object_nan(Self::OBJECT_TRAIT, t) }

    fn new_list(l: GcRaw<List>) -> Self {
        unsafe { Self::new_object_nan(Self::OBJECT_LIST, l) }

    fn new_dict(l: GcRaw<Dict>) -> Self {
        unsafe { Self::new_object_nan(Self::OBJECT_DICT, l) }

    fn new_user_data(u: GcRaw<Box<dyn UserData>>) -> Self {
        unsafe { Self::new_object_nan(Self::OBJECT_USER_DATA, u) }

    fn kind(&self) -> ValueKind {
        match self {
            _ if self.0 == Self::NIL_BITS => ValueKind::Nil,
            _ if self.0 == Self::TRUE_BITS || self.0 == Self::FALSE_BITS => ValueKind::Boolean,
            _ if self.is_object() => unsafe {
                match self.object_tag() {
                    Self::OBJECT_STRING => ValueKind::String,
                    Self::OBJECT_FUNCTION => ValueKind::Function,
                    Self::OBJECT_STRUCT => ValueKind::Struct,
                    Self::OBJECT_TRAIT => ValueKind::Trait,
                    Self::OBJECT_USER_DATA => ValueKind::UserData,
                    Self::OBJECT_LIST => ValueKind::List,
                    Self::OBJECT_DICT => ValueKind::Dict,
                    _ => unreachable_unchecked(),
            // Assume every other bit pattern is a valid number.
            _ => ValueKind::Number,

    unsafe fn get_boolean_unchecked(&self) -> bool {
        ((self.0 & Self::PAYLOAD_BITS) - Self::ENUM_FALSE) != 0

    unsafe fn get_number_unchecked(&self) -> &f64 {

    unsafe fn get_raw_string_unchecked(&self) -> GcRaw<String> {

    unsafe fn get_raw_function_unchecked(&self) -> GcRaw<Closure> {

    unsafe fn get_raw_struct_unchecked(&self) -> GcRaw<Struct> {

    unsafe fn get_raw_trait_unchecked(&self) -> GcRaw<Trait> {

    unsafe fn get_raw_list_unchecked(&self) -> GcRaw<List> {

    unsafe fn get_raw_dict_unchecked(&self) -> GcRaw<Dict> {

    unsafe fn get_raw_user_data_unchecked(&self) -> GcRaw<Box<dyn UserData>> {

impl PartialEq for ValueImpl {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        // NOTE: This must be done correctly for ordinary NaNs, where NaN != NaN.
        if self.is_number() && other.is_number() {
            return *unsafe { self.as_float() } == *unsafe { other.as_float() };
        } else if self.is_object()
            && other.is_object()
            && unsafe { self.object_tag() == other.object_tag() }
            unsafe {
                match self.object_tag() {
                    Self::OBJECT_STRING => {
                        let a = self.as_gc::<String>().get();
                        let b = other.as_gc::<String>().get();
                        return a == b;
                    Self::OBJECT_LIST => {
                        let a = self.as_gc::<List>().get();
                        let b = other.as_gc::<List>().get();
                        return a == b;
                    Self::OBJECT_DICT => {
                        let a = self.as_gc::<Dict>().get();
                        let b = other.as_gc::<Dict>().get();
                        return a == b;
                    _ => (),
        self.0 == other.0