Crate message_worker[][src]

Expand description

Message Worker is a library for Rust for the creation of event-listeners using futures and streams. Notably, Message Worker supports non-sync and non-send (i.e. non-thread-safe) contexts within listeners.

This is a fairly low-level library that can be used to build a wide-array of stream-processing and event-driven systems. It can even be used to build actor systems!

This library must be used in a tokio runtime, specifically version 0.2.



use message_worker::non_blocking::listen;
use message_worker::{Context, ThreadSafeContext};
use std::sync::Arc;
use anyhow::Result;
use futures::stream;

let mut rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap();
rt.block_on(async {
    // We don't need any state for this example
    struct EmptyCtx;
    impl Context for EmptyCtx {} impl ThreadSafeContext for EmptyCtx {}

    // Create our stream
    let source = stream::iter(vec![42, 0xff6900, 1337]);

    // Create a listener that prints out each item in the stream
    async fn on_item(_ctx: Arc<EmptyCtx>, event: usize) -> Result<()> {
        eprintln!("{}", event);

    // Start listening
    listen(source, move || EmptyCtx, on_item).await.unwrap();

    /* Prints:

Two-way communication

use message_worker::non_blocking::listen;
use message_worker::{Context, ThreadSafeContext};
use std::sync::Arc;
use anyhow::Result;
use futures::stream;
use tokio::sync::RwLock;
use tokio::stream::StreamExt;

let mut rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap();
rt.block_on(async {
    struct BiCtx { output: RwLock<tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender<usize>> }
    impl Context for BiCtx {} impl ThreadSafeContext for BiCtx {}

    // Create our stream
    let source = stream::iter(vec![42, 0xff6900, 1337]);

    // Create a listener that outputs each item in the stream multiplied by two
    async fn on_item(ctx: Arc<BiCtx>, event: usize) -> Result<()> {
        let mut output = ctx.output.write().await;
        output.send(event * 2).await?; // Send the output

    // Connect the number stream to `on_item`
    let (tx, mut rx) = tokio::sync::mpsc::channel::<usize>(3);
    listen(source, move || BiCtx {
        output: RwLock::new(tx)
    }, on_item);

    assert_eq!(, Some(84));
    assert_eq!(, Some(0x1fed200));
    assert_eq!(, Some(2674));

Ping-pong (Actors)

use message_worker::non_blocking::listen;
use message_worker::{Context, ThreadSafeContext};
use std::sync::Arc;
use anyhow::{Result, bail};
use futures::stream;
use tokio::sync::RwLock;
use tokio::stream::StreamExt;

let mut rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap();
rt.block_on(async {
    struct ActorCtx { output: RwLock<tokio::sync::broadcast::Sender<Message>> }
    impl Context for ActorCtx {} impl ThreadSafeContext for ActorCtx {}

    // Create our messages
    #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
    enum Message { Ping, Pong }

    // Create our initial stream
    let initial_ping = stream::iter(vec![Message::Ping]);

    // Create the ping actor
    async fn ping_actor(ctx: Arc<ActorCtx>, event: Message) -> Result<()> {
        match event {
            Message::Ping => bail!("I'm meant to be the pinger!"),
            Message::Pong => ctx.output.write().await.send(Message::Ping).unwrap()

    // Create the pong actor
    async fn pong_actor(ctx: Arc<ActorCtx>, event: Message) -> Result<()> {
        match event {
            Message::Ping => ctx.output.write().await.send(Message::Pong).unwrap(),
            Message::Pong => bail!("I'm meant to be the ponger!")

    // Connect everything together
    let (tx_ping, mut rx_ping) = tokio::sync::broadcast::channel::<Message>(128);
    let (tx_pong, mut rx_pong) = tokio::sync::broadcast::channel::<Message>(128);
    let mut watch_pongs = tx_ping.clone().subscribe();
    let mut watch_pings = tx_pong.clone().subscribe();

    // Start the ping actor
        Box::pin(rx_ping.into_stream().map(|msg| msg.unwrap())),
        move || ActorCtx { output: RwLock::new(tx_pong) },

    // Start the pong actor
        tokio::stream::StreamExt::chain(initial_ping, Box::pin(rx_pong.into_stream().map(|msg| msg.unwrap()))),
        move || ActorCtx { output: RwLock::new(tx_ping) },

    assert_eq!(watch_pings.recv().await, Ok(Message::Ping));
    assert_eq!(watch_pongs.recv().await, Ok(Message::Pong));
    assert_eq!(watch_pings.recv().await, Ok(Message::Ping));
    assert_eq!(watch_pongs.recv().await, Ok(Message::Pong));

The Wild Example (calling V8’s C++ via Deno within an event listener to run JS)

use message_worker::blocking::listen;
use message_worker::Context;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use deno_core::{JsRuntime, RuntimeOptions};
use std::rc::Rc;
use anyhow::Result;
use futures::StreamExt;

let mut rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap();
rt.block_on(async {
    struct MockCtx {
        test_res: RefCell<tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender<()>>,
        runtime: RefCell<JsRuntime>
    impl Context for MockCtx {}

    let (mut tx, rx) = tokio::sync::mpsc::channel::<()>(1);
    let stream = Box::pin(rx);

    let (test_res_tx, mut test_res) = {
        let (tx, rx) = tokio::sync::mpsc::channel::<()>(1);
        (tx, Box::pin(rx))

    async fn mock_handle(ctx: Rc<MockCtx>, _event: ()) -> Result<()> {
        let mut runtime = ctx.runtime.borrow_mut();

            r#"Deno.core.print(`Got a message!\n`);"#


    listen(stream, move || {
        let runtime: JsRuntime = {
            let tokio_rt = tokio::runtime::Handle::current();
            tokio_rt.block_on(async {
                let local = tokio::task::LocalSet::new();
                local.run_until(async {
                    let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions {
                        module_loader: Some(Rc::new(deno_core::FsModuleLoader)),
                        will_snapshot: false,

                        r#"Deno.core.print(`Starting up the JS runtime via C++ FFI and Deno 🤯\n`);"#


        MockCtx {
            test_res: RefCell::new(test_res_tx),
            runtime: RefCell::new(runtime)
    }, mock_handle);

    /* Prints:
       Starting up the JS runtime via C++ FFI and Deno 🤯
       Got a message!
    assert_eq!(, Some(()));



Listeners that perform CPU intensive/blocking tasks or work with non-threadsafe data


Listeners that don’t block and work with threadsafe (Sync + Send) data.



This trait needs to be implemented by the item you’re using as the state for the listener.


This trait needs to be implemented by the item you’re using as the state for the listener. If you are using a non_blocking listener. As with Context, you can also use an empty struct here if you have no state: