Trait mergable::Mergable

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pub trait Mergable: Sized {
    type Diff: Diff;
    type Seq: Ord;

    // Required methods
    fn diff(&self, that: &Self) -> Self::Diff;
    fn apply(&mut self, diff: Self::Diff) -> Result<(), ApplyError>;
    fn clean(&mut self, cutoff: &Self::Seq);

    // Provided method
    fn merge(&mut self, other: Self) { ... }

Required Associated Types§

Required Methods§


fn diff(&self, that: &Self) -> Self::Diff

Produce a diff.

The result will contain all of the information in self that isn’t present in that.


fn apply(&mut self, diff: Self::Diff) -> Result<(), ApplyError>


fn clean(&mut self, cutoff: &Self::Seq)

Clean up history.

  • WARNING: This is easy to use incorrectly and doing so may cause unexpected results.
  • This allows optimizing the internal representation of Mergable objects by trimming history that is no longer necessary. For example Dict objects remember deleted entires so that merging with a version that still has a deleted entry won’t cause it to reappear. cleaning allows them to eventually forget about deleted entries to avoid growing in size forever even if the live set is not. This method talks a lot about order and it is important to understand that this is talking about Sequence order which may not be an absolute ordering across clients. For example the default TimeSequenceFactory relies on the client’s clock so may be unreliable. When choosing a cutoff for clean you must factor this into account. This is usually done by providing a generous margin then at some point rejecting stale changes.
  • This method will recursively clean up any Mergable children of the object in the same sense that diff and merge occur recursively.
  • Note that merging objects that haven’t been cleaned to cutoff into an object that has is safe but may re-introduce some of the history.
  • There are two requirements:
    1. No new changes from sessions started before cutoff will ever be seen.
    • For example a client that has been working offline since before cutoff should not be allowed to sync their changes into the network when they come back online. Either clean calls must be held until the client returns or the changes should be dropped.
    1. This object will never be synced to an object that hasn’t been synced to all of the changes before cutoff that this object will be seen.
    • For example if a client has been offline since before cutoff this object should not be merged into that client’s object.
  • This method must still provide the following guarantees, even in the face of “inaccurate” cuttoff values.
    1. It must not put the object in an invalid state, crash or cause undefined behaviour.
    1. It must still converge.
  • However all other forms of “reasonable” behaviour may be violated. For example a counter object may provide any value instead of accurately counting some set of events.

Provided Methods§


fn merge(&mut self, other: Self)



impl<K: Clone + Eq + Hash, V: Clone + Mergable<Seq = Sequence<SF>>, SF: SequenceFactory> Mergable for Dict<K, V, Sequence<SF>>


type Diff = DictDiff<K, V, Sequence<SF>>


type Seq = Sequence<SF>


impl<T: Clone, SequenceFactory: SequenceFactory> Mergable for Cell<T, Sequence<SequenceFactory>>


type Diff = CellDiff<T, Sequence<SequenceFactory>>


type Seq = Sequence<SequenceFactory>


impl<V: Clone + for<'a> AddAssign<&'a V> + for<'a> SubAssign<&'a V>, SF: SequenceFactory> Mergable for Counter<V, Sequence<SF>>


type Diff = CounterDiff<V, Sequence<SF>>


type Seq = Sequence<SF>