medea-control-api-proto 0.3.0

Control API protocol implementation for Medea media server
`medea-control-api-proto` changelog

All user visible changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project uses [Semantic Versioning 2.0.0].

## [0.3.0] · 2021-05-12
[0.3.0]: /../../tree/medea-control-api-proto-0.3.0/proto/control-api


### Upgraded

- Dependencies: ([#199])
    - `prost` to `0.7`;
    - `tonic` to `0.4`.

[#199]: /../../pull/199

## [0.2.0] · 2021-04-08
[0.2.0]: /../../tree/medea-control-api-proto-0.2.0/proto/control-api

[Diff]/../../compare/medea-control-api-proto-0.1.0...medea-control-api-proto-0.2.0 | [Milestone]/../../milestone/2

### Added

- gRPC:
    - `ControlApi` service:
        - Methods:
            - `Apply` ([#187]).

[#187]: /../../pull/187

## [0.1.0] · 2021-02-01
[0.1.0]: /../../tree/medea-control-api-proto-0.1.0/proto/control-api

[Milestone]/../../milestone/2 | [Roadmap]/../../issues/27

### Added

- gRPC:
    - Services:
        - `ControlApi` ([#57]);
        - `Callback` ([#63]).
    - `ControlApi` service:
        - Methods ([#57]):
            - `Create`;
            - `Get`;
            - `Delete`.
        - Elements ([#57], [#79], [#106]):
            - `Room`;
            - `Member`;
            - `WebRtcPlayEndpoint`;
            - `WebRtcPublishEndpoint`.
    - `Callback` service:
        - Callbacks ([#63]):
            - `OnJoin`;
            - `OnLeave`.

[#57]: /../../pull/57
[#63]: /../../pull/63
[#79]: /../../pull/79
[#106]: /../../pull/106

[Semantic Versioning 2.0.0]: