may 0.3.36

Rust Stackful Coroutine Library
use std::io;
use std::os::unix::io::RawFd;
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering;
use std::sync::Arc;
#[cfg(feature = "io_timeout")]
use std::time::Duration;

use super::{from_nix_error, EventData, IoData};
#[cfg(feature = "io_timeout")]
use super::{timeout_handler, TimerList};
use crate::scheduler::Scheduler;
#[cfg(feature = "io_timeout")]
use crate::timeout_list::{now, ns_to_ms};

use libc::{eventfd, EFD_NONBLOCK};
use may_queue::mpsc::Queue;
use nix::sys::epoll::*;
use nix::unistd::{close, read, write};
use smallvec::SmallVec;

fn create_eventfd() -> io::Result<RawFd> {
    let fd = unsafe { eventfd(0, EFD_NONBLOCK) };
    if fd < 0 {
        return Err(io::Error::last_os_error());
    Ok(fd as RawFd)

pub type SysEvent = EpollEvent;

struct SingleSelector {
    epfd: RawFd,
    evfd: RawFd,
    #[cfg(feature = "io_timeout")]
    timer_list: TimerList,
    free_ev: Queue<Arc<EventData>>,

impl SingleSelector {
    pub fn new() -> io::Result<Self> {
        // wakeup data is 0
        let mut info = EpollEvent::new(EpollFlags::EPOLLIN, 0);

        let epfd = epoll_create().map_err(from_nix_error)?;
        let evfd = match create_eventfd() {
            Ok(fd) => fd,
            Err(err) => {
                let _ = close(epfd);
                return Err(err);

        // add the eventfd to the epfd
        if let Err(e) = epoll_ctl(epfd, EpollOp::EpollCtlAdd, evfd, &mut info) {
            let _ = close(evfd);
            let _ = close(epfd);
            return Err(from_nix_error(e));

        Ok(SingleSelector {
            free_ev: Queue::new(),
            #[cfg(feature = "io_timeout")]
            timer_list: TimerList::new(),

impl Drop for SingleSelector {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        let _ = close(self.evfd);
