memselect 0.1.1

No-std compatible memoizing selectors
# memselect


No-std compatible memoizing selectors for Rust.

Memselect allows you to create efficient selectors for memoizing expensive
computations. The selectors can be composed to create higher-level selectors
that benefit from memoization all the way down. Monomorphization ensures
efficient runtime behavior.

## Example
use memselect::{new1, new2, Selector2};

let mut computations = 0;

    let base = new1(|num: u32| num, |num| num * 2);

    let mut selector = new2(
        base, // You can nest selectors
        |num: u32| num * 3,
        |num1, num2| { // This function gets the output of `base` and the fn above
            computations += 1;
            (*num1, *num2)

    assert_eq!(, 3), (4, 9));
    assert_eq!(, 3), (4, 9));

// Value was computed only once
assert_eq!(computations, 1);