pub struct OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, CGlueC: 'cglue_a + CGlueObjBase> { /* private fields */ }
Expand description

CGlue vtable for trait OsKeyboard.

This virtual function table contains ABI-safe interface for the given trait.



impl<'cglue_a, CGlueC: CGlueObjBase> OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, CGlueC>


pub fn keyboard( &self ) -> for<'a> unsafe extern "C" fn(cont: &'a mut CGlueC, ok_out: &mut MaybeUninit<KeyboardBase<'a, CBox<'a, c_void>, CGlueC::Context>>) -> i32

Getter for keyboard.

Note that this function is wrapped into unsafe, because if already were is an opaque one, it would allow to invoke undefined behaviour.


pub fn into_keyboard( &self ) -> unsafe extern "C" fn(cont: CGlueC, ok_out: &mut MaybeUninit<IntoKeyboard<'static, CBox<'static, c_void>, CGlueC::Context>>) -> i32

Getter for into_keyboard.

Note that this function is wrapped into unsafe, because if already were is an opaque one, it would allow to invoke undefined behaviour.

Trait Implementations§


impl<'cglue_a, CGlueC: Opaquable + CGlueObjBase + 'cglue_a> CGlueBaseVtbl for OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, CGlueC>


type OpaqueVtbl = OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, <CGlueC as Opaquable>::OpaqueTarget>


type Context = <CGlueC as CGlueObjBase>::Context


type RetTmp = PhantomData<OsKeyboardRetTmpPhantom<<CGlueC as CGlueObjBase>::Context>>


fn as_opaque(&self) -> &Self::OpaqueVtbl

Get the opaque vtable for the type.

impl<'cglue_a, CGlueC: CGlueObjBase> CGlueVtblCont for OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, CGlueC>


type ContType = CGlueC


impl<'cglue_a, CGlueC, CGlueCtx: ContextBounds> Default for &'cglue_a OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, CGlueC>
where for<'cglue_b> (<CGlueC::ObjType as OsKeyboard>::KeyboardType<'cglue_b>, CGlueC::Context): Into<KeyboardBase<'cglue_b, CBox<'cglue_b, <CGlueC::ObjType as OsKeyboard>::KeyboardType<'cglue_b>>, CGlueC::Context>>, for<'cglue_b> KeyboardBase<'cglue_b, CBox<'cglue_b, <CGlueC::ObjType as OsKeyboard>::KeyboardType<'cglue_b>>, CGlueC::Context>: Opaquable<OpaqueTarget = KeyboardBase<'cglue_b, CBox<'cglue_b, c_void>, CGlueC::Context>>, (<CGlueC::ObjType as OsKeyboard>::IntoKeyboardType, CGlueC::Context): Into<IntoKeyboard<'static, CBox<'static, <CGlueC::ObjType as OsKeyboard>::IntoKeyboardType>, CGlueC::Context>>, IntoKeyboard<'static, CBox<'static, <CGlueC::ObjType as OsKeyboard>::IntoKeyboardType>, CGlueC::Context>: Opaquable<OpaqueTarget = IntoKeyboard<'static, CBox<'static, c_void>, CGlueC::Context>>, CGlueC::InstType: IntoInner<InnerTarget = CGlueC::ObjType>, CGlueC::ObjType: OsKeyboard, CGlueC: Opaquable + CGlueObjMut<OsKeyboardRetTmp<CGlueCtx>, Context = CGlueCtx> + 'cglue_a, CGlueC::OpaqueTarget: GenericTypeBounds, OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, CGlueC>: CGlueBaseVtbl,

Default vtable reference creation.


fn default() -> Self

Create a static vtable for the given type.


