md-inc 0.3.1

Include files in Markdown docs
`md-inc` - Include files in Markdown docs

## Overview

* Include external files into your markdown documents - inline!
    * Input is inserted between command block and end block
    * Overwrites anything that was previously there
* Transform included files
    * Wrap your input in code blocks or custom text
    * Filter specific lines
    * Add line numbers or other line decorators
* Easily configure with `.md-inc.toml` file.
    * Specify 1 or more files to transform.
    * Specify base path used for relative file includes.
    * Replace `<!--{` and `}-->` tags - useful if you need to avoid conflicts or existing comments.
## Example

Here is a code file, ``, that we want to include in our Markdown document:

<!--{{ | code: rust }}-->
fn main() {
    println!("Hello, World!");
<!--{{ end }}-->

The file can be included using command tags, sneakily disguised as comments so they aren't rendered in the actual document:
<!--{{ before/ | code: markdown }}-->
Look at the following rust code:
<!--{ "" | code: rust }-->
<!--{ end }-->
This will print 'Hello World' to the console.
<!--{{ end }}-->

After running `md-inc`, the file will be transformed into:
<!--{{ after/ | code: markdown | wrap: "`" }}-->
Look at the following rust code:
<!--{ "" | code: rust }-->
fn main() {
    println!("Hello, World!");
<!--{ end }-->
This will print 'Hello World' to the console.
<!--{{ end }}-->

Note: The surrounding ` ```rust ` and ` ``` ` lines were inserted
because we piped the input into the `code: rust` command. More on this later!

## Install
cargo install md-inc

## Run
md-inc [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [files]...

If no files are given, the `files` field in `.md-inc.toml` is used.

## Configuration

`.md-inc.toml` can be configured by setting any of the following:

`open_tag`: The opening tag for a command 
# <!--{ COMMAND }-->
# ^^^^^
open_tag = "<!--{" 

`close_tag`: The closing tag for a command 
# <!--{ COMMAND }-->
#               ^^^^
close_tag = "}-->"

`end_command`: The name to use for the end command
# <!--{ COMMAND }-->
# <!--{ end }-->
#       ^^^
end_command = "end"

`base_dir`: The base directory for relative imported file paths, relative to the config file
# For the directory tree:
#   ├╼
#   ├╼ .md-inc.toml
#   ╰╼ doc
#     ├╼ file.txt
#     ╰╼ other
#       ╰╼ file2.txt
# If base_dir = "doc", then files can be named relative to doc
# <!--{ "file.txt" }-->
# ...
# <!--{ "other/file2.txt" }-->
base_dir = "doc"
`files`: A list of files to be transformed, relative to the config file
files = ["", "doc/"]
A list of directories containing ".md-inc.toml" that will be visited before this one. 
depend_dirs = ["doc/example1", "doc/example2"]

A list of directories containing ".md-inc.toml" that will be visited after this one. 
next_dirs = ["doc/example1", "doc/example2"]
*Note*: "depend_dirs" and "next_dirs" are NOT called recursively.

An optional output directory for generated files. 
If this is defined, the generated files will be written to this directory 
instead of overwriting the original files.
out_dir = "path/to/output"

## Commands
Included files can be manipulated by piping commands together.

* [General Syntax]#general-syntax
* [Code Blocks]#code-language
* [Lines Range]#lines-first-last
    * [After]#trim-leading-lines
    * [Before]#trim-trailing-lines
    * [Between]#trim-both-leading-and-trailing-lines
* [Line List]#line-list
* [Line Numbers]#line-numbers-separator
* [Wrap Document]#wrap-text-or-wrap-before-after
* [Wrap Lines]#wrap-lines-text-or-wrap-lines-before-after

### General Syntax:
Include `file.txt`:
<!--{ "file.txt }-->
<!--{ end }-->
Include `file.txt` inside a code block:
<!--{ "file.txt | code }-->
<!--{ end }-->
Include `` inside a code block with python syntax highlighting:
<!--{ "" | code: python }-->
<!--{ end }-->
Include only lines 4 to 10 of `` inside a code block with python syntax highlighting:
<!--{ "" | lines: 4 10 | code: python }-->
<!--{ end }-->

* The first value should always be the filename.
* Commands can be chained together using the pipe (`|`) operator.
    `"file.txt" | code`
* Some commands may take space-separated arguments after a colon (`:`) character.
    `"file.txt | lines: 4 10`
* Commands are applied to the included file from left to right.

### `code: [language]`
* Wraps the file in a code block (triple backticks)
* `language`: the language used for syntax highlighting. 
If given, this will be added directly after the top backticks.

Without language:
<!--{ "doc/file.txt" | code }-->
<!--{ end }-->

With language:
<!--{ "doc/file.html" | code: html }-->
<!--{ end }-->

### `lines: first [last]`
* Restricts the input to the given range of lines 
    * (include line, if `first <= line <= last`)
* `first`: The first line to import
* `last`: The last line to import  (1-based index)
    * If `last` is not provided, all lines will be included from `first` until the end of the input.

