mayda 0.2.4

Compression of integer arrays, favoring decompression speed.
// Copyright 2016 Jeremy Mason
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or
//>, at your option. This file may not be
// copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.

//! `Uniform` encoding of integer arrays. Intended for cases where encoding and
//! decoding speed is desired, or the probability distribution of the entries
//! is uniform within certain bounds. Implemented for all primitive integer
//! types.
//! This type targets encoding and decoding speed by performing minimal
//! transformations of the input array, and only subtracts the minimum value
//! from the entires. The result is that compression decays with the magnitude
//! of the difference between the largest and smallest entries.
//! # Examples
//! ```
//! use mayda::{Access, Encode, Uniform};
//! let input: Vec<u32> = vec![1, 4, 2, 8, 5, 7];
//! let mut bits = Uniform::new();
//! bits.encode(&input).unwrap();
//! let length = bits.len();
//! assert_eq!(length, 6);
//! let output = bits.decode();
//! assert_eq!(input, output);
//! let value = bits.access(4);
//! assert_eq!(value, 5);
//! let range = bits.access(1..4);
//! assert_eq!(range, vec![4, 2, 8]);
//! ```

use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::{mem, ops, ptr, usize};

use mayda_codec;
use utility::{self, Access, AccessInto, Bits, Encode};

const E_WIDTH: u32 = 0x0000007f;
const E_COUNT: u32 = 0x00007f80;

/// The type of a uniform encoded integer array. Designed for moderate
/// compression and efficient decoding through the `Encode` trait, and
/// efficient random access through the `Access` and `AccessInto` traits.
/// Support is provided for arrays with as many as (2^37 - 2^7) entries, or
/// about 512 GiB of `u32`s. If your application requires more than that, you
/// should probably be designing your own data structure anyway.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use mayda::{Access, Encode, Uniform};
/// let input: Vec<u32> = vec![1, 4, 2, 8, 5, 7];
/// let mut bits = Uniform::new();
/// bits.encode(&input).unwrap();
/// let length = bits.len();
/// assert_eq!(length, 6);
/// let output = bits.decode();
/// assert_eq!(input, output);
/// let value = bits.access(4);
/// assert_eq!(value, 5);
/// let range = bits.access(1..4);
/// assert_eq!(range, vec![4, 2, 8]);
/// ```
/// # Performance
/// Decoding does not allocate except for the return value, and decodes around
/// 16 GiB/s of decoded integers on difficult inputs. Encoding allocates `O(n)`
/// memory (`n` in the length of the array), and encodes around 4 GiB/s of
/// decoded integers. Run `cargo bench --bench uniform` for performance numbers
/// on your setup.
/// The performance (speed and compression) degrades gradually as the number of
/// integers falls below 128.
/// # Safety
/// As a general rule, you **should not** decode or access `Uniform` objects
/// from untrusted sources.
/// A `Uniform` object performs unsafe pointer operations during encoding and
/// decoding. Changing the header information with `mut_storage` can cause data
/// to be written to or read from arbitrary addresses in memory.
/// That said, the situation is the same for any of the data structures in the
/// standard library (consider the `set_len` method of a `Vec`).
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Hash, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub struct Uniform<B> {
    storage: Box<[u32]>,
    phantom: PhantomData<B>,

impl<B: Bits> Uniform<B> {
    /// Creates an empty `Uniform` object.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use mayda::{Encode, Uniform};
    /// let input: Vec<u32> = vec![1, 4, 2, 8, 5, 7];
    /// let mut bits = Uniform::new();
    /// bits.encode(&input).unwrap();
    /// let bytes = std::mem::size_of_val(;
    /// assert_eq!(bytes, 16);
    /// ```
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Uniform {
            storage: Box::new([0; 0]),
            phantom: PhantomData,

    /// Creates a `Uniform` object that encodes the slice.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use mayda::{Encode, Uniform};
    /// let input: Vec<u32> = vec![1, 5, 7, 15, 20, 27];
    /// let bits = Uniform::from_slice(&input).unwrap();
    /// let output = bits.decode();
    /// assert_eq!(input, output);
    /// ```
    pub fn from_slice(slice: &[B]) -> Result<Self, super::Error> {
        let mut bits = Self::new();
        match bits.encode(slice) {
            Err(error) => Err(error),
            Ok(()) => Ok(bits),

    /// Returns true when there are no encoded entries.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use mayda::Uniform;
    /// let mut bits = Uniform::<u32>::new();
    /// assert_eq!(bits.is_empty(), true);
    /// ```
    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {

    /// Returns the number of encoded entries. Note that since the length has to
    /// be calculated, `Uniform::len()` is more expensive than `Slice::len()`.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use mayda::{Encode, Uniform};
    /// let input: Vec<u32> = vec![1, 4, 2, 8, 5, 7];
    /// let mut bits = Uniform::new();
    /// bits.encode(&input).unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(bits.len(), 6);
    /// ```
    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
        if {
            return 0;

        let s_ptr: *const u32 =;
        let n_blks: usize = unsafe { (*s_ptr >> 2) as usize };

        let ty_wd: u32 = B::width();
        let wrd_to_blk: usize = words_to_block(n_blks, n_blks, ty_wd, s_ptr);
        let left: usize = unsafe { ((*s_ptr.offset(wrd_to_blk as isize) & E_COUNT) >> 7) as usize };

        (n_blks << 7) + left

    /// Exposes the word storage of the `Uniform` object.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use mayda::{Encode, Uniform};
    /// let input: Vec<u32> = vec![1, 4, 2, 8, 5, 7];
    /// let mut bits = Uniform::new();
    /// bits.encode(&input).unwrap();
    /// let storage =;
    /// assert_eq!(storage.len(), 4);
    /// ```
    pub fn storage(&self) -> &[u32] {

    /// Exposes the mutable word storage of the `Uniform` object.
    /// # Safety
    /// A `Uniform` object performs unsafe pointer operations during encoding
    /// and decoding. Changing the header information can cause data to be
    /// written to or read from arbitrary addresses in memory.
    pub unsafe fn mut_storage(&mut self) -> &mut Box<[u32]> {

    /// Returns the width of the encoded integer type.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use mayda::{Encode, Uniform};
    /// let input: Vec<u32> = vec![1, 4, 2, 8, 5, 7];
    /// let mut bits = Uniform::new();
    /// bits.encode(&input).unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(bits.required_width(), 32);
    /// ```
    pub fn required_width(&self) -> u32 {


// Implementations of Encode

impl<B: Bits> Encode<B> for Uniform<B> {
    fn encode(&mut self, input: &[B]) -> Result<(), super::Error> {
        let storage: Vec<u32> = unsafe { try!(Uniform::<B>::_encode(input)) }; = storage.into_boxed_slice();

    fn decode(&self) -> Vec<B> {
        // Nothing to do
        if {
            return Vec::new();

        let s_ptr: *const u32 =;
        let n_blks: usize = unsafe { (*s_ptr >> 2) as usize };
        let len_bnd: usize = (n_blks + 1) << 7;
        let mut output: Vec<B> = Vec::with_capacity(len_bnd);

        unsafe {
            let length: usize = Uniform::<B>::_decode(&*, n_blks, &mut *output);


    fn decode_into(&self, output: &mut [B]) -> usize {
        if {
            return 0;

        let s_ptr: *const u32 =;
        let n_blks: usize = unsafe { (*s_ptr >> 2) as usize };
        let len_bnd: usize = n_blks << 7;
        if output.len() <= len_bnd {
                "source length is > {} but slice length is {}",

        unsafe { Uniform::<B>::_decode(&*, n_blks, output) }

/// The private interface of an `Encode` type. Allows the implementation to
/// be shared for different types.
trait EncodePrivate<B: Bits> {
    /// Encodes a slice.
    unsafe fn _encode(&[B]) -> Result<Vec<u32>, super::Error>;

