mdblog 0.5.1

create static site blog from markdown files.
# Mdblog

Create static site blog from markdown files with features:

* TeX style math support
* file path is the post url
* file name is the post title
* post can be hidden(link does not be insert into index/tag page)

# Install

`mdblog` is implemented by rust language, so you need cargo command:

cargo install mdblog

`mdblog` will be installed in your cargo binary directory(`~/.cargo/bin/`).


`mdblog` can be use as a command:

$ mdblog -h
static site generator from markdown files

    mdblog <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    build    Build the blog static files
    help     Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    init     Initialize the blog directory layout
    serve    Serve the blog, rebuild on change

you can also check the subcommand usage:

$ mdblog serve -h
Serve the blog, rebuild on change

    mdblog serve [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -p, --port <port>    Serve the blog at<port> [default: 5000]

### init blog

$ mdblog init myblog

blog directory(`myblog`) layout is initialized:

├── Config.toml
├── media
├── posts
│   └──
└── _themes

* `Config.toml`: blog config file
* `media`: blog media directory
* `posts`: blog posts directory
* `posts/`: a markdown style post
* `_themes`: blog themes directory

### build blog

$ cd myblog
$ mdblog build

the blog static files are build into the subdir `_build`, the current blog directory(`myblog`) layout is:

├── _builds
├── Config.toml
├── media
├── posts
│   └──
└── _themes

* `_builds`: generated static-site top directory

### serve blog

$ mdblog serve

open the site index page automatically,
and re-generate your static-site when you add or change content,

### new post

create a markdown file `posts/` with the content:

date: 2018-01-01 00:00:00
tags: hello, another

This is just another post.

refresh the index page, you will find the new post.

# Config.toml

footer_note = "Keep It Simple, Stupid!"
site_logo = "/static/logo.png"
site_motto = "Simple is Beautiful!"
site_name = "Mdblog"
theme = "simple"