message-io 0.4.4

Easy asynchronous network message library

# message-io
`message-io` is an asynchronous message library to build network applications easy and fast. The library manages and processes the socket data streams in order to offer a simple event message API to the user.

<p align="center">
  <img src="" width="653"/>

**Any contribution is welcome!**

## Whom is this project for?
- People who want to make an application that needs to communicate over tcp/udp protocols.
- People who want to make a multiplayer game (server and/or client).
- People who don't want to deal with concurrence or socket connection problems.
- People who want to push the effort in the messages among the apps, not in how to transport them.

## Features
- Asynchronous: internal poll event with non-blocking sockets using [mio]
- Multiplatform: see [mio platform support]
- TCP and UDP (with multicast option) protocols.
- Internal encoding layer: handle messages, not data streams.
- FIFO events with timers and priority.
- Easy, intuitive and consistent API:
  - Follows [KISS principle]
  - Abstraction from transport layer: do not think about sockets, think about data messages.
  - Only two main entities: an extensible *event-queue* to manage all events,
    and a *network manager* to manage all connections (connect, listen, remove, send, receive).
  - Forget concurrence problems: handle thousands of active connections and listeners without any effort,
    "One thread to rule them all".
- High performance:
    - One thread for manage all internal connections over the faster OS poll.
    - Binary serialization.
    - Small runtime overhead over OS sockets.

## Getting started
Add to your `Cargo.toml`
message-io = "0.4"

### Documentation
- [Basic concepts]#basic-concepts
- [API documentation]
- [Examples]examples:

  - [Basic TCP client and server]examples/tcp
  - [Basic UDP client and server]examples/udp
  - [Multicast]examples/multicast
  - [Distributed network with discovery server]examples/distributed

- Real examples (apps using `message-io`)
  - [Termchat] A distributed LAN chat in the terminal.

### TCP & UDP echo server
The following example is the simplest server that reads messages from the clients and respond to them.
It is capable to manage several client connections and listen from 2 differents protocols at same time.

use message_io::events::{EventQueue};
use message_io::network::{NetworkManager, NetEvent};

use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};

enum InputMessage {
    // Other input messages here

enum OutputMessage {
    // Other output messages here

enum Event {
    // Other user events here

fn main() {
    let mut event_queue = EventQueue::new();

    // Create NetworkManager, the callback will push the network event into the event queue
    let sender = event_queue.sender().clone();
    let mut network = NetworkManager::new(move |net_event| sender.send(Event::Network(net_event)));

    // Listen from TCP and UDP messages on ports 3005.
    let addr = "";

    loop {
        match event_queue.receive() { // Read the next event or wait until have it.
            Event::Network(net_event) => match net_event {
                NetEvent::Message(endpoint, message) => match message {
                    InputMessage::HelloServer(msg) => {
                        println!("Received: {}", msg);
                        network.send(endpoint, OutputMessage::HelloClient(msg)).unwrap();
                    //Other input messages here
                NetEvent::AddedEndpoint(_endpoint) => println!("TCP Client connected"),
                NetEvent::RemovedEndpoint(_endpoint) => println!("TCP Client disconnected"),
            // Other events here

## Basic concepts
The library has two main pieces:

- **`EventQueue`**:
Is a generic and synchronized queue where all the system events are sent.
The user must be read these events in its main thread in order to dispatch actions.

<p align="center">
  <img src=""/>

- **`NetworkManager`**:
It is an abstraction layer of the transport protocols that works over non-blocking sockets.
It allows to create/remove connections, send and receive messages (defined by the user).

To manage the connections, the `NetworkManager` offers an *`Endpoint`*
that is an unique identifier of the connection that can be used
to remove, send or identify input messages.
It can be understood as the remitter/recipient of the message.

<p align="center">
  <img src=""/>

The power comes when both pieces joins together, allowing to process all actions from one thread.
To reach this, the user has to connect the `NetworkManager` to the `EventQueue` sending the `NetEvent` produced by the first one.

<p align="center">
  <img src=""/>

## Test yourself!
Clone the repository and test the `tcp`example that you can found in [`examples/tcp`](examples/tcp):

Run the server:
cargo run --example tcp server
In other terminals, run one or more clients:
cargo run --example tcp client <name>