    /// Decodes a slice.
    unsafe fn _decode(&[u32], usize, &mut [B]) -> usize;

    /// Encodes a block with 128 or fewer elements. Returns pointer to storage.
    unsafe fn _encode_tail(_: *const B, _: *mut u32, usize, u32) -> *mut u32;

    /// Decodes a block with 128 or fewer elements. Returns pointer to storage.
    unsafe fn _decode_tail(_: *const u32, _: *mut B, usize, u32) -> *const u32;

/// Default is only to catch unimplemented types. Should not be reachable.
impl<B: Bits> EncodePrivate<B> for Uniform<B> {
    default unsafe fn _encode(_: &[B]) -> Result<Vec<u32>, super::Error> {
        Err(super::Error::new("Encode not implemented for this type"))

    default unsafe fn _decode(_: &[u32], _: usize, _: &mut [B]) -> usize {
        panic!("Encode not implemented for this type")

    default unsafe fn _encode_tail(_: *const B, _: *mut u32, _: usize, _: u32) -> *mut u32 {
        panic!("Encode not implemented for this type");

    default unsafe fn _decode_tail(_: *const u32, _: *mut B, _: usize, _: u32) -> *const u32 {
        panic!("Encode not implemented for this type");

macro_rules! encodable_unsigned {
    ($ty: ident: $step: expr, $enc: ident, $dec: ident, $enc_simd: ident, $dec_simd: ident) => {
        impl EncodePrivate<$ty> for Uniform<$ty> {
            unsafe fn _encode(input: &[$ty]) -> Result<Vec<u32>, super::Error> {
                // Nothing to do
                if input.is_empty() {
                    return Ok(Vec::new());

                // Allow arrays of 2^37 entries (512 GiB of u32)
                let n_blks: usize = (input.len() - 1) >> 7;
                let n_lvls: usize = n_blks.bits() as usize;
                if n_lvls > 30 {
                    return Err(super::Error::new("exceeded internal capacity"));
                let mut e_counts: Vec<usize> = vec![128; n_blks + 1];
                e_counts[n_blks] = input.len() - (n_blks << 7);

                // Internal representation of ty
                let ty_wd: u32 = $ty::width();
                let ty_wrd: usize = utility::words_for_bits(ty_wd);
                let flag: u32 = match ty_wd {
                    8 => utility::U8_FLAG,
                    16 => utility::U16_FLAG,
                    32 => utility::U32_FLAG,
                    64 => utility::U64_FLAG,
                    _ => unreachable!(),

                let mut scratch: Vec<$ty> = input.to_vec();
                let mut shifts: Vec<$ty> = Vec::with_capacity(n_blks + 1);
                let mut c_ptr: *mut $ty = scratch.as_mut_ptr();
                let shift_ptr: *mut $ty = shifts.as_mut_ptr();

                // Construct and apply shifts
                let mut shift: $ty;
                for (a, &e_cnt) in e_counts.iter().enumerate() {
                    shift = *c_ptr;
                    for b in 1..(e_cnt as isize) {
                        if *c_ptr.offset(b) < shift {
                            shift = *c_ptr.offset(b);
                    *shift_ptr.offset(a as isize) = shift;

                    for b in 0..(e_cnt as isize) {
                        *c_ptr.offset(b) = (*c_ptr.offset(b)).wrapping_sub(shift);
                    c_ptr = c_ptr.offset(e_cnt as isize);
                c_ptr = scratch.as_mut_ptr();

                // Quantity used for the headers
                let mut e_widths: Vec<u32> = Vec::with_capacity(n_blks + 1);
                let e_wd_ptr: *mut u32 = e_widths.as_mut_ptr();

                // Find widths of all blocks
                let mut blk_max: $ty;
                for (a, &e_cnt) in e_counts.iter().enumerate() {
                    blk_max = 0;
                    for _ in 0..e_cnt {
                        blk_max |= *c_ptr;
                        c_ptr = c_ptr.offset(1);
                    *e_wd_ptr.offset(a as isize) = blk_max.bits();
                e_widths.set_len(n_blks + 1);
                c_ptr = scratch.as_mut_ptr();

                // Construct index header
                let mut lvls: Vec<Vec<u64>> = Vec::with_capacity(n_lvls);
                for a in 0..(n_lvls as isize) {
                    let length: usize = (n_blks + (1 << a)) >> (a + 1);
                    let mut lvl: Vec<u64> = Vec::with_capacity(length);
                    for b in (0..(length as isize)).map(|x| x << (a + 1)) {
                        let mut acc: u64 = 0;
                        for c in 0..(1 << a) {
                            acc += *e_wd_ptr.offset(b + c) as u64;

                // Lengths of index header and blocks
                let base_wd: u32 = ty_wd.bits();
                let mut h_words: usize = 0;
                for (a, x) in lvls.iter().enumerate() {
                    let bits: u32 = (base_wd + a as u32) * x.len() as u32;
                    h_words += utility::words_for_bits(bits);
                let b_words: usize = (n_blks + 1) * (1 + ty_wrd)
                    + 4 * e_widths[..n_blks].iter().sum::<u32>() as usize
                    + utility::words_for_bits(e_counts[n_blks] as u32 * e_widths[n_blks]);

                // Construct storage
                let s_len: usize = 1 + h_words + b_words;
                let mut storage: Vec<u32> = Vec::with_capacity(s_len);
                let mut s_ptr: *mut u32 = storage.as_mut_ptr();

                // Write Uniform header
                *s_ptr = (n_blks as u32) << 2 | flag;
                s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(1);

                // Write index header
                for (a, lvl) in lvls.iter().enumerate() {
                    let l_wd: u32 = base_wd + a as u32;
                    let l_blks: usize = (lvl.len() - 1) >> 7;

                    let mut l_ptr: *const u64 = lvl.as_ptr();
                    for _ in 0..l_blks {
                        mayda_codec::ENCODE_SIMD_U64[l_wd as usize](l_ptr, s_ptr);
                        l_ptr = l_ptr.offset(128);
                        s_ptr = s_ptr.offset((l_wd << 2) as isize);

                    let l_left: usize = lvl.len() - (l_blks << 7);
                    s_ptr = Uniform::<u64>::_encode_tail(l_ptr, s_ptr, l_left, l_wd);

                // Write the input
                for (a, &e_cnt) in e_counts.iter().enumerate() {
                    let e_wd: u32 = *e_wd_ptr.offset(a as isize);

                    // Write block header
                    *s_ptr = (e_cnt as u32) << 7 | e_wd;
                    s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(1);

