mdbook-katex 0.4.1

mdBook preprocessor rendering LaTeX equations to HTML.
# mdBook-KaTeX

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`mdbook-katex` is a preprocessor for [mdBook](, pre-rendering LaTeX equations to HTML at build time. It allows for very fast page loading, compared to rendering equations in the browser.

This preprocessor uses the [katex]( crate; see [this page]( for the list of supported LaTeX functions.

<p align="center">
  <img width="75%" height="75%" src="">

## Getting Started

First, install `mdbook-katex`

- Non-Windows users:

    cargo install mdbook-katex

- Windows users:
    The recommended way is to download the latest `` from [Releases] for the full functionality. See [#67] for the reasons.

Then, add the following line to your `book.toml` file

after = ["links"]

You can now use `$` and `$$` delimiters for inline and display equations within your `.md` files. If you need a regular dollar symbol, you can escape delimiters with a backslash `\$`.

# Chapter 1

Here is an inline example, $ \pi(\theta) $, 

an equation,

$$ \nabla f(x) \in \mathbb{R}^n, $$

and a regular \$ symbol.

LaTeX equations will be rendered as HTML when running `mdbook build` or `mdbook serve` as usual.

## KaTeX options

The preprocessor supports passing options to the katex-rs crate in order
to configure its behaviour. These options are specified under the
`[preprocessor.katex]` directive.

The currently supported arguments are:
| Argument | Type |
| :- | :- |
| [`output`],output,-string | `string` |
| [`leqno`],leqno,-boolean | `boolean` |
| [`fleqn`],fleqn,-boolean | `boolean` |
| [`throw-on-error`],throwonerror,-boolean | `boolean` |
| [`error-color`],errorcolor,-string | `string` |
| [`min-rule-thickness`],minrulethickness,-number | `number` |
| [`max-size`],maxsize,-number | `number` |
| [`max-expand`] | `number` |
| [`trust`],trust,-boolean | `boolean` |

There are also options to configure the behaviour of the preprocessor:
| Option | Default | Description |
| :- | :- | :- |
| `no-css` | `false` | Do not inject KaTeX stylesheet link (See [Self-host KaTeX CSS and fonts]#self-host-katex-css-and-fonts) |
| `macros` | `None` | Path to macros file (see [Custom macros]#custom-macros) |
| `include-src` | `false` | Include math expressions source code (See [Including math Source]#including-math-source) |
| `block-delimiter` | `{left = "$$", right = "$$"}` | See [Custom delimiter]#custom-delimiter |
| `inline-delimiter` | `{left = "$", right = "$"}` | See [Custom delimiter]#custom-delimiter |
| `static-css` | `false` | ([Deprecated] Generates fully static html pages with katex styling |

For example:

renderers = ["html"]
no-css = false
include-src = false
block-delimiter = {left = "$$", right = "$$"}
inline-delimiter = {left = "$", right = "$"}

## Self-host KaTeX CSS and fonts

KaTeX requires a stylesheet and fonts to render correctly.

By default, `mdbook-katex` inject a KaTeX stylesheet link pointing to a CDN.

If you want to self-host the CSS and fonts instead, you should specify in `book.toml`:

no-css = true

and manually add the CSS and fonts to your mdBook project before build.

See [`mdbook-katex` Static CSS Example]( for an automated example.

## Custom macros

Custom LaTeX macros must be defined in a `.txt` file, according to the following pattern

\R:{\mathbb{R}^{#1 \times #2}}

You need to specify the path of this file in your `book.toml` as follows

macros = "path/to/macros.txt"

These macros can then be used in your `.md` files

# Chapter 1

$$ \grad f(x) \in \R{n}{p} $$

## Including math source

This option is added so users can have a convenient way to copy the source code of math expressions when they view the book.

When `include-src` is set to `true`, each math block is wrapped within a `<data>` tag with `class="katex-src"` with the included math source code being its `value` attribute.

For example, before being fed into `mdbook`,

Define $f(x)$:


is preprocessed into (the content of the `katex` `span`s are omitted and represented as `…`)

Define <data class="katex-src" value="f(x)"><span class="katex">…</span></data>:

<data class="katex-src" value="
"><span class="katex-display"><span class="katex">…</span></span></data>

The math source code is included in a minimal fashion, and it is up to the users to write custom CSS and JavaScript to make use of it.
For more information about adding custom CSS and JavaScript in `mdbook`, see [additional-css and additional-js](

If you need more information about this feature, please check the issues or file a new issue.

## Custom delimiter

To change the delimiters for math expressions, set the `block-delimiter` and `inline-delimiter` under `[preprocessor.katex]`.
For example, to use `\(`and `\)` for inline math and `\[` and `\]` for math block, set

block-delimiter = {left = "\\[", right = "\\]"}
inline-delimiter = {left = "\\(", right = "\\)"}

Notice that the double backslash above are just used to escape `\` in the TOML format.

## Caveats

`$\backslash$` does not work, but you can use `$\setminus$` instead.

Only the x86_64 Linux, Windows GNU, and macOS builds have full functionality, all other builds have compromised capabilities. See [#39]( for the reasons.

If you specify `[output.katex]`, the build artifact of the book will be in a folder named `html` inside the directory you specify instead of being directly there.
Consider this when you use `mdbook-katex` in your CIs.