mdo 0.3.0

Monadic do notation for rust using macro and duck typing

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Rust mdo is a monadic do notation using macro and duck typing. It provides a syntax extention providing something looking like the Haskell do notation, and rewrite it using a bind function. Some functions are privided for some common monadic structures.


Add to your Cargo.toml:

mdo = "*"
#[macro_use] extern crate mdo;

fn main() {
    // exporting the monadic functions for the Iterator monad (similar
    // to list comprehension)
    use mdo::iter::{bind, ret, mzero};

    // getting the list of (x, y, z) such that
    //  - 1 <= x <= y < z < 11
    //  - x^2 + y^2 == z^2
    let l = bind(1i32..11, move |z|
                 bind(1..z, move |x|
                      bind(x..z, move |y|
                           bind(if x * x + y * y == z * z { ret(()) }
                                else { mzero() },
                                move |_|
                                ret((x, y, z))
    println!("{:?}", l);

    // the same thing, using the mdo! macro
    let l = mdo! {
        z =<< 1i32..11;
        x =<< 1..z;
        y =<< x..z;
        when x * x + y * y == z * z;
        ret ret((x, y, z))
    println!("{:?}", l);


You can find the rustdoc here.


This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See the COPYING file for more details.