mbus-api 0.3.1

A RESTful HTTP API exposing (wired) M-Bus functionality
// https://www.jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/docker/
pipeline {
    agent {
        docker { image 'piersfinlayson/openapi-gen-amd64:0.1.3' }
    stages {
        stage('Clone') {
            steps {
                withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'github.packom', usernameVariable: 'USERNAME', passwordVariable: 'PASSWORD')]) {
                    sh '''
                        cd ~/builds && \
                        git clone https://packom:$PASSWORD@github.com/packom/mbus-api && \
                        cd mbus-api && \
                        echo `awk '/^version / {print $3;}' Cargo.toml | sed 's/"//g'` > /tmp/old_version && \
                        echo "Old version is:" && \
                        cat /tmp/old_version
        stage('Auto-gen') {
            steps {
                sh '''
                    cd ~/builds/mbus-api && \
                    rm -fr docs src examples && \
                    cd ~/builds && \
                    java -jar ~/openapi-generator/modules/openapi-generator-cli/target/openapi-generator-cli.jar generate --generate-alias-as-model -i ./mbus-api/api/openapi.yaml -g rust-server -o ./mbus-api
                    cd mbus-api && \
                    echo `awk '/^version / {print $3;}' Cargo.toml | sed 's/"//g'` > /tmp/new_version && \
                    echo "New version is:" && \
                    cat /tmp/new_version && \
                    NEWV=$(cat /tmp/new_version) && \
                    echo "# mbus-api

mbus-api is an HTTP RESTful API designed to control a wired M-Bus.  This repo includes:
- An [API specification](https://github.com/packom/mbus-api/blob/master/api/openapi.yaml) in [OpenAPI format](https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/).
- Skeleton client and server implementations in [Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/).

A fully-featured server implementation for Linux, in Rust, can be found at https://github.com/packom/mbus-httpd.

The text below was automatically generated by the openapi-generator.
" > /tmp/README.md && \
                    cat ./README.md >> /tmp/README.md && \
                    cp /tmp/README.md ./ && \
                    echo "[package]
name = \\"mbus-api\\"
version = \\"$NEWV\\"
authors = [\\"Piers Finlayson <piers@packom.net>\\"]
edition = \\"2018\\"
license = \\"GPL-3.0-or-later\\"
repository = \\"https://github.com/packom/mbus-api\\"
documentation = \\"https://github.com/packom/mbus-api\\"
homepage = \\"https://github.com/packom/mbus-api\\"
description = \\"A RESTful HTTP API exposing (wired) M-Bus functionality\\"
readme = \\"README.md\\"
keywords = [\\"mbus\\",\\"m-bus\\",\\"openapi\\",\\"swagger\\",\\"http\\"]
categories = [\\"api-bindings\\",\\"hardware-support\\",\\"network-programming\\",\\"embedded\\",\\"web-programming\\"]

maintenance = { status = \\"actively-developed\\" }
travis-ci = { repository = \\"packom/mbus-api\\", branch = \\"master\\" }
" > /tmp/Cargo.toml && \
                    tail -n +9 ./Cargo.toml >> /tmp/Cargo.toml && \
                    cp /tmp/Cargo.toml ./ && \
                    sed -i 's/git = \\"git:\\/\\/github.com\\/Metaswitch\\/serde\\-xml\\-rs\\.git\\" , branch = \\"master\\"/ version = \\"0\\.4\\.0\\" /' ./Cargo.toml
                    find examples -name *.rs -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's/openapi_client/mbus_api/' && \
                    git diff -- . ':(exclude)README.md' > /tmp/diff && \
                    cat /tmp/diff && \
                    echo `stat --printf="%s" /tmp/diff` > /tmp/diff_size && \
                    echo "Diff size is:" && \
                    cat /tmp/diff_size
        stage('Build') {
            steps {
                sh '''
                    cd ~/builds/mbus-api && \
                    cargo build
        stage('Test') {
            steps {
                sh '''
                    cd ~/builds/mbus-api && \
                    cargo test
        stage('Check in') {
            steps {
                sh '''
                    cd ~/builds/mbus-api && \
                    git config --global user.email "piers@packom.net" && \
                    git config --global user.name "Piers Finlayson" && \
                    git status && \
                    git diff && \
                    DIFF_SIZE=$(cat /tmp/diff_size) && \
                    if [ $DIFF_SIZE != 0 ] ; then git add -A && git commit -m "Checking in newly autogenerated version" && git push ; else echo "No changes to check in" ; fi
        stage('Publish') {
            steps {
                withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'crates.packom', usernameVariable: 'USERNAME', passwordVariable: 'PASSWORD')]) {
                    // Note yank failure is OK because there'll be nothing to yank if we have a new version
                    sh '''
                        cd ~/builds/mbus-api && \
                        DIFF_SIZE=$(cat /tmp/diff_size) && \
                        OLDV=$(cat /tmp/old_version) && \
                        NEWV=$(cat /tmp/new_version) && \
if [ $DIFF_SIZE != 0 ]
    cargo publish --token $PASSWORD 
    echo "No changes to publish"