Crate meilisearch_sdk[][src]

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πŸ”§ Installation

To use meilisearch-sdk, add this to your Cargo.toml:

meilisearch-sdk = "0.11.0"

The following optional dependencies may also be useful:

futures = "0.3" # To be able to block on async functions if you are not using an async runtime
serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }

This crate is async but you can choose to use an async runtime like tokio or just block on futures. You can enable the sync feature to make most structs Sync. It may be a bit slower.

Using this crate is possible without serde, but a lot of features require serde.

Run a MeiliSearch Instance

This crate requires a MeiliSearch server to run.

There are many easy ways to download and run a MeiliSearch instance.

For example, if you use Docker:

docker pull getmeili/meilisearch:latest # Fetch the latest version of MeiliSearch image from Docker Hub
docker run -it --rm -p 7700:7700 getmeili/meilisearch:latest ./meilisearch --master-key=masterKey

NB: you can also download MeiliSearch from Homebrew or APT.

πŸš€ Getting Started

use meilisearch_sdk::{document::*, client::*, search::*};
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use futures::executor::block_on;

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
struct Movie {
    id: usize,
    title: String,
    genres: Vec<String>,

// That trait is required to make a struct usable by an index
impl Document for Movie {
    type UIDType = usize;

    fn get_uid(&self) -> &Self::UIDType {

fn main() { block_on(async move {
    // Create a client (without sending any request so that can't fail)
    let client = Client::new("http://localhost:7700", "masterKey");

    // Get the index called "movies"
    let movies = client.get_or_create("movies").await.unwrap();

    // Add some movies in the index
        Movie{id: 1, title: String::from("Carol"), genres: vec!["Romance".to_string(), "Drama".to_string()]},
        Movie{id: 2, title: String::from("Wonder Woman"), genres: vec!["Action".to_string(), "Adventure".to_string()]},
        Movie{id: 3, title: String::from("Life of Pi"), genres: vec!["Adventure".to_string(), "Drama".to_string()]},
        Movie{id: 4, title: String::from("Mad Max"), genres: vec!["Adventure".to_string(), "Science Fiction".to_string()]},
        Movie{id: 5, title: String::from("Moana"), genres: vec!["Fantasy".to_string(), "Action".to_string()]},
        Movie{id: 6, title: String::from("Philadelphia"), genres: vec!["Drama".to_string()]},
    ], Some("id")).await.unwrap();

    // Query movies (note that there is a typo)


[Movie{id: 1, title: String::from("Carol"), genres: vec!["Romance", "Drama"]}]

🌐 Running in the Browser with WASM

This crate fully supports WASM.

The only difference between the WASM and the native version is that the native version has one more variant (Error::Http) in the Error enum. That should not matter so much but we could add this variant in WASM too.

However, making a program intended to run in a web browser requires a very different design than a CLI program. To see an example of a simple Rust web app using MeiliSearch, see the our demo.

WARNING: meilisearch-sdk will panic if no Window is available (ex: Web extension).


Module containing the Client struct.

Module containing the Document trait.

The dumps module allows the creation of database dumps. Dumps are .dump files that can be used to launch MeiliSearch. Dumps are compatible between MeiliSearch versions.

Module containing the Error struct.

Module containing the Index struct.

Module containing objects useful for tracking the progress of async operations.

Module related to search queries and results.

Module containing settings