meilisearch-sdk 0.21.2

Rust wrapper for the Meilisearch API. Meilisearch is a powerful, fast, open-source, easy to use and deploy search engine.
//! The `dumps` module allows the creation of database dumps.
//! Dumps are `.dump` files that can be used to launch Meilisearch.
//! Dumps are compatible between Meilisearch versions.
//! Creating a dump is also referred to as exporting it, whereas launching Meilisearch with a dump is referred to as importing it.
//! During a [dump export](Client::create_dump), all [indexes](crate::indexes::Index) of the current instance are exported—together with their documents and settings—and saved as a single `.dump` file.
//! During a dump import, all indexes contained in the indicated `.dump` file are imported along with their associated [documents](crate::document::Document) and [settings](crate::settings::Settings).
//! Any existing [index](crate::indexes::Index) with the same uid as an index in the dump file will be overwritten.
//! Dump imports are [performed at launch]( using an option.
//! [Batch size]( can also be set at this time.
//! # Example
//! ```no_run
//! # use meilisearch_sdk::{client::*, errors::*, dumps::*, dumps::*, task_info::*, tasks::*};
//! # use futures_await_test::async_test;
//! # use std::{thread::sleep, time::Duration};
//! # futures::executor::block_on(async move {
//! #
//! # let MEILISEARCH_URL = option_env!("MEILISEARCH_URL").unwrap_or("http://localhost:7700");
//! # let MEILISEARCH_API_KEY = option_env!("MEILISEARCH_API_KEY").unwrap_or("masterKey");
//! #
//! let client = Client::new(MEILISEARCH_URL, MEILISEARCH_API_KEY);
//! // Create a dump
//! let task_info = client.create_dump().await.unwrap();
//! assert!(matches!(
//!    task_info,
//!    TaskInfo {
//!        update_type: TaskType::DumpCreation { .. },
//!        ..
//!    }
//! # });
//! ```

use crate::{client::Client, errors::Error, request::*, task_info::TaskInfo};

/// Dump related methods.\
/// See the [dumps](crate::dumps) module.
impl Client {
    /// Triggers a dump creation process.
    /// Once the process is complete, a dump is created in the [dumps directory](
    /// If the dumps directory does not exist yet, it will be created.
    /// # Example
    /// ```no_run
    /// # use meilisearch_sdk::{client::*, errors::*, dumps::*, dumps::*, task_info::*, tasks::*};
    /// # use futures_await_test::async_test;
    /// # use std::{thread::sleep, time::Duration};
    /// # futures::executor::block_on(async move {
    /// #
    /// # let MEILISEARCH_URL = option_env!("MEILISEARCH_URL").unwrap_or("http://localhost:7700");
    /// # let MEILISEARCH_API_KEY = option_env!("MEILISEARCH_API_KEY").unwrap_or("masterKey");
    /// #
    /// # let client = Client::new(MEILISEARCH_URL, MEILISEARCH_API_KEY);
    /// #
    /// let task_info = client.create_dump().await.unwrap();
    /// assert!(matches!(
    ///    task_info,
    ///    TaskInfo {
    ///        update_type: TaskType::DumpCreation { .. },
    ///        ..
    ///    }
    /// ));
    /// # });
    /// ```
    pub async fn create_dump(&self) -> Result<TaskInfo, Error> {
        request::<(), (), TaskInfo>(
            Method::Post {
                query: (),
                body: (),

/// Alias for [create_dump](Client::create_dump).
pub async fn create_dump(client: &Client) -> Result<TaskInfo, Error> {

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use crate::{client::*, tasks::*};
    use meilisearch_test_macro::meilisearch_test;
    use std::time::Duration;

    async fn test_dumps_success_creation(client: Client) -> Result<(), Error> {
        let task = client

        assert!(matches!(task, Task::Succeeded { .. }));

    async fn test_dumps_correct_update_type(client: Client) -> Result<(), Error> {
        let task_info = client.create_dump().await.unwrap();

            TaskInfo {
                update_type: TaskType::DumpCreation { .. },