                    // Write the block
                    s_ptr = Uniform::<$ty>::_encode_tail(c_ptr, s_ptr, e_cnt, e_wd);
                    c_ptr = c_ptr.offset(e_cnt as isize);

                    // Write the shift. Notice that some bits can be left unitialized.
                    *(s_ptr as *mut $ty) = *shift_ptr.offset(a as isize);
                    s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(ty_wrd as isize);

                // Set the length of storage AFTER everything is initialized

            unsafe fn _decode(storage: &[u32], n_blks: usize, output: &mut [$ty]) -> usize {
                // Internal representation of ty
                let ty_wd: u32 = $ty::width();
                let ty_wrd: usize = utility::words_for_bits(ty_wd);

                // Length of index header
                let n_lvls: u32 = n_blks.bits();
                let base_wd: u32 = ty_wd.bits();
                let mut h_words: usize = 0;
                for a in 0..n_lvls {
                    let len: usize = (n_blks + (1 << a)) >> (a + 1);
                    h_words += utility::words_for_bits((base_wd + a) * len as u32);

                // Avoid memory initialization, bounds checking, etc.
                let mut s_ptr: *const u32 = storage.as_ptr();
                s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(1 + h_words as isize);
                let mut o_ptr: *mut $ty = output.as_mut_ptr();

                // Block size is known for all but the final block
                for _ in 0..n_blks {
                    // Find the width of the block
                    let e_wd: u32 = *s_ptr & E_WIDTH;
                    s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(1);

                    // Decode the block
                    mayda_codec::$dec_simd[e_wd as usize](s_ptr, o_ptr);
                    s_ptr = s_ptr.offset((e_wd << 2) as isize);

                    let shift: $ty = *(s_ptr as *const $ty);
                    s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(ty_wrd as isize);
                    for a in 0..128 {
                        *o_ptr.offset(a) = (*o_ptr.offset(a)).wrapping_add(shift);

                    o_ptr = o_ptr.offset(128);

                // Final block
                let e_wd: u32 = *s_ptr & E_WIDTH;
                let left: usize = ((*s_ptr & E_COUNT) >> 7) as usize;
                s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(1);

                let length: usize = (n_blks << 7) + left;
                if output.len() < length {
                        "source length is {} but slice length is {}",

                s_ptr = Uniform::<$ty>::_decode_tail(s_ptr, o_ptr, left, e_wd);

                let shift: $ty = *(s_ptr as *const $ty);
                for a in 0..(left as isize) {
                    *o_ptr.offset(a) = (*o_ptr.offset(a)).wrapping_add(shift);


            unsafe fn _encode_tail(
                mut c_ptr: *const $ty,
                mut s_ptr: *mut u32,
                e_cnt: usize,
                e_wd: u32,
            ) -> *mut u32 {
                // Encode a run of 128 integers and return
                if e_cnt == 128 {
                    mayda_codec::$enc_simd[e_wd as usize](c_ptr, s_ptr);
                    return s_ptr.offset(4 * e_wd as isize);

                // Encode a short run and return
                if e_cnt < $step {
                    *s_ptr = 0;
                    let mut s_bits: u32 = 32;
                    let mut i_bits: u32;
                    for a in 0..e_cnt {
                        i_bits = e_wd;

                        // Encode in the available space
                        let lsft: u32 = 32 - s_bits;
                        *s_ptr |= (*c_ptr as u32) << lsft;

                        // While the available space is not enough...
                        while s_bits < i_bits {
                            i_bits -= s_bits;
                            s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(1);
                            *s_ptr = (*c_ptr >> (e_wd - i_bits)) as u32;
                            s_bits = 32;
                        s_bits -= i_bits;

                        if a < e_cnt - 1 {
                            c_ptr = c_ptr.offset(1);
                            if s_bits == 0 {
                                s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(1);
                                *s_ptr = 0;
                                s_bits = 32;
                    return {
                        if s_bits < 32 {
                        } else {

                // Encode any runs of 32 integers
                for _ in 0..(e_cnt >> 5) {
                    mayda_codec::$enc[e_wd as usize][32 / $step - 1](c_ptr, s_ptr);
                    c_ptr = c_ptr.offset(32);
                    s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(e_wd as isize);
                let mut e_cnt: usize = e_cnt & 31;

                // Encode any runs of step integers
                let mut s_bits: u32 = 32;
                if e_cnt >= $step {
                    let part: usize = e_cnt - e_cnt % $step;
                    let bits: u32 = part as u32 * e_wd;
                    mayda_codec::$enc[e_wd as usize][(part / $step - 1) as usize](c_ptr, s_ptr);
                    c_ptr = c_ptr.offset(part as isize);
                    s_ptr = s_ptr.offset((bits >> 5) as isize);
                    s_bits -= bits & 31;
                    e_cnt -= part;

                // Encode any leftover integers one by one
                if e_cnt > 0 {
                    if s_bits == 32 {
                        *s_ptr = 0;
                    let mut i_bits: u32;
                    for a in 0..e_cnt {
                        i_bits = e_wd;

                        // Encode in the available space
                        let lsft: u32 = 32 - s_bits;
                        *s_ptr |= (*c_ptr as u32) << lsft;

                        // While the available space is not enough...
                        while s_bits < i_bits {
                            i_bits -= s_bits;
                            s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(1);
                            *s_ptr = (*c_ptr >> (e_wd - i_bits)) as u32;
                            s_bits = 32;
                        s_bits -= i_bits;

                        if a < e_cnt - 1 {
                            c_ptr = c_ptr.offset(1);
                            if s_bits == 0 {
                                s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(1);
                                *s_ptr = 0;
                                s_bits = 32;
                if s_bits < 32 {
                } else {

            unsafe fn _decode_tail(
                mut s_ptr: *const u32,
                mut o_ptr: *mut $ty,
                e_cnt: usize,
                e_wd: u32,
            ) -> *const u32 {
                // Decode a run of 128 integers and return
                if e_cnt == 128 {
                    mayda_codec::$dec_simd[e_wd as usize](s_ptr, o_ptr);
                    return s_ptr.offset(4 * e_wd as isize);

                // Decode a short run and return
                if e_cnt < $step {
                    let mut s_bits: u32 = 32;
                    let mut o_bits: u32;
                    let mask: $ty = {
                        if e_wd > 0 {
                            !0 >> ($ty::width() - e_wd)
                        } else {

                    // Decode any remaining integers one by one
                    for _ in 0..(e_cnt - 1) {
                        o_bits = e_wd;

                        // Decode anything in the available space
                        let rsft: u32 = 32 - s_bits;
                        *o_ptr = (*s_ptr >> rsft) as $ty;

                        // While the available space is not enough...
                        while o_bits > s_bits {
                            o_bits -= s_bits;
                            s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(1);
                            *o_ptr |= (*s_ptr as $ty) << (e_wd - o_bits);
                            s_bits = 32;
                        s_bits -= o_bits;

                        *o_ptr &= mask;
                        o_ptr = o_ptr.offset(1);
                        if s_bits == 0 {
                            s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(1);
                            s_bits = 32;
                    // Final iteration moved out of loop to avoid branching
                    o_bits = e_wd;

                    // Decode anything in the available space
                    let rsft: u32 = 32 - s_bits;
                    *o_ptr = (*s_ptr >> rsft) as $ty;