Given the file, *alphabet.txt*: 
<!--{{ "alphabet.txt" | code: txt }}-->
<!--{{ end }}-->

#### Trim leading lines
<!--{{ "before/" | code: markdown | wrap: "`" }}-->
<!--{ "alphabet.txt" | lines: 4 }-->
<!--{ end }-->
<!--{{ end }}-->

This keeps the 4th line until the end of the file.

<!--{{ "after/" | code: markdown | wrap: "`" }}-->
<!--{ "alphabet.txt" | lines: 4 }-->
<!--{ end }-->
<!--{{ end }}-->

#### Trim trailing lines
<!--{{ "before/" | code: markdown | wrap: "`" }}-->
<!--{ "alphabet.txt" | lines: 1 3 }-->
<!--{ end }-->
<!--{{ end }}-->

This keeps only lines 1 to 3
<!--{{ "after/" | code: markdown | wrap: "`" }}-->
<!--{ "alphabet.txt" | lines: 1 3 }-->
<!--{ end }-->
<!--{{ end }}-->

#### Trim both leading and trailing lines
<!--{{ "before/" | code: markdown | wrap: "`" }}-->
<!--{ "alphabet.txt" | lines: 2 4 }-->
<!--{ end }-->
<!--{{ end }}-->

This keeps only lines 2 to 4

<!--{{ "after/" | code: markdown | wrap: "`" }}-->
<!--{ "alphabet.txt" | lines: 2 4 }-->
<!--{ end }-->
<!--{{ end }}-->

### `line: list...`
* Restricts the input to the given list of line numbers (1-based index).
* `list...`: A list of line numbers to included

<!--{{ "before/" | code: markdown | wrap: "`" }}-->
<!--{ "alphabet.txt" | line: 3 2 1 }-->
<!--{ end }-->
<!--{{ end }}-->

<!--{{ "after/" | code: markdown | wrap: "`" }}-->
<!--{ "alphabet.txt" | line: 3 2 1 }-->
<!--{ end }-->
<!--{{ end }}-->

### `line-numbers: [separator] [width]`
* Adds a line number to each line
* `[separator]`: Optional separator used between the line number and the rest of the line.
    * If not provided, `: ` is used.
* `[width]`: Optional width for line numbers.
    * If not provided, the width of the longest line number is used.

**With Default Arguments:**
<!--{{ "before/" | code: markdown | wrap: "`" }}-->
<!--{ "full_alphabet.txt" | line-numbers | lines: 8 14 }-->
<!--{ end }-->
<!--{{ end }}-->

<!--{{ "after/" | code: markdown | wrap: "`" }}-->
<!--{ "full_alphabet.txt" | line-numbers | lines: 8 14 }-->
 8: H
 9: I
10: J
11: K
12: L
13: M
14: N
<!--{ end }-->
<!--{{ end }}-->

**With Provided Arguments:**

<!--{{ "before/" | code: markdown | wrap: "`" }}-->
<!--{ "alphabet.txt" | line-numbers: " " 4 }-->
<!--{ end }-->
<!--{{ end }}-->

<!--{{ "after/" | code: markdown | wrap: "`" }}-->
<!--{ "alphabet.txt" | line-numbers: " " 4 }-->
   1 A
   2 B
   3 C
   4 D
   5 E
<!--{ end }-->
<!--{{ end }}-->

### `wrap: text` or `wrap: before after` 
* Inserts text before and after the input.
* `text`: Text that is inserted before and after the input (no newline)
* `before`: Text that is inserted before the input (no newline). 
* `after`: Text that is inserted after the input (no newline). 

### `wrap-lines: text` or `wrap-lines: before after` 
* Inserts text before and after each line of the input.
* `text`: Text that is inserted before and after each line of the input.
* `before`: Text that is inserted before each line of the input. 
* `after`: Text that is inserted after each line of the input. 

### `match: pattern [group_num]`
* Inserts text from a file that matches the pattern.
* `pattern`: A regex pattern
* `group_num`: The capture group matching `group_num` is inserted. 
    * A group_num of `0` is the whole regex pattern

For a file, ``:
<!--{{ "" | code: rust }}-->
// Main
fn main() {
    println!("Hello, World!");
// Goodbye
fn goodbye() {
    println!("Goodbye, World!");
<!--{{ end }}-->

The `main()` function can be extracted using the `match` command:

<!--{{ "before/" | code: markdown | wrap: "`" }}-->
<!--{ "" | match: "\n(fn main[\s\S]*?\n\})" 1 | code: rust }-->
<!--{ end }-->
<!--{{ end }}-->

<!--{{ "after/" | code: markdown | wrap: "`" }}-->
<!--{ "" | match: "\n(fn main[\s\S]*?\n\})" 1 | code: rust }-->
fn main() {
    println!("Hello, World!");
<!--{ end }-->
<!--{{ end }}-->