mh-z19c 0.3.0

Pure rust implementation to read out the Winsen MH-Z19C CO2 sensor.

MH-Z19C crate

Pure rust implementation to read out the Winsen MH-Z19C CO2 sensor.

This crate provides an API to read-out the nondispersive infrared (NDIR) CO₂ sensor MH-Z19C by Winsen via the serial (UART) interface.

The provided API supports non-blocking usage and is no_std.


use mh_z19c::MhZ19C;
use nb::block;

let mut co2sensor = MhZ19C::new(uart);
let co2 = block!(co2sensor.read_co2_ppm())?;
println!("CO₂ concentration: {}ppm", co2);

To activate features of a sensor with a firmware of version 5:

let mut co2sensor = block!(co2sensor.upgrade_to_v5())?;
let co2_temp = block!(co2sensor.read_co2_and_temp())?;
println!("Temperature: {}°C", co2_temp.temp_celsius);


This crate uses Semantic Versioning.


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