impl<'cglue_a, CGlueC> GetStaticEquivalent_ for OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, CGlueC>
where CGlueC: __StableAbi + 'cglue_a + CGlueObjBase,


type StaticEquivalent = _static_OsKeyboardVtbl<'static, <CGlueC as GetStaticEquivalent_>::StaticEquivalent>


impl<'cglue_a, CGlueInst, CGlueCtx: ContextBounds> GetVtbl<OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>>> for OsInstanceFinalWithMemoryViewOsKeyboard<'cglue_a, CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>
where OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>: CGlueObjBase,


fn get_vtbl( &self ) -> &OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>>


impl<'cglue_a, CGlueInst, CGlueCtx: ContextBounds> GetVtbl<OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>>> for OsInstanceFinalWithMemoryViewOsKeyboardPhysicalMemory<'cglue_a, CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>
where OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>: CGlueObjBase,


fn get_vtbl( &self ) -> &OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>>


impl<'cglue_a, CGlueInst, CGlueCtx: ContextBounds> GetVtbl<OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>>> for OsInstanceFinalWithMemoryViewOsKeyboardPhysicalMemoryVirtualTranslate<'cglue_a, CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>
where OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>: CGlueObjBase,


fn get_vtbl( &self ) -> &OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>>


impl<'cglue_a, CGlueInst, CGlueCtx: ContextBounds> GetVtbl<OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>>> for OsInstanceFinalWithMemoryViewOsKeyboardVirtualTranslate<'cglue_a, CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>
where OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>: CGlueObjBase,


fn get_vtbl( &self ) -> &OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>>


impl<'cglue_a, CGlueInst, CGlueCtx: ContextBounds> GetVtbl<OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>>> for OsInstanceFinalWithOsKeyboard<'cglue_a, CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>
where OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>: CGlueObjBase,


fn get_vtbl( &self ) -> &OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>>


impl<'cglue_a, CGlueInst, CGlueCtx: ContextBounds> GetVtbl<OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>>> for OsInstanceFinalWithOsKeyboardPhysicalMemory<'cglue_a, CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>
where OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>: CGlueObjBase,


fn get_vtbl( &self ) -> &OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>>


impl<'cglue_a, CGlueInst, CGlueCtx: ContextBounds> GetVtbl<OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>>> for OsInstanceFinalWithOsKeyboardPhysicalMemoryVirtualTranslate<'cglue_a, CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>
where OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>: CGlueObjBase,


fn get_vtbl( &self ) -> &OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>>


impl<'cglue_a, CGlueInst, CGlueCtx: ContextBounds> GetVtbl<OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>>> for OsInstanceFinalWithOsKeyboardVirtualTranslate<'cglue_a, CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>
where OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>: CGlueObjBase,


fn get_vtbl( &self ) -> &OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>>


impl<'cglue_a, CGlueInst, CGlueCtx: ContextBounds> GetVtbl<OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>>> for OsInstanceWithMemoryViewOsKeyboard<'cglue_a, CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>
where OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>: CGlueObjBase,


fn get_vtbl( &self ) -> &OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>>


impl<'cglue_a, CGlueInst, CGlueCtx: ContextBounds> GetVtbl<OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>>> for OsInstanceWithMemoryViewOsKeyboardPhysicalMemory<'cglue_a, CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>
where OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>: CGlueObjBase,


fn get_vtbl( &self ) -> &OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>>


impl<'cglue_a, CGlueInst, CGlueCtx: ContextBounds> GetVtbl<OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>>> for OsInstanceWithMemoryViewOsKeyboardPhysicalMemoryVirtualTranslate<'cglue_a, CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>
where OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>: CGlueObjBase,


fn get_vtbl( &self ) -> &OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>>


impl<'cglue_a, CGlueInst, CGlueCtx: ContextBounds> GetVtbl<OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>>> for OsInstanceWithMemoryViewOsKeyboardVirtualTranslate<'cglue_a, CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>
where OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>: CGlueObjBase,


fn get_vtbl( &self ) -> &OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>>


impl<'cglue_a, CGlueInst, CGlueCtx: ContextBounds> GetVtbl<OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>>> for OsInstanceWithOsKeyboard<'cglue_a, CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>
where OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>: CGlueObjBase,


fn get_vtbl( &self ) -> &OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>>