                    // While the available space is not enough...
                    while o_bits > s_bits {
                        o_bits -= s_bits;
                        s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(1);
                        *o_ptr |= (*s_ptr as $ty) << (e_wd - o_bits);
                        s_bits = 32;
                    s_bits -= o_bits;

                    *o_ptr &= mask;
                    return {
                        if s_bits < 32 {
                        } else {

                // Decode any runs of 32 integers
                for _ in 0..(e_cnt >> 5) {
                    mayda_codec::$dec[e_wd as usize][32 / $step - 1](s_ptr, o_ptr);
                    s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(e_wd as isize);
                    o_ptr = o_ptr.offset(32);
                let mut e_cnt: usize = e_cnt & 31;

                // Decode any runs of step integers
                let mut s_bits: u32 = 32;
                if e_cnt >= $step {
                    let part: usize = e_cnt - e_cnt % $step;
                    let bits: u32 = part as u32 * e_wd;
                    mayda_codec::$dec[e_wd as usize][(part / $step - 1) as usize](s_ptr, o_ptr);
                    s_ptr = s_ptr.offset((bits >> 5) as isize);
                    o_ptr = o_ptr.offset(part as isize);
                    s_bits -= bits & 31;
                    e_cnt -= part;

                // Decode any leftover integers one by one
                if e_cnt > 0 {
                    let mut o_bits: u32;
                    let mask: $ty = {
                        if e_wd > 0 {
                            !0 >> ($ty::width() - e_wd)
                        } else {

                    // Decode any remaining integers one by one
                    for _ in 0..(e_cnt - 1) {
                        o_bits = e_wd;

                        // Decode anything in the available space
                        let rsft: u32 = 32 - s_bits;
                        *o_ptr = (*s_ptr >> rsft) as $ty;

                        // While the available space is not enough...
                        while o_bits > s_bits {
                            o_bits -= s_bits;
                            s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(1);
                            *o_ptr |= (*s_ptr as $ty) << (e_wd - o_bits);
                            s_bits = 32;
                        s_bits -= o_bits;

                        *o_ptr &= mask;
                        o_ptr = o_ptr.offset(1);
                        if s_bits == 0 {
                            s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(1);
                            s_bits = 32;
                    // Final iteration moved out of loop to avoid branching
                    o_bits = e_wd;

                    // Decode anything in the available space
                    let rsft: u32 = 32 - s_bits;
                    *o_ptr = (*s_ptr >> rsft) as $ty;

                    // While the available space is not enough...
                    while o_bits > s_bits {
                        o_bits -= s_bits;
                        s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(1);
                        *o_ptr |= (*s_ptr as $ty) << (e_wd - o_bits);
                        s_bits = 32;
                    s_bits -= o_bits;

                    *o_ptr &= mask;
                if s_bits < 32 {
                } else {

encodable_unsigned!(u8: 8,

encodable_unsigned!(u16: 8,

encodable_unsigned!(u32: 8,

encodable_unsigned!(u64: 8,

#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "16")]
impl EncodePrivate<usize> for Uniform<usize> {
    unsafe fn _encode(storage: &[usize]) -> Result<Vec<u32>, super::Error> {

    unsafe fn _decode(storage: &[u32], n_blks: usize, output: &mut [usize]) -> usize {
        Uniform::<u16>::_decode(storage, n_blks, mem::transmute(output))

#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
impl EncodePrivate<usize> for Uniform<usize> {
    unsafe fn _encode(storage: &[usize]) -> Result<Vec<u32>, super::Error> {

    unsafe fn _decode(storage: &[u32], n_blks: usize, output: &mut [usize]) -> usize {
        Uniform::<u32>::_decode(storage, n_blks, mem::transmute(output))

#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
impl EncodePrivate<usize> for Uniform<usize> {
    unsafe fn _encode(storage: &[usize]) -> Result<Vec<u32>, super::Error> {

    unsafe fn _decode(storage: &[u32], n_blks: usize, output: &mut [usize]) -> usize {
        Uniform::<u64>::_decode(storage, n_blks, mem::transmute(output))

macro_rules! encodable_signed {
    ($it: ident: $ut: ident) => {
        impl EncodePrivate<$it> for Uniform<$it> {
            unsafe fn _encode(input: &[$it]) -> Result<Vec<u32>, super::Error> {
                // Nothing to do
                if input.is_empty() {
                    return Ok(Vec::new());

                // Allow arrays of 2^37 entries (512 GiB of u32)
                let n_blks: usize = (input.len() - 1) >> 7;
                let n_lvls: usize = n_blks.bits() as usize;
                if n_lvls > 30 {
                    return Err(super::Error::new("exceeded internal capacity"));
                let mut e_counts: Vec<usize> = vec![128; n_blks + 1];
                e_counts[n_blks] = input.len() - (n_blks << 7);

                // Internal representation of ty
                let ty_wd: u32 = $ut::width();
                let ty_wrd: usize = utility::words_for_bits(ty_wd);
                let flag: u32 = match ty_wd {
                    8 => utility::U8_FLAG,
                    16 => utility::U16_FLAG,
                    32 => utility::U32_FLAG,
                    64 => utility::U64_FLAG,
                    _ => unreachable!(),

                let mut scratch: Vec<$it> = input.to_vec();
                let mut shifts: Vec<$it> = Vec::with_capacity(n_blks + 1);
                let mut c_ptr: *mut $it = scratch.as_mut_ptr();
                let shift_ptr: *mut $it = shifts.as_mut_ptr();

                // Construct and apply shifts
                let mut shift: $it;
                for (a, &e_cnt) in e_counts.iter().enumerate() {
                    shift = *c_ptr;
                    for b in 1..(e_cnt as isize) {
                        if *c_ptr.offset(b) < shift {
                            shift = *c_ptr.offset(b);
                    *shift_ptr.offset(a as isize) = shift;

                    for b in 0..(e_cnt as isize) {
                        *c_ptr.offset(b) = (*c_ptr.offset(b)).wrapping_sub(shift);
                    c_ptr = c_ptr.offset(e_cnt as isize);

                // Transmute to unsigned. This and the use of the signed type for the
                // calculation of the shifts is the only difference with the unsigned
                // implementation. Hope to eventually share the following parts.
                let mut scratch: Vec<$ut> = mem::transmute(scratch);
                let mut c_ptr: *mut $ut = scratch.as_mut_ptr();
                let shift_ptr: *mut $ut = shift_ptr as *mut $ut;

                // Quantity used for the headers
                let mut e_widths: Vec<u32> = Vec::with_capacity(n_blks + 1);
                let e_wd_ptr: *mut u32 = e_widths.as_mut_ptr();

                // Find widths of all blocks
                let mut blk_max: $ut;
                for (a, &e_cnt) in e_counts.iter().enumerate() {
                    blk_max = 0;
                    for _ in 0..e_cnt {
                        blk_max |= *c_ptr;
                        c_ptr = c_ptr.offset(1);
                    *e_wd_ptr.offset(a as isize) = blk_max.bits();
                e_widths.set_len(n_blks + 1);
                c_ptr = scratch.as_mut_ptr();

