may_queue 0.1.16

May's internal queue library
use crossbeam_utils::CachePadded;
use smallvec::SmallVec;

use crate::atomic::{AtomicPtr, AtomicUsize};

use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
use std::cmp;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
use std::ptr;
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering;

// size for block_node
pub const BLOCK_SIZE: usize = 1 << BLOCK_SHIFT;
// block mask
pub const BLOCK_MASK: usize = BLOCK_SIZE - 1;
// block shift
pub const BLOCK_SHIFT: usize = 5;

/// A slot in a block.
struct Slot<T> {
    /// The value.
    value: UnsafeCell<MaybeUninit<T>>,

impl<T> Slot<T> {
    const UNINIT: Self = Self {
        value: UnsafeCell::new(MaybeUninit::uninit()),

/// a block node contains a bunch of items stored in a array
/// this could make the malloc/free not that frequent, also
/// the array could speed up list operations
struct BlockNode<T> {
    data: [Slot<T>; BLOCK_SIZE],
    next: AtomicPtr<BlockNode<T>>,

/// we don't implement the block node Drop trait
/// the queue is responsible to drop all the items
/// and would call its get() method for the dropping
impl<T> BlockNode<T> {
    /// create a new BlockNode with uninitialized data
    pub fn new() -> *mut BlockNode<T> {
        Box::into_raw(Box::new(BlockNode {
            next: AtomicPtr::new(ptr::null_mut()),
            data: [Slot::UNINIT; BLOCK_SIZE],

    /// write index with data
    pub fn set(&self, index: usize, v: T) {
        unsafe {
            let data = & BLOCK_MASK);

    /// peek the indexed value
    /// not safe if pop out a value when hold the data ref
    pub unsafe fn peek(&self, index: usize) -> &T {
        let data = & BLOCK_MASK);

    /// read out indexed value
    /// this would make the underlying data dropped when it get out of scope
    pub fn get(&self, id: usize) -> T {
        unsafe {
            let data =;

    pub fn copy_to_bulk(&self, start: usize, end: usize) -> SmallVec<[T; BLOCK_SIZE]> {
        let len = end - start;
        let start = start & BLOCK_MASK;
        (start..start + len).map(|id| self.get(id)).collect()

/// return the bulk end with in the block
pub fn bulk_end(start: usize, end: usize) -> usize {
    let block_end = (start + BLOCK_SIZE) & !BLOCK_MASK;
    cmp::min(end, block_end)

/// A position in a queue.
struct Position<T> {
    /// The index in the queue.
    index: AtomicUsize,

    /// The block in the linked list.
    block: AtomicPtr<BlockNode<T>>,

impl<T> Position<T> {
    fn new(block: *mut BlockNode<T>) -> Self {
        Position {
            index: AtomicUsize::new(0),
            block: AtomicPtr::new(block),

/// spsc queue
pub struct Queue<T> {
    // -----------------------------------------
    // use for push
    tail: CachePadded<Position<T>>,

    // ----------------------------------------
    // use for pop
    head: Position<T>,

    /// Indicates that dropping a `Queue<T>` may drop values of type `T`.
    _marker: PhantomData<T>,

unsafe impl<T: Send> Send for Queue<T> {}
unsafe impl<T: Send> Sync for Queue<T> {}

impl<T> Queue<T> {
    /// create a spsc queue
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        let init_block = BlockNode::<T>::new();
        Queue {
            head: Position::new(init_block),
            tail: Position::new(init_block).into(),
            _marker: PhantomData,

    /// push a value to the queue
    pub fn push(&self, v: T) {
        let tail = unsafe { &mut *self.tail.block.unsync_load() };
        let push_index = unsafe { self.tail.index.unsync_load() };
        // store the data
        tail.set(push_index, v);
        // make sure the data is stored before the index is updated

        // alloc new block node if the tail is full
        let new_index = push_index.wrapping_add(1);
        if new_index & BLOCK_MASK == 0 {
            let new_tail = BlockNode::new();
  , Ordering::Relaxed);
  , Ordering::Relaxed);
        }, Ordering::Release);

    /// peek the head
    /// # Safety
    /// not safe if you pop out the head value when hold the data ref
    pub unsafe fn peek(&self) -> Option<&T> {
        let index = self.head.index.unsync_load();
        let push_index = self.tail.index.load(Ordering::Acquire);
        if index == push_index {
            return None;

        let head = &mut *self.head.block.unsync_load();

    /// pop from the queue, if it's empty return None
    pub fn pop(&self) -> Option<T> {
        let index = unsafe { self.head.index.unsync_load() };
        let push_index = self.tail.index.load(Ordering::Acquire);
        if index == push_index {
            return None;

        let head = unsafe { &mut *self.head.block.unsync_load() };
        // get the data
        let v = head.get(index & BLOCK_MASK);

        let new_index = index.wrapping_add(1);
        // we need to free the old head if it get empty
        if new_index & BLOCK_MASK == 0 {
            let new_head =;
            // assert!(!new_head.is_null());
            let _unused_head = unsafe { Box::from_raw(head) };
  , Ordering::Relaxed);

