metamorphose 1.0.0-beta

Macros collection for converting Structure to Model, for a mango-orm project.

# Metamorphose

### Macros collection for converting Structure to Model, for a [Green Barrel] "green-barrel" project.


## Macros

#### Model

> Macro for converting Structure to green-barrel Model.
> The model can access the database.
> The model can create, update, and delete documents in collections.

## Requirements

- [quote] "quote"
- [regex] "regex"
- [serde_json] "serde_json"
- [syn] "syn"
- [serde] "serde"

## Changelog

- **v1.0.0-beta** _Not compatible with version 0.x.x_
- **v0.7.12** _Fixed ****._
- **v0.7.8** _Fixed validation for multi-select fields._
- **v0.7.0** _Added trait **Administrator** for easier registration of Models in the administration panel._
- **v0.6.10** _Added the ability to customize html code for web forms. See documentation: **mango_orm > widgets > generate_html_code > GenerateHtmlCode > generate_html()**._
- **v0.6.9** _Rename trait **ToModel** to **Main**._
- **v0.6.0** _The **created_at** and **updated_at** fields are automatically added to the Model. The widget type is **inputDateTime** and **disabled = true, is_hide = true**. Updated ****. Updated documentation._
- **v0.5.4** _Fixed ModelName::**key()** method. See documentation: **mango_orm > models > ToModel**._
- **v0.5.2** _Import optimized._
- **v0.5.0** _Added model attribute is_use_hooks. See documentation: **mango_orm > models > hooks > Hooks**._
- **v0.4.8** _Fixed error message text._
- **v0.4.6** _Updating by version of dependencies._
- **v0.4.4** _Optimization of the validation mechanism._
- **v0.4.3** _Improved validation for Slug fields._
- **v0.4.2** _Removed **hiddenSlug** field._
- **v0.4.1** _Added **is_hide** parameter for Widgets._
- **v0.4** _Added **inputSlug** and **hiddenSlug** fields._
- **v0.3** _Removed the Form macro._

## License

#### This project is licensed under the [MIT] "MIT" and [Apache Version 2.0] "Apache Version 2.0"