mdbook-plantuml 0.1.0

A preprocessor for mdbook which will convert plantuml code blocks into inline SVG diagrams

mdBook PlantUML

mdBook preprocessor to render PlantUML code blocks to embedded SVG in your book.


First create the preprocessor in your book.toml file:

authors = ["Dzjengis Khan"]
multilingual = false
src = "src"
title = "mdBook PlantUML preprocessor"


The above assumes both the mdbook-preprocessor and the plantuml executable are on your path.

Then simply add a PlantUML code block in your book text:

Some text here

A --|> B

Some more text.

The plantuml code block will be replaced with inline SVG data.


  • plantuml-cmd: Optional command override for PlantUML (defaults to "java -jar plantuml.jar" on Windows and "/usr/bin/plantuml" on Linux).