mdbook-pdf-headless_chrome 0.1.2

A fork from headless_chrome for publishing mdbook-pdf
//! A high-level API to control headless Chrome or Chromium over the DevTools Protocol. It is the
//! Rust equivalent of [Puppeteer](, a Node library
//! maintained by the Chrome DevTools team.
//! It is not 100% feature compatible with Puppeteer, but there's enough here to satisfy most
//! browser testing / web crawling use cases, and there are several 'advanced' features such as:
//! - [network request interception](
//! - [JavaScript coverage monitoring](
//! - [taking screenshots of elements or the entire page](
//! - [saving pages to PDF](
//! - ['headful' browsing](
//! - automatic downloading of 'known good' Chromium binaries for Linux / Mac / Windows
//! - [extension pre-loading](
//! # Quick Start
//! ```no_run
//! use headless_chrome::{Browser, protocol::page::ScreenshotFormat};
//! use headless_chrome::protocol::cdp::Page;
//! fn browse_wikipedia() -> Result<(), failure::Error> {
//!     let browser = Browser::default()?;
//!     let tab = browser.wait_for_initial_tab()?;
//!     /// Navigate to wikipedia
//!     tab.navigate_to("")?;
//!     /// Wait for network/javascript/dom to make the search-box available
//!     /// and click it.
//!     tab.wait_for_element("input#searchInput")?.click()?;
//!     /// Type in a query and press `Enter`
//!     tab.type_str("WebKit")?.press_key("Enter")?;
//!     /// We should end up on the WebKit-page once navigated
//!     tab.wait_for_element("#firstHeading")?;
//!     assert!(tab.get_url().ends_with("WebKit"));
//!     /// Take a screenshot of the entire browser window
//!     let _jpeg_data = tab.capture_screenshot(
//!         Page::CaptureScreenshotFormatOption::Png,
//!         Some(75),
//!         None,
//!         true)?;
//!     /// Take a screenshot of just the WebKit-Infobox
//!     let _png_data = tab
//!         .wait_for_element("#mw-content-text > div > table.infobox.vevent")?
//!         .capture_screenshot(ScreenshotFormat::PNG)?;
//!     Ok(())
//! }
//! assert!(browse_wikipedia().is_ok());
//! ```

clippy::doc_markdown, // a number of false positives here
clippy::default_trait_access, // fails on output of derive_builder
clippy::needless_pass_by_value, // would stop us creating and passing in LaunchOptions to browser in one statement
clippy::unreadable_literal, // not really applicable for timestamps
clippy::derive_partial_eq_without_eq, // f64 doesn't impl Eq, for autogen
clippy::struct_excessive_bools,  // for autogen
clippy::wildcard_imports, // for autogen
clippy::cast_possible_truncation, // for & 190
clippy::cast_sign_loss, // for tab/element/ & 493
clippy::cast_lossless, // for tab/element/ & 493
clippy::vtable_address_comparisons, // for tab/
clippy::derivable_impls, // for Default for PrintToPDF because autogen

extern crate derive_builder;
extern crate log;

pub use browser::{
    tab::{element::Element, Tab},
    Browser, LaunchOptions, LaunchOptionsBuilder,

#[cfg(feature = "fetch")]
pub use browser::FetcherOptions;

pub mod browser;
pub mod protocol;
pub mod types;
pub mod util;

#[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
#[doc = include_str!("../")]
type _READMETEST = ();