miau 0.1.1

Async aware and extensible layered configuration system

authors = ["Radosław Kot <rdkt13@gmail.com>"]

categories = ["asynchronous", "config"]

description = "Async aware and extensible layered configuration system"

edition = "2018"

exclude = [







homepage = "https://github.com/szarykott/miau"

keywords = ["configuration", "async", "config", "layered"]

license-file = "LICENSE.md"

name = "miau"

readme = "README.md"

repository = "https://github.com/szarykott/miau"

version = "0.1.1"

# See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html


all = ["ini", "json", "msgpack", "serde_json5", "serde_toml", "yaml"]

ini = ["serde_ini"]

json = ["serde_json"]

msgpack = ["rmp-serde"]

serde_json5 = ["json5"]

serde_toml = ["toml"]

yaml = ["serde_yaml"]


async-trait = {version = "0.1.42"}

futures = {version = "0.3.8"}

serde = {version = "1.0.118", features = ["derive"]}

# optional dependencies

json5 = {version = "0.3.0", optional = true}

rmp-serde = {version = "0.15.0", optional = true}

serde_ini = {version = "0.2.0", optional = true}

serde_json = {version = "1.0.60", optional = true}

serde_yaml = {version = "0.8.14", optional = true}

toml = {version = "0.5.8", optional = true}


rmp-serde = {version = "0.15.0"}

rstest = {version = "0.6.4"}

serde_json = {version = "1.0.60"}

serde_yaml = {version = "0.8.14"}

tokio = {version = "0.3.5", features = ["rt", "rt-multi-thread", "macros", "fs", "io-util"]}