impl<'cglue_a, CGlueInst, CGlueCtx: ContextBounds> GetVtbl<OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>>> for OsInstanceWithOsKeyboardPhysicalMemory<'cglue_a, CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>
where OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>: CGlueObjBase,


fn get_vtbl( &self ) -> &OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>>


impl<'cglue_a, CGlueInst, CGlueCtx: ContextBounds> GetVtbl<OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>>> for OsInstanceWithOsKeyboardPhysicalMemoryVirtualTranslate<'cglue_a, CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>
where OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>: CGlueObjBase,


fn get_vtbl( &self ) -> &OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>>


impl<'cglue_a, CGlueInst, CGlueCtx: ContextBounds> GetVtbl<OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>>> for OsInstanceWithOsKeyboardVirtualTranslate<'cglue_a, CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>
where OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>: CGlueObjBase,


fn get_vtbl( &self ) -> &OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, OsInstanceContainer<CGlueInst, CGlueCtx>>


impl<'cglue_a, CGlueC> StableAbi for OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, CGlueC>
where CGlueC: __StableAbi + 'cglue_a + CGlueObjBase,


type IsNonZeroType = False

Whether this type has a single invalid bit-pattern. Read more

const LAYOUT: &'static TypeLayout = _

The layout of the type provided by implementors.

const ABI_CONSTS: AbiConsts = _

const-equivalents of the associated types.

impl<'cglue_a, CGlueC, CGlueCtx: ContextBounds> CGlueVtbl<CGlueC> for OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, CGlueC>
where CGlueC::OpaqueTarget: Opaquable + CGlueObjBase + GenericTypeBounds, CGlueC: Opaquable + CGlueObjMut<OsKeyboardRetTmp<CGlueCtx>, Context = CGlueCtx> + 'cglue_a, CGlueC::ObjType: OsKeyboard,

Auto Trait Implementations§


impl<'cglue_a, CGlueC> RefUnwindSafe for OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, CGlueC>
where CGlueC: RefUnwindSafe,


impl<'cglue_a, CGlueC> Send for OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, CGlueC>
where CGlueC: Sync,


impl<'cglue_a, CGlueC> Sync for OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, CGlueC>
where CGlueC: Sync,


impl<'cglue_a, CGlueC> Unpin for OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, CGlueC>


impl<'cglue_a, CGlueC> UnwindSafe for OsKeyboardVtbl<'cglue_a, CGlueC>
where CGlueC: RefUnwindSafe,

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T, F> From2<T> for F
where T: Into<F>,


fn from2(other: T) -> F


impl<T> GetWithMetadata for T


type ForSelf = WithMetadata_<T, T>

This is always WithMetadata_<Self, Self>

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<S> ROExtAcc for S


fn f_get<F>(&self, offset: FieldOffset<S, F, Aligned>) -> &F

Gets a reference to a field, determined by offset. Read more

fn f_get_mut<F>(&mut self, offset: FieldOffset<S, F, Aligned>) -> &mut F

Gets a muatble reference to a field, determined by offset. Read more

fn f_get_ptr<F, A>(&self, offset: FieldOffset<S, F, A>) -> *const F

Gets a const pointer to a field, the field is determined by offset. Read more

fn f_get_mut_ptr<F, A>(&mut self, offset: FieldOffset<S, F, A>) -> *mut F

Gets a mutable pointer to a field, determined by offset. Read more

impl<S> ROExtOps<Aligned> for S


fn f_replace<F>(&mut self, offset: FieldOffset<S, F, Aligned>, value: F) -> F

Replaces a field (determined by offset) with value, returning the previous value of the field. Read more

fn f_swap<F>(&mut self, offset: FieldOffset<S, F, Aligned>, right: &mut S)

Swaps a field (determined by offset) with the same field in right. Read more

fn f_get_copy<F>(&self, offset: FieldOffset<S, F, Aligned>) -> F
where F: Copy,

Gets a copy of a field (determined by offset). The field is determined by offset. Read more

impl<S> ROExtOps<Unaligned> for S


fn f_replace<F>(&mut self, offset: FieldOffset<S, F, Unaligned>, value: F) -> F

Replaces a field (determined by offset) with value, returning the previous value of the field. Read more

fn f_swap<F>(&mut self, offset: FieldOffset<S, F, Unaligned>, right: &mut S)

