mc-varint 0.1.1

Minecraft's VarInt and VarLong implemetation in Rust, providing minimum memory usage and maximum performance.


Minecraft VarInt and VarLong implemetation in Rust, providing minimum memory usage and maximum performance. WTFPL licensed


Read a VarInt from a Read

extern crate mc_varint;
use mc_varint::{VarInt, VarIntRead};
use std::io::Cursor;
fn main() {
    // firstly we create a Cursor
    let mut cur = Cursor::new(vec![0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x07]);
    // secondly we read from it
    let var_int = cur.read_var_int().unwrap();
    // the value of var_int is 2147483647
    assert_eq!(var_int, VarInt::from(2147483647));

Write a VarInt to a Write

extern crate mc_varint;
use mc_varint::{VarInt, VarIntWrite};
use std::io::Cursor;
fn main() {
    // firstly we create a Cursor and a VarInt
    let mut cur = Cursor::new(Vec::with_capacity(5));
    let var_int = VarInt::from(2147483647);
    // secondly we write the VarInt to the Cursor
    // now the var_int is written to cur.
    assert_eq!(cur.into_inner(), vec![0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x07]);


Platform: 3.4GHz Intel Core i5

running 6 tests
test var_int_convert  ... bench:           7 ns/iter (+/- 0)
test var_int_read     ... bench:          33 ns/iter (+/- 29)
test var_int_write    ... bench:          88 ns/iter (+/- 9)
test var_long_convert ... bench:          10 ns/iter (+/- 1)
test var_long_read    ... bench:          56 ns/iter (+/- 5)
test var_long_write   ... bench:         180 ns/iter (+/- 31)

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 6 measured; 0 filtered out