        // commit the pop, Ordering::Relaxed);


    /// get the size of queue
    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
        let pop_index = self.head.index.load(Ordering::Relaxed);
        let push_index = self.tail.index.load(Ordering::Acquire);

    /// if the queue is empty
    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
        self.len() == 0

    // bulk pop as much as possible
    pub fn bulk_pop(&self) -> SmallVec<[T; BLOCK_SIZE]> {
        // self.bulk_pop_expect(0, vec)
        let index = unsafe { self.head.index.unsync_load() };
        let push_index = self.tail.index.load(Ordering::Acquire);
        if index == push_index {
            return SmallVec::new();

        let head = unsafe { &mut *self.head.block.unsync_load() };

        // only pop within a block
        let end = bulk_end(index, push_index);
        let value = head.copy_to_bulk(index, end);

        let new_index = end;

        // free the old block node
        if new_index & BLOCK_MASK == 0 {
            let new_head =;
            // assert!(!new_head.is_null());
            let _unused_head = unsafe { Box::from_raw(head) };
  , Ordering::Relaxed);

        // commit the pop, Ordering::Relaxed);


impl<T> Default for Queue<T> {
    fn default() -> Self {

impl<T> Drop for Queue<T> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        //  pop all the element to make sure the queue is empty
        while !self.bulk_pop().is_empty() {}
        let head = self.head.block.load(Ordering::Relaxed);
        let tail = self.tail.block.load(Ordering::Relaxed);
        assert_eq!(head, tail);

        unsafe {
            let _unused_block = Box::from_raw(head);

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn queue_sanity() {
        let q = Queue::<usize>::new();
        assert_eq!(q.len(), 0);
        for i in 0..100 {
        assert_eq!(q.len(), 100);

        for i in 0..100 {
            assert_eq!(q.pop(), Some(i));
        assert_eq!(q.pop(), None);
        assert_eq!(q.len(), 0);

    fn bulk_pop_test() {
        let q = Queue::<usize>::new();
        let total_size = BLOCK_SIZE + 17;
        for i in 0..total_size {
        let vec = q.bulk_pop();
        assert_eq!(vec.len(), BLOCK_SIZE);
        assert_eq!(q.len(), total_size - BLOCK_SIZE);
        let v = q.bulk_pop();
        assert_eq!(v[0], BLOCK_SIZE);
        assert_eq!(v.len(), 17);
        assert_eq!(q.len(), 0);

        for (i, item) in vec.iter().enumerate() {
            assert_eq!(*item, i);

#[cfg(all(nightly, test))]
mod bench {
    extern crate test;
    use self::test::Bencher;

    use super::*;
    use std::sync::Arc;
    use std::thread;

    use crate::test_queue::ScBlockPop;

    impl<T> ScBlockPop<T> for super::Queue<T> {
        fn block_pop(&self) -> T {
            let backoff = crossbeam_utils::Backoff::new();
            loop {
                match self.pop() {
                    Some(v) => return v,
                    None => backoff.snooze(),

    fn spsc_peek() {
        let q = Queue::new();
        assert_eq!(unsafe { q.peek() }, None);
        assert_eq!(unsafe { q.peek() }, Some(&1));
        let v = q.pop();
        assert_eq!(v, Some(1));
        assert_eq!(unsafe { q.peek() }, None);

    fn bulk_pop_1p1c_bench(b: &mut Bencher) {
        b.iter(|| {
            let q = Arc::new(Queue::new());
            let total_work: usize = 1_000_000;
            // create worker threads that generate mono increasing index
            let _q = q.clone();
            // in other thread the value should be still 100
            thread::spawn(move || {
                for i in 0..total_work {

            let mut size = 0;
            while size < total_work {
                let v = q.bulk_pop();
                for (start, i) in v.iter().enumerate() {
                    assert_eq!(*i, start + size);
                size += v.len();

    fn single_thread_test(b: &mut Bencher) {
        let q = Queue::new();
        let mut i = 0;
        b.iter(|| {
            assert_eq!(q.pop(), Some(i));
            i += 1;

    fn multi_1p1c_test(b: &mut Bencher) {
        b.iter(|| {
            let q = Arc::new(Queue::new());
            let total_work: usize = 1_000_000;
            // create worker threads that generate mono increasing index
            let _q = q.clone();
            // in other thread the value should be still 100
            thread::spawn(move || {
                for i in 0..total_work {

            for i in 0..total_work {
                let v = q.block_pop();
                assert_eq!(i, v);