Swaps a field (determined by offset) with the same field in right. Read more

fn f_get_copy<F>(&self, offset: FieldOffset<S, F, Unaligned>) -> F
where F: Copy,

Gets a copy of a field (determined by offset). The field is determined by offset. Read more

impl<T> SelfOps for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn eq_id(&self, other: &Self) -> bool

Compares the address of self with the address of other. Read more

fn piped<F, U>(self, f: F) -> U
where F: FnOnce(Self) -> U, Self: Sized,

Emulates the pipeline operator, allowing method syntax in more places. Read more

fn piped_ref<'a, F, U>(&'a self, f: F) -> U
where F: FnOnce(&'a Self) -> U,

The same as piped except that the function takes &Self Useful for functions that take &Self instead of Self. Read more

fn piped_mut<'a, F, U>(&'a mut self, f: F) -> U
where F: FnOnce(&'a mut Self) -> U,

The same as piped, except that the function takes &mut Self. Useful for functions that take &mut Self instead of Self.

fn mutated<F>(self, f: F) -> Self
where F: FnOnce(&mut Self), Self: Sized,

Mutates self using a closure taking self by mutable reference, passing it along the method chain. Read more

fn observe<F>(self, f: F) -> Self
where F: FnOnce(&Self), Self: Sized,

Observes the value of self, passing it along unmodified. Useful in long method chains. Read more

fn into_<T>(self) -> T
where Self: Into<T>,

Performs a conversion with Into. using the turbofish .into_::<_>() syntax. Read more

fn as_ref_<T>(&self) -> &T
where Self: AsRef<T>, T: ?Sized,

Performs a reference to reference conversion with AsRef, using the turbofish .as_ref_::<_>() syntax. Read more

fn as_mut_<T>(&mut self) -> &mut T
where Self: AsMut<T>, T: ?Sized,

Performs a mutable reference to mutable reference conversion with AsMut, using the turbofish .as_mut_::<_>() syntax. Read more

fn drop_(self)
where Self: Sized,

Drops self using method notation. Alternative to std::mem::drop. Read more

impl<This> TransmuteElement for This
where This: ?Sized,


unsafe fn transmute_element<T>(self) -> Self::TransmutedPtr
where Self: CanTransmuteElement<T>,

Transmutes the element type of this pointer.. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T> TypeIdentity for T
where T: ?Sized,


type Type = T

This is always Self.

fn into_type(self) -> Self::Type
where Self: Sized, Self::Type: Sized,

Converts a value back to the original type.

fn as_type(&self) -> &Self::Type

Converts a reference back to the original type.

fn as_type_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Type

Converts a mutable reference back to the original type.

fn into_type_box(self: Box<Self>) -> Box<Self::Type>

Converts a box back to the original type.

fn into_type_arc(this: Arc<Self>) -> Arc<Self::Type>

Converts an Arc back to the original type. Read more

fn into_type_rc(this: Rc<Self>) -> Rc<Self::Type>

Converts an Rc back to the original type. Read more

fn from_type(this: Self::Type) -> Self
where Self: Sized, Self::Type: Sized,

Converts a value back to the original type.

fn from_type_ref(this: &Self::Type) -> &Self

Converts a reference back to the original type.

fn from_type_mut(this: &mut Self::Type) -> &mut Self

Converts a mutable reference back to the original type.

fn from_type_box(this: Box<Self::Type>) -> Box<Self>

Converts a box back to the original type.

fn from_type_arc(this: Arc<Self::Type>) -> Arc<Self>

Converts an Arc back to the original type.

fn from_type_rc(this: Rc<Self::Type>) -> Rc<Self>

Converts an Rc back to the original type.

impl<T> GenericTypeBounds for T
where T: StableAbi,


impl<T> OpaqueVtblBounds for T