mcurry 0.1.1

Macros for creating curried functions.
# mcurry

[![Build Status](](

`mcurry` exposes macros for creating
[curried functions](

- [Documentation]
- [ Registry]

## Roadmap

- [ ] Function-like macros
    - [x] with lambda-like syntax
    - [x] with generic types
    - [ ] with specified types
        - [x] return type
        - [ ] parameter types
- [ ] Attribute macros
- [ ] Specification of parameter ownership
    - [x] moved parameters
    - [ ] referenced parameters
        - [ ] immutable
        - [ ] mutable
    - [ ] owned parameters

## Development

Development of `mcurry` targets the master branch of this repository. Contributions are warmly

Changes can be tested by running the [`check`](./scripts/check) script:

scripts/check lf     # validates lint and format
scripts/check test   # tests source code