                // Construct index header
                let mut lvls: Vec<Vec<u64>> = Vec::with_capacity(n_lvls);
                for a in 0..(n_lvls as isize) {
                    let length: usize = (n_blks + (1 << a)) >> (a + 1);
                    let mut lvl: Vec<u64> = Vec::with_capacity(length);
                    for b in (0..(length as isize)).map(|x| x << (a + 1)) {
                        let mut acc: u64 = 0;
                        for c in 0..(1 << a) {
                            acc += *e_wd_ptr.offset(b + c) as u64;

                // Lengths of index header and blocks
                let base_wd: u32 = ty_wd.bits();
                let mut h_words: usize = 0;
                for (a, x) in lvls.iter().enumerate() {
                    let bits: u32 = (base_wd + a as u32) * x.len() as u32;
                    h_words += utility::words_for_bits(bits);
                let b_words: usize = (n_blks + 1) * (1 + ty_wrd)
                    + 4 * e_widths[..n_blks].iter().sum::<u32>() as usize
                    + utility::words_for_bits(e_counts[n_blks] as u32 * e_widths[n_blks]);

                // Construct storage
                let s_len: usize = 1 + h_words + b_words;
                let mut storage: Vec<u32> = Vec::with_capacity(s_len);
                let mut s_ptr: *mut u32 = storage.as_mut_ptr();

                // Write Uniform header
                *s_ptr = (n_blks as u32) << 2 | flag;
                s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(1);

                // Write index header
                for (a, lvl) in lvls.iter().enumerate() {
                    let l_wd: u32 = base_wd + a as u32;
                    let l_blks: usize = (lvl.len() - 1) >> 7;

                    let mut l_ptr: *const u64 = lvl.as_ptr();
                    for _ in 0..l_blks {
                        mayda_codec::ENCODE_SIMD_U64[l_wd as usize](l_ptr, s_ptr);
                        l_ptr = l_ptr.offset(128);
                        s_ptr = s_ptr.offset((l_wd << 2) as isize);

                    let l_left: usize = lvl.len() - (l_blks << 7);
                    s_ptr = Uniform::<u64>::_encode_tail(l_ptr, s_ptr, l_left, l_wd);

                // Write the input
                for (a, &e_cnt) in e_counts.iter().enumerate() {
                    let e_wd: u32 = *e_wd_ptr.offset(a as isize);

                    // Write block header
                    *s_ptr = (e_cnt as u32) << 7 | e_wd;
                    s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(1);

                    // Write the block
                    s_ptr = Uniform::<$ut>::_encode_tail(c_ptr, s_ptr, e_cnt, e_wd);
                    c_ptr = c_ptr.offset(e_cnt as isize);

                    // Write the shift. Notice that some bits can be left unitialized.
                    *(s_ptr as *mut $ut) = *shift_ptr.offset(a as isize);
                    s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(ty_wrd as isize);

                // Set the length of storage AFTER everything is initialized

            unsafe fn _decode(storage: &[u32], n_blks: usize, output: &mut [$it]) -> usize {
                Uniform::<$ut>::_decode(storage, n_blks, mem::transmute(output))

encodable_signed!(i8: u8);
encodable_signed!(i16: u16);
encodable_signed!(i32: u32);
encodable_signed!(i64: u64);

#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "16")]
impl EncodePrivate<isize> for Uniform<isize> {
    unsafe fn _encode(storage: &[isize]) -> Result<Vec<u32>, super::Error> {

    unsafe fn _decode(storage: &[u32], n_blks: usize, output: &mut [isize]) -> usize {
        Uniform::<u16>::_decode(storage, n_blks, left, mem::transmute(output))

#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
impl EncodePrivate<isize> for Uniform<isize> {
    unsafe fn _encode(storage: &[isize]) -> Result<Vec<u32>, super::Error> {

    unsafe fn _decode(storage: &[u32], n_blks: usize, output: &mut [isize]) -> usize {
        Uniform::<u32>::_decode(storage, n_blks, left, mem::transmute(output))

#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
impl EncodePrivate<isize> for Uniform<isize> {
    unsafe fn _encode(storage: &[isize]) -> Result<Vec<u32>, super::Error> {

    unsafe fn _decode(storage: &[u32], n_blks: usize, output: &mut [isize]) -> usize {
        Uniform::<u64>::_decode(storage, n_blks, mem::transmute(output))

// Implementations of Access

// Private traits

trait AccessOne<B: Bits> {
    /// The method for the range access operation.
    unsafe fn _access_one(&[u32], usize) -> B;

trait AccessMany<B: Bits, Range> {
    /// The method for the range access operation.
    unsafe fn _access_many(&[u32], usize, Range, &mut [B]) -> usize;

// Defaults

impl<B: Bits> AccessOne<B> for Uniform<B> {
    default unsafe fn _access_one(_: &[u32], _: usize) -> B {
        panic!("Access not implemented for this type");

impl<B: Bits> AccessMany<B, ops::Range<usize>> for Uniform<B> {
    default unsafe fn _access_many(
        _: &[u32],
        _: usize,
        _: ops::Range<usize>,
        _: &mut [B],
    ) -> usize {
        panic!("Access not implemented for this type");

impl<B: Bits> AccessMany<B, ops::RangeFrom<usize>> for Uniform<B> {
    default unsafe fn _access_many(
        _: &[u32],
        _: usize,
        _: ops::RangeFrom<usize>,
        _: &mut [B],
    ) -> usize {
        panic!("Access not implemented for this type");

// External interface

impl<B: Bits> Access<usize> for Uniform<B> {
    type Output = B;

    fn access(&self, index: usize) -> B {
        unsafe { Uniform::<B>::_access_one(&*, index) }

impl<B: Bits> Access<ops::Range<usize>> for Uniform<B> {
    type Output = Vec<B>;

    fn access(&self, range: ops::Range<usize>) -> Vec<B> {
        if range.end < range.start {
                "range start is {} but range end is {}",
                range.start, range.end
        if {
            if range.start > 0 {
                panic!(format!("range start is {} but length is 0", range.start))
            if range.end > 0 {
                panic!(format!("range end is {} but length is 0", range.end))
            return Vec::new();

        let s_ptr: *const u32 =;
        let n_blks: usize = unsafe { (*s_ptr >> 2) as usize };
        let o_length: usize = range.end - range.start;
        let mut output: Vec<B> = Vec::with_capacity(o_length);

        unsafe {
            Uniform::<B>::_access_many(&*, n_blks, range, &mut *output);


impl<B: Bits> Access<ops::RangeFrom<usize>> for Uniform<B> {
    type Output = Vec<B>;

    fn access(&self, range: ops::RangeFrom<usize>) -> Vec<B> {
        if {
            if range.start > 0 {
                panic!(format!("range start is {} but length is 0", range.start))
            return Vec::new();

        let s_ptr: *const u32 =;
        let n_blks: usize = unsafe { (*s_ptr >> 2) as usize };
        let len_bnd: usize = (n_blks + 1) << 7;
        let mut output: Vec<B> = Vec::with_capacity(len_bnd);

        unsafe {
            let length: usize =
                Uniform::<B>::_access_many(&*, n_blks, range, &mut *output);


impl<B: Bits> Access<ops::RangeTo<usize>> for Uniform<B> {
    type Output = Vec<B>;

