meet-macro 0.1.0

The Meet Framework
//! This crate provides Yew's procedural macro `html!` which allows using JSX-like syntax
//! for generating html and the `Properties` derive macro for deriving the `Properties` trait
//! for components.
//! The `html!` macro uses [proc_macro_hack]( in order
//! to be used in the expression position.
//! ```
//! # #[macro_use] extern crate meet;
//! use meet::prelude::*;
//! struct Component {
//!   link: ComponentLink<Self>,
//! }
//! #[derive(Clone, Properties)]
//! struct Props {
//!   #[props(required)]
//!   prop: String,
//! };
//! # enum Msg { Submit }
//! #
//! # impl meet::Component for Component {
//! #     type Message = Msg;
//! #     type Properties = Props;
//! #     fn create(_: Self::Properties, _: ComponentLink<Self>) -> Self {
//! #         unimplemented!()
//! #     }
//! #
//! #     fn update(&mut self, msg: Self::Message) -> ShouldRender {
//! #         unimplemented!()
//! #     }
//! #
//! #     fn view(&self) -> Html {
//! #
//! // ...
//! html! {
//!   <div>
//!     <button|_| Msg::Submit)>
//!       { "Submit" }
//!     </button>
//!     <>
//!       <Component prop="first" />
//!       <Component prop="second" />
//!     </>
//!   </div>
//! }
//! #
//! #     }
//! # }
//! #
//! # fn main() {}
//! ```

#![recursion_limit = "128"]
extern crate proc_macro;

mod derive_props;
mod html_tree;

use derive_props::DerivePropsInput;
use html_tree::HtmlRoot;
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use proc_macro_hack::proc_macro_hack;
use quote::{quote, ToTokens};
use syn::buffer::Cursor;
use syn::parse_macro_input;

trait Peek<'a, T> {
    fn peek(cursor: Cursor<'a>) -> Option<(T, Cursor<'a>)>;

trait PeekValue<T> {
    fn peek(cursor: Cursor) -> Option<T>;

fn non_capitalized_ascii(string: &str) -> bool {
    if !string.is_ascii() {
    } else if let Some(c) = string.bytes().next() {
    } else {

#[proc_macro_derive(Properties, attributes(props))]
pub fn derive_props(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let input = parse_macro_input!(input as DerivePropsInput);

pub fn html(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let root = parse_macro_input!(input as HtmlRoot);
    TokenStream::from(quote! {#root})