Expand description

A metrics-compatible exporter for sending metrics to statsd/datadog.


metrics-exporter-dogstatsd is a metrics-compatible exporter that can push metrics to a statsd or datadog agent running locally or remotely via UDP.

High-level features

  • push gateway support via UDP
  • ability to push histograms as either aggregated summaries or aggregated histograms, with configurable quantiles/buckets
  • ability to control bucket configuration on a per-metric basis
  • configurable global labels (applied to all metrics, overridden by metric’s own labels if present)


This exporter makes some explicit trade-offs to accomplish its task:

  • Aggregated histograms or summaries are exported as a series of gauges
  • Each interval of the exporter will reset any rendered metric
  • All metrics are first aggregated locally and then pushed to the endpoint
  • There is currently no support for sampling
  • There is currently no support for container id in the metric definition
  • Aggregated metrics are pushed to a network service via UDP using the tokio async framework

All naming conversions for metrics and tags are compliant with DataDog requirements.


Using the exporter is straightforward:

// First, create a builder.
// The builder can configure many aspects of the exporter, setting global tags,
// adjusting how histograms will be reported, changing how long metrics
// can be idle before being removed, and more.
let builder = StatsdBuilder::new();

// Normally, most users will want to "install" the exporter which sets it as the
// global recorder for all `metrics` calls, and installs a simple asynchronous
// task which pushes to the configured push gateway on the given interval.
// If you're already inside a Tokio runtime, this will spawn a task for the
// exporter on that runtime, and otherwise, a new background thread will be
// spawned which a Tokio single-threaded runtime is launched on to, where we then
// finally launch the exporter:
builder.install().expect("failed to install recorder/exporter");

// Maybe you have a more complicated setup and want to be handed back the recorder
// object and a future that can run the HTTP listener / push gateway so you can
// install/spawn them in a specific way.. also not a problem!
// As this is a more advanced method, it _must_ be called from within an existing
// Tokio runtime when the exporter is running in HTTP listener/scrape endpoint mode.
let (recorder, exporter) = builder.build().expect("failed to build recorder/exporter");

// Finally, maybe you literally only want to build the recorder and nothing else,
// and we've got you covered there, too:
let recorder = builder.build_recorder().expect("failed to build recorder");



Builds distributions for metric names based on a set of configured overrides.

Builder for creating and installing a Statsd recorder/exporter.

Handle for accessing metrics stored via StatsdRecorder.


Errors that could occur while building or installing a Statsd recorder/exporter.

Distribution type.

Matches a metric name in a specific way.