metalmq-0.2.2 is not a library.

MetalMQ Build Status

Build and run

metalmq is under development, it is not feature complete but you can try and run with cargo run.

cargo run --bin metalmq
## or to enable logs
RUST_LOG=debug cargo run --bin metalmq
RUST_LOG=metalmq=trace cargo run --bin metalmq
cargo test --tests

There are some examples in the examples directory, they implement simple scenarios of the metalmq-client library. To run execute

RUST_LOG=metalmq_client=trace cargo run --example publish-consume
cargo test
cd metalmq
cargo test --features integration-tests

Running tests in metalmq-client

cargo test --package metalmq-client --test it

AMQP compliance

For AMQP compliance we use pika Python library and pytest framework to be to validate the comformance of metalmq server.

cd amqp-compliance

AMQP 0.9 client library

In metalmq-client there is a Rust async client which implements part of the AMQP 0.9.1 protocol. You can try agains metalmq server or rabbitmq.

#docker run -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 --rm rabbitmq:3-management
cargo test --lib metalmq-client

In order to validate AMQP packages we also need a stable AMQP client implementation which is the pika. It runs on Python, so one need to install pipenv to run that.

cd amqp-compliance

Debug test

Switch on logging in the beginning of the test.

async fn test() -> Result<()> {

Start the test with the environment variable set.

RUST_LOG=metalmq_client=trace cargo test -- --exact exchange::declare_exchange_with_different_type --show-output

Use tokio console

In the examples the publish-consume test has dependency on the tokio console.

RUSTFLAGS="--cfg tokio_unstable" cargo run --example publish-consume