meval 0.2.0

A simple math expression parser and evaluator.
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# meval

This [Rust] crate provides a simple math expression parsing and evaluation. Its main goal is to
be convenient to use, while allowing for some flexibility. Currently works only with `f64`
types. A typical use case is the configuration of numerical computations in
Rust, think initial data and boundary conditions, via config files or command line arguments.

## Documentation

- [Full API documentation]

## Installation

Simply add the corresponding entry to your `Cargo.toml` dependency list:

meval = "0.2"

and add this to your crate root:

extern crate meval;

**Requires Rust 1.26.**

## Simple examples

extern crate meval;

fn main() {
    let r = meval::eval_str("1 + 2").unwrap();

    println!("1 + 2 = {}", r);

Need to define a Rust function from an expression? No problem, use `Expr`
for this and more:

extern crate meval;

fn main() {
    let expr: meval::Expr = "sin(pi * x)".parse().unwrap();
    let func = expr.bind("x").unwrap();

    let vs: Vec<_> = (0..100+1).map(|i| func(i as f64 / 100.)).collect();

    println!("sin(pi * x), 0 <= x <= 1: {:?}", vs);

Custom constants and functions? Define a `Context`!

use meval::{Expr, Context};

let y = 1.;
let expr: Expr = "phi(-2 * zeta + x)".parse().unwrap();

// create a context with function definitions and variables
let mut ctx = Context::new(); // built-ins
ctx.func("phi", |x| x + y)
   .var("zeta", -1.);
// bind function with a custom context
let func = expr.bind_with_context(ctx, "x").unwrap();
assert_eq!(func(2.), -2. * -1. + 2. + 1.);

For functions of 2, 3, and N variables use `Context::func2`, `Context::func3` and
respectively. See `Context` for more options.

If you need a custom function depending on mutable parameters, you will need to use a

use std::cell::Cell;
use meval::{Expr, Context};
let y = Cell::new(0.);
let expr: Expr = "phi(x)".parse().unwrap();

let mut ctx = Context::empty(); // no built-ins
ctx.func("phi", |x| x + y.get());

let func = expr.bind_with_context(ctx, "x").unwrap();
assert_eq!(func(2.), 2.);
assert_eq!(func(2.), 5.);

## Supported expressions

`meval` supports basic mathematical operations on floating point numbers:

- binary operators: `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`, `%` (remainder), `^` (power)
- unary operators: `+`, `-`

It supports custom variables and functions like `x`, `weight`, `C_0`, `f(1)`, etc. A variable
or function name must start with `[a-zA-Z_]` and can contain only `[a-zA-Z0-9_]`. Custom
functions with a variable number of arguments are also supported.

Build-ins (given by the context `Context::new()` and when no context provided) currently

- functions implemented using functions of the same name in [Rust std library][std-float]:

    - `sqrt`, `abs`
    - `exp`, `ln`
    - `sin`, `cos`, `tan`, `asin`, `acos`, `atan`, `atan2`
    - `sinh`, `cosh`, `tanh`, `asinh`, `acosh`, `atanh`
    - `floor`, `ceil`, `round`
    - `signum`

- other functions:

    - `max(x, ...)`, `min(x, ...)`: maximum and minimumum of 1 or more numbers

- constants:

    - `pi`
    - `e`

## Deserialization

`Expr` supports deserialization using the [serde] library to make flexible
configuration easy to set up, if the feature `serde` is enabled
(disabled by default).

extern crate serde_derive;
extern crate toml;
extern crate meval;
use meval::{Expr, Context};

struct Ode {
    #[serde(deserialize_with = "meval::de::as_f64")]
    x0: f64,
    #[serde(deserialize_with = "meval::de::as_f64")]
    t0: f64,
    f: Expr,

fn main() {
    let config = r#"
        x0 = "cos(1.)"
        t0 = 2
        f = "sin(x)"
    let ode: Ode = toml::from_str(config).unwrap();

    assert_eq!(ode.x0, 1f64.cos());
    assert_eq!(ode.t0, 2f64);
    assert_eq!(ode.f.bind("x").unwrap()(2.), 2f64.sin());


## Related projects

This is a toy project of mine for learning Rust, and to be hopefully useful when writing
command line scripts. There is no plan to make this anything more than _math expression ->
number_ "converter". For more advanced scripting, see:

- [dyon] -- A rusty dynamically typed scripting language
- [gluon] -- A static, type inferred programming language for application embedding
- [rodolf0/tox] -- another shunting yard expression parser



## License

This project is dual-licensed under the Unlicense and MIT licenses.

You may use this code under the terms of either license.