measurements 0.2.0

Handle metric, imperial, and other measurements with ease! Types: Length, Temperature, Weight

Build Status

And Rust said, "Let there be units".

Hurray! Now you can work with units of measure in a headache-free way.

Currently available units:

  • Length
  • Temperature
  • Weight


In your Cargo.toml...

measurements = "^0.2.0"

In your code...

extern crate measurements;

use measurements::{Length, Temperature, Weight};

let football_field = Length::from_yards(100.0);
let meters = football_field.as_meters();
println!("There are {} meters in a football field.", meters);

let boiling_water = Temperature::from_celsius(100.0);
let fahrenheit = boiling_water.as_fahrenheit();
println!("Boiling water measures at {} degrees fahrenheit.", fahrenheit);

let metric_ton = Weight::from_metric_tons(1.0);
let united_states_tons = metric_ton.as_short_tons();
let united_states_pounds = metric_ton.as_pounds();
println!("One metric ton is {} U.S. tons - that's {} pounds!", united_states_tons, united_states_pounds);


I am by no means a measurement or math expert, I simply wanted to do something useful while learning Rust. Thank you to these sites and their authors for the great reference material used in building this library.