    fn access(&self, range: ops::RangeTo<usize>) -> Vec<B> {

impl<B: Bits> Access<ops::RangeFull> for Uniform<B> {
    type Output = Vec<B>;

    fn access(&self, _: ops::RangeFull) -> Vec<B> {

impl<B: Bits> Access<ops::RangeInclusive<usize>> for Uniform<B> {
    type Output = Vec<B>;

    fn access(&self, range: ops::RangeInclusive<usize>) -> Vec<B> {
        self.access(range.start..(range.end + 1))

impl<B: Bits> Access<ops::RangeToInclusive<usize>> for Uniform<B> {
    type Output = Vec<B>;

    fn access(&self, range: ops::RangeToInclusive<usize>) -> Vec<B> {

impl<B: Bits> AccessInto<ops::Range<usize>, B> for Uniform<B> {
    fn access_into(&self, range: ops::Range<usize>, output: &mut [B]) -> usize {
        if range.end < range.start {
                "range start is {} but range end is {}",
                range.start, range.end
        if {
            if range.start > 0 {
                panic!(format!("range start is {} but length is 0", range.start))
            if range.end > 0 {
                panic!(format!("range end is {} but length is 0", range.end))
            return 0;

        let s_ptr: *const u32 =;
        unsafe {
            let n_blks: usize = (*s_ptr >> 2) as usize;
            Uniform::<B>::_access_many(&*, n_blks, range, output)

impl<B: Bits> AccessInto<ops::RangeFrom<usize>, B> for Uniform<B> {
    fn access_into(&self, range: ops::RangeFrom<usize>, output: &mut [B]) -> usize {
        if {
            if range.start > 0 {
                panic!(format!("range start is {} but length is 0", range.start))
            return 0;

        let s_ptr: *const u32 =;
        unsafe {
            let n_blks: usize = (*s_ptr >> 2) as usize;
            Uniform::<B>::_access_many(&*, n_blks, range, &mut *output)

impl<B: Bits> AccessInto<ops::RangeTo<usize>, B> for Uniform<B> {
    fn access_into(&self, range: ops::RangeTo<usize>, output: &mut [B]) -> usize {
        self.access_into(0..range.end, output)

impl<B: Bits> AccessInto<ops::RangeFull, B> for Uniform<B> {
    fn access_into(&self, _: ops::RangeFull, output: &mut [B]) -> usize {

impl<B: Bits> AccessInto<ops::RangeInclusive<usize>, B> for Uniform<B> {
    fn access_into(&self, range: ops::RangeInclusive<usize>, output: &mut [B]) -> usize {
        self.access_into(range.start..(range.end + 1), output)

impl<B: Bits> AccessInto<ops::RangeToInclusive<usize>, B> for Uniform<B> {
    fn access_into(&self, range: ops::RangeToInclusive<usize>, output: &mut [B]) -> usize {
        self.access_into(0..=range.end, output)

// Actual implementations

/// Calculates the offset in words to the start of the block. Not intended to
/// be used outside the implementation of `Access`.
fn words_to_block(n_blks: usize, blk: usize, ty_wd: u32, s_head: *const u32) -> usize {
    let ty_wrd: usize = utility::words_for_bits(ty_wd);

    let base_wd: u32 = ty_wd.bits();
    let mut lvl: u32 = 0;
    let mut lvl_head: usize = 1;
    let mut wrd_to_blk: usize = 0;
    let mut s_ptr: *const u32;

    if blk > 0 {
        let mut w_idx: usize = blk;
        let mut output: u64;

        // Initial iteration moved out of loop to avoid branch
        let shift: u32 = w_idx.trailing_zeros() + 1;
        for _ in 1..shift {
            let l_wd: u32 = base_wd + lvl;
            let len: usize = (n_blks + (1 << lvl)) >> (lvl + 1);
            lvl_head += utility::words_for_bits(l_wd * len as u32);
            lvl += 1;
        w_idx >>= shift;

        let l_wd: u32 = base_wd + lvl;
        let len: usize = (n_blks + (1 << lvl)) >> (lvl + 1);
        unsafe {
            s_ptr = s_head.offset(lvl_head as isize);
            if (w_idx & !127) + 128 <= len {
                // Width encoded using SIMD
                let l_bits: u32 = (w_idx as u32 >> 1) * l_wd;
                let w_bits: u32 = 64 - (l_bits & 63);

                let mut w_ptr: *const u64 = s_ptr as *const u64;
                let w_sft: u32 = ((l_bits >> 5) & !1) | (w_idx as u32 & 1);
                w_ptr = w_ptr.offset(w_sft as isize);

                output = *w_ptr >> (l_bits & 63);
                if l_wd > w_bits {
                    output |= *w_ptr.offset(2) << w_bits;
            } else {
                // Width encoded using u32
                let l_bits: u32 = w_idx as u32 * l_wd;
                let mut s_bits: u32 = 32 - (l_bits & 31);
                let mut o_bits: u32 = l_wd;

                s_ptr = s_ptr.offset((l_bits >> 5) as isize);

                output = (*s_ptr >> (l_bits & 31)) as u64;
                while o_bits > s_bits {
                    o_bits -= s_bits;
                    s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(1);
                    output |= (*s_ptr as u64) << (l_wd - o_bits);
                    s_bits = 32;
        wrd_to_blk += (output & (!0 >> (64 - l_wd))) as usize;

        // Decode widths for all other levels
        for _ in 0..w_idx.count_ones() {
            let shift: u32 = w_idx.trailing_zeros() + 1;
            for _ in 0..shift {
                let l_wd: u32 = base_wd + lvl;
                let len: usize = (n_blks + (1 << lvl)) >> (lvl + 1);
                lvl_head += utility::words_for_bits(l_wd * len as u32);
                lvl += 1;
            w_idx >>= shift;

            let l_wd: u32 = base_wd + lvl;
            let len: usize = (n_blks + (1 << lvl)) >> (lvl + 1);
            unsafe {
                s_ptr = s_head.offset(lvl_head as isize);
                if (w_idx & !127) + 128 <= len {
                    // Width encoded using SIMD
                    let l_bits: u32 = (w_idx as u32 >> 1) * l_wd;
                    let w_bits: u32 = 64 - (l_bits & 63);

                    let mut w_ptr: *const u64 = s_ptr as *const u64;
                    let w_sft: u32 = ((l_bits >> 5) & !1) | (w_idx as u32 & 1);
                    w_ptr = w_ptr.offset(w_sft as isize);

                    output = *w_ptr >> (l_bits & 63);
                    if l_wd > w_bits {
                        output |= *w_ptr.offset(2) << w_bits;
                } else {
                    // Width encoded using u32
                    let l_bits: u32 = w_idx as u32 * l_wd;
                    let mut s_bits: u32 = 32 - (l_bits & 31);
                    let mut o_bits: u32 = l_wd;

                    s_ptr = s_ptr.offset((l_bits >> 5) as isize);

                    output = (*s_ptr >> (l_bits & 31)) as u64;
                    while o_bits > s_bits {
                        o_bits -= s_bits;
                        s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(1);
                        output |= (*s_ptr as u64) << (l_wd - o_bits);
                        s_bits = 32;
            wrd_to_blk += (output & (!0 >> (64 - l_wd))) as usize;
        wrd_to_blk = blk * (1 + ty_wrd) + (wrd_to_blk << 2);

