Macro maybe_debug::maybe_dbg[][src]

macro_rules! maybe_dbg {
    () => { ... };
    ($val : expr $(,) ?) => { ... };
    ($($val : expr), + $(,) ?) => { ... };
Expand description

A version of std::dbg! that works regardless of whether or not T implements Debug

This requires the standard library to be present.

This macro is also aliased as dbg!, so you may use a fully qualified maybe_debug::dbg!() if you so chose.

See also maybe_debug function.


use maybe_debug::maybe_dbg;
let a = vec![5, 4, 8];
assert_eq!(maybe_dbg!(a), vec![5, 4, 8]);
let a = vec![2, 4, 7];
// NOTE: Absolute path is useful for the 'dbg!' variant (and often clearer)
let (a, b, c) = maybe_debug::dbg!(a, format!("foooz"), 5u32);
let (a, b, _c): (Vec<i32>, String, u32) = maybe_debug::dbg!(a, b, c);