mfc-cloner 0.1.0

A way to facilitate easy cloning of mifare classic cards


What is mfcc?

Mfcc is a way to facilitate easy cloning of mifare classic cards.

It is a wrapper around libnfc and mfoc that streamlines the decrypting and writing process.

Mfcc features include

  • Writing a source file to a blank card
  • Overwriting a previously written card with another source file


Requires libnfc-1.7.1 and a NFC contactless reader. I used a ACS NFC ACR122U RFID Contactless Smart IC Card Reader.



cargo install mfc-cloner

Write to a blank mifare classic card

mfcc write-blank <card-uid> <source-file>

Overwrite a mifare classic card

mfcc overwite --key <-file> <source-file>