    // Include the header words
    wrd_to_blk += lvl_head;
    for a in lvl..n_blks.bits() {
        let l_wd: u32 = base_wd + a;
        let len: usize = (n_blks + (1 << a)) >> (a + 1);
        wrd_to_blk += utility::words_for_bits(l_wd * len as u32);


macro_rules! access_unsigned {
    ($ty: ident: $step: expr, $dec: ident, $dec_simd: ident) => {
        impl AccessOne<$ty> for Uniform<$ty> {
            unsafe fn _access_one(storage: &[u32], index: usize) -> $ty {
                if storage.is_empty() {
                    panic!(format!("index is {} but length is 0", index))

                let mut s_ptr: *const u32 = storage.as_ptr();
                let n_blks: usize = (*s_ptr >> 2) as usize;
                let blk: usize = index >> 7;
                if blk > n_blks {
                    let len_bnd: usize = (n_blks + 1) << 7;
                    panic!(format!("index is {} but length < {}", index, len_bnd))

                // Find the block containing the range start
                let ty_wd: u32 = $ty::width();
                let wrd_to_blk: usize = words_to_block(n_blks, blk, ty_wd, s_ptr);

                // Block found, decode the value
                s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(wrd_to_blk as isize);

                let e_wd: u32 = *s_ptr & E_WIDTH;
                let left: usize = ((*s_ptr & E_COUNT) >> 7) as usize;
                s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(1);

                let idx: u8 = (index & 127) as u8;
                if idx as usize >= left {
                    let len: usize = index - idx as usize + left;
                    panic!(format!("index is {} but length is {}", index, len))

                let mut output: $ty;
                if left == 128 {
                    // Value encoded using SIMD
                    let lanes: u32 = 128 / ty_wd;
                    let l_bits: u32 = (idx as u32 / lanes) * e_wd;
                    let mut w_bits: u32 = ty_wd - l_bits % ty_wd;
                    let mut o_bits: u32 = e_wd;

                    let mut w_ptr: *const $ty = s_ptr as *const $ty;
                    w_ptr = w_ptr.offset((idx as u32 % lanes + (l_bits / ty_wd) * lanes) as isize);

                    output = *w_ptr >> (ty_wd - w_bits);
                    while o_bits > w_bits {
                        o_bits -= w_bits;
                        w_ptr = w_ptr.offset(lanes as isize);
                        output |= *w_ptr << (e_wd - o_bits);
                        w_bits = ty_wd;

                    s_ptr = s_ptr.offset((e_wd << 2) as isize);
                } else {
                    // Value encoded using u32
                    let l_bits: u32 = idx as u32 * e_wd;
                    let mut s_bits: u32 = 32 - (l_bits & 31);
                    let mut o_bits: u32 = e_wd;

                    let mut v_ptr: *const u32 = s_ptr.offset((l_bits >> 5) as isize);

                    output = (*v_ptr >> (32 - s_bits)) as $ty;
                    while o_bits > s_bits {
                        o_bits -= s_bits;
                        v_ptr = v_ptr.offset(1);
                        output |= (*v_ptr as $ty) << (e_wd - o_bits);
                        s_bits = 32;

                    s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(utility::words_for_bits(e_wd * left as u32) as isize);
                output = {
                    if e_wd > 0 {
                        output & !0 >> (ty_wd - e_wd)
                    } else {

                let shift: $ty = *(s_ptr as *const $ty);

        impl AccessMany<$ty, ops::Range<usize>> for Uniform<$ty> {
            unsafe fn _access_many(
                storage: &[u32],
                n_blks: usize,
                range: ops::Range<usize>,
                output: &mut [$ty],
            ) -> usize {
                let s_blk: usize = range.start >> 7;
                if s_blk > n_blks {
                    let len_bnd: usize = (n_blks + 1) << 7;
                        "range start is {} but length < {}",
                        range.start, len_bnd
                let e_blk: usize = range.end.saturating_sub(1) >> 7;
                if e_blk > n_blks {
                    let len_bnd: usize = (n_blks + 1) << 7;
                        "range end is {} but length < {}",
                        range.end, len_bnd
                let o_length: usize = range.end - range.start;
                if output.len() < o_length {
                        "range length is {} but slice length is {}",
                let lwr: usize = range.start - (s_blk << 7);
                let upr: usize = range.end - (e_blk << 7);

                let ty_wd: u32 = $ty::width();
                let ty_wrd: usize = utility::words_for_bits(ty_wd);

                // Find the block containing the range start
                let mut s_ptr: *const u32 = storage.as_ptr();
                let wrd_to_blk: usize = words_to_block(n_blks, s_blk, ty_wd, s_ptr);
                s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(wrd_to_blk as isize);

                // Prepare return variable
                let mut scratch: [$ty; 128] = [0; 128];
                let c_ptr: *mut $ty = scratch.as_mut_ptr();
                let mut o_ptr: *mut $ty = output.as_mut_ptr();

                // Start block known, decode the range
                if s_blk == e_blk {
                    // Find the width of the block
                    let e_wd: u32 = *s_ptr & E_WIDTH;
                    let left: usize = ((*s_ptr & E_COUNT) >> 7) as usize;
                    s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(1);

                    // Checks a lower bound on the length
                    let len_bnd: usize = (e_blk << 7) + left;
                    if range.start > len_bnd {
                            "range start is {} but length is {}",
                            range.start, len_bnd
                    if range.end > len_bnd {
                            "range end is {} but length is {}",
                            range.end, len_bnd
                    if range.start == range.end {
                        return 0;

                    // Decode the block
                    s_ptr = Uniform::<$ty>::_decode_tail(s_ptr, c_ptr, left, e_wd);

                    let shift: $ty = *(s_ptr as *const $ty);
                    for a in (lwr as isize)..(upr as isize) {
                        *c_ptr.offset(a) = (*c_ptr.offset(a)).wrapping_add(shift);

                    ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(c_ptr.offset(lwr as isize), o_ptr, o_length);

                } else {
                    // Initial block
                    let e_wd: u32 = *s_ptr & E_WIDTH;
                    s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(1);

                    // Decode initial block
                    mayda_codec::$dec_simd[e_wd as usize](s_ptr, c_ptr);
                    s_ptr = s_ptr.offset((e_wd << 2) as isize);

                    let shift: $ty = *(s_ptr as *const $ty);
                    s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(ty_wrd as isize);
                    for a in (lwr as isize)..128 {
                        *c_ptr.offset(a) = (*c_ptr.offset(a)).wrapping_add(shift);

                    let count: usize = 128 - lwr;
                    ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(c_ptr.offset(lwr as isize), o_ptr, count);
                    o_ptr = o_ptr.offset(count as isize);

                    // Block size is known for all but the final block
                    for _ in 0..(e_blk - s_blk - 1) {
                        // Find the width of the block
                        let e_wd: u32 = *s_ptr & E_WIDTH;
                        s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(1);

                        // Decode the block
                        mayda_codec::$dec_simd[e_wd as usize](s_ptr, o_ptr);
                        s_ptr = s_ptr.offset((e_wd << 2) as isize);

