memcell 0.1.0

A crate providing a MemoryCell struct, which stores a current and previous value.
# memcell

### Build & test status
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## What is a MemoryCell?

A `MemoryCell` is a struct containing both a **current** and optional **previous** value.

#### Definition

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct MemoryCell<T> {
    current: T,
    last_val: Option<T>,

## Features

- Full documentation
- Constant methods
- Lightweight
- Zero dependencies
- Pure Rust

## Example Usage

use memcell::MemoryCell;

fn main() {
    let mut cell = MemoryCell::new(5_u32);

    let new_value = 10;

    assert_eq!(cell.current(), &10);
    assert_eq!(cell.last(), &Some(5));