metrohash 1.0.6

Rust implementation of MetroHash, a high quality, high performance hash algorithm
//! A Rust implementation of the MetroHash algorithm.
//! MetroHash is a high quality, high performance hash algorithm
//! # Example
//! ```rust
//! use metrohash::MetroHashMap;
//! let mut hash = MetroHashMap::default();
//! hash.insert(1000, "1000");
//! assert_eq!(hash.get(&1000), Some(&"1000"));
//! ```

use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::hash::BuildHasherDefault;

mod metrohash64;
mod metrohash128;
mod utils;

pub use metrohash64::*;
pub use metrohash128::*;

pub type MetroHash = MetroHash64;

/// A builder for MetroHash.
pub type MetroBuildHasher = BuildHasherDefault<MetroHash>;

/// A `HashMap` using a default MetroHash.
pub type MetroHashMap<K, V> = HashMap<K, V, MetroBuildHasher>;

/// A `HashSet` using a default MetroHash.
pub type MetroHashSet<V> = HashSet<V, MetroBuildHasher>;

mod tests;