                        let shift: $ty = *(s_ptr as *const $ty);
                        s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(ty_wrd as isize);
                        for a in 0..128 {
                            *o_ptr.offset(a) = (*o_ptr.offset(a)).wrapping_add(shift);

                        o_ptr = o_ptr.offset(128);

                    // Final block
                    let e_wd: u32 = *s_ptr & E_WIDTH;
                    let left: usize = ((*s_ptr & E_COUNT) >> 7) as usize;
                    s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(1);

                    // Checks a lower bound on the length
                    let len_bnd: usize = (e_blk << 7) + left;
                    if range.end > len_bnd {
                            "range end is {} but length is {}",
                            range.end, len_bnd

                    // Decode final block
                    s_ptr = Uniform::<$ty>::_decode_tail(s_ptr, c_ptr, left, e_wd);

                    let shift: $ty = *(s_ptr as *const $ty);
                    for a in 0..(upr as isize) {
                        *c_ptr.offset(a) = (*c_ptr.offset(a)).wrapping_add(shift);

                    ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(c_ptr, o_ptr, upr);


        impl AccessMany<$ty, ops::RangeFrom<usize>> for Uniform<$ty> {
            unsafe fn _access_many(
                storage: &[u32],
                n_blks: usize,
                range: ops::RangeFrom<usize>,
                output: &mut [$ty],
            ) -> usize {
                let s_blk: usize = range.start >> 7;
                if s_blk > n_blks {
                    let len_bnd: usize = (n_blks + 1) << 7;
                        "range start is {} but length < {}",
                        range.start, len_bnd
                let lwr: usize = range.start - (s_blk << 7);

                let ty_wd: u32 = $ty::width();
                let ty_wrd: usize = utility::words_for_bits(ty_wd);

                // Find the block containing the range start
                let mut s_ptr: *const u32 = storage.as_ptr();
                let wrd_to_blk: usize = words_to_block(n_blks, s_blk, ty_wd, s_ptr);
                s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(wrd_to_blk as isize);

                // Prepare return variable
                let mut scratch: [$ty; 128] = [0; 128];
                let c_ptr: *mut $ty = scratch.as_mut_ptr();
                let mut o_ptr: *mut $ty = output.as_mut_ptr();

                // Start block known, decode the range
                if s_blk == n_blks {
                    // Find the width of the block
                    let e_wd: u32 = *s_ptr & E_WIDTH;
                    let left: usize = ((*s_ptr & E_COUNT) >> 7) as usize;
                    s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(1);

                    // Checks the length of storage
                    let s_length: usize = (n_blks << 7) + left;
                    if range.start > s_length {
                            "range start is {} but length is {}",
                            range.start, s_length
                    let o_length: usize = s_length - range.start;
                    if output.len() < o_length {
                            "range length is {} but slice length is {}",
                    if range.start == s_length {
                        return 0;

                    // Decode the block
                    s_ptr = Uniform::<$ty>::_decode_tail(s_ptr, c_ptr, left, e_wd);

                    let shift: $ty = *(s_ptr as *const $ty);
                    for a in (lwr as isize)..(left as isize) {
                        *c_ptr.offset(a) = (*c_ptr.offset(a)).wrapping_add(shift);

                    ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(c_ptr.offset(lwr as isize), o_ptr, o_length);

                } else {
                    // Checks the length of storage
                    let len_bnd: usize = (n_blks << 7) - range.start;
                    if output.len() < len_bnd {
                            "range length is > {} but slice length is {}",

                    // Initial block
                    let e_wd: u32 = *s_ptr & E_WIDTH;
                    s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(1);

                    // Decode initial block
                    mayda_codec::$dec_simd[e_wd as usize](s_ptr, c_ptr);
                    s_ptr = s_ptr.offset((e_wd << 2) as isize);

                    let shift: $ty = *(s_ptr as *const $ty);
                    s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(ty_wrd as isize);
                    for a in (lwr as isize)..128 {
                        *c_ptr.offset(a) = (*c_ptr.offset(a)).wrapping_add(shift);

                    let count: usize = 128 - lwr;
                    ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(c_ptr.offset(lwr as isize), o_ptr, count);
                    o_ptr = o_ptr.offset(count as isize);

                    // Block size is known for all but the final block
                    for _ in 0..(n_blks - s_blk - 1) {
                        // Find the width of the block
                        let e_wd: u32 = *s_ptr & E_WIDTH;
                        s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(1);

                        // Decode the block
                        mayda_codec::$dec_simd[e_wd as usize](s_ptr, o_ptr);
                        s_ptr = s_ptr.offset((e_wd << 2) as isize);

                        let shift: $ty = *(s_ptr as *const $ty);
                        s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(ty_wrd as isize);
                        for a in 0..128 {
                            *o_ptr.offset(a) = (*o_ptr.offset(a)).wrapping_add(shift);

                        o_ptr = o_ptr.offset(128);

                    // Final block
                    let e_wd: u32 = *s_ptr & E_WIDTH;
                    let left: usize = ((*s_ptr & E_COUNT) >> 7) as usize;
                    s_ptr = s_ptr.offset(1);

                    // Checks the length of storage
                    let o_length: usize = (n_blks << 7) + left - range.start;
                    if output.len() < o_length {
                            "range length is {} but slice length is {}",

                    // Decode final block
                    s_ptr = Uniform::<$ty>::_decode_tail(s_ptr, c_ptr, left, e_wd);

                    let shift: $ty = *(s_ptr as *const $ty);
                    for a in 0..(left as isize) {
                        *c_ptr.offset(a) = (*c_ptr.offset(a)).wrapping_add(shift);

                    ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(c_ptr, o_ptr, left);


access_unsigned!(u8: 8, DECODE_U8, DECODE_SIMD_U8);
access_unsigned!(u16: 8, DECODE_U16, DECODE_SIMD_U16);
access_unsigned!(u32: 8, DECODE_U32, DECODE_SIMD_U32);
access_unsigned!(u64: 8, DECODE_U64, DECODE_SIMD_U64);

macro_rules! access_signed {
    ($it: ident, $ut: ident) => {
        impl AccessOne<$it> for Uniform<$it> {
            unsafe fn _access_one(storage: &[u32], index: usize) -> $it {
                Uniform::<$ut>::_access_one(storage, index) as $it

        impl AccessMany<$it, ops::Range<usize>> for Uniform<$it> {
            unsafe fn _access_many(
                storage: &[u32],
                n_blks: usize,
                range: ops::Range<usize>,
                output: &mut [$it],
            ) -> usize {
                Uniform::<$ut>::_access_many(storage, n_blks, range, mem::transmute(output))

        impl AccessMany<$it, ops::RangeFrom<usize>> for Uniform<$it> {
            unsafe fn _access_many(
                storage: &[u32],
                n_blks: usize,
                range: ops::RangeFrom<usize>,
                output: &mut [$it],
            ) -> usize {
                Uniform::<$ut>::_access_many(storage, n_blks, range, mem::transmute(output))

access_signed!(i8, u8);
access_signed!(i16, u16);
access_signed!(i32, u32);
access_signed!(i64, u64);

#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "16")]
access_signed!(usize, u16);

#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "16")]
access_signed!(isize, u16);

#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
access_signed!(usize, u32);

#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
access_signed!(isize, u32);

#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
access_signed!(usize, u64);

#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
access_signed!(isize, u64);