mech-server 0.0.3

Provides a server and client for hosting Mech programs on a websocket.

Mech is a language for developing data-driven, reactive systems like animations, games, and robots. It makes composing, transforming, and distributing data easy, allowing you to focus on the essential complexity of your problem.

Read about progress on our blog, follow us on Twitter @MechLang, or join the mailing list:

Mech Server

Provides a server and client for hosting Mech programs on a websocket.


  • client - defines a protocol for accepting messages from clients (websocket or otherwise), and a ClientHandler that implements this protocol.

Project Status

Mech is currently in the alpha stage of development. This means that while some features work and are tested, programs are still likely to crash and produce incorrect results. We've implemented some language features, but many are not yet implemented.

Feel free to use the language for your own satisfaction, but please don't use it for anything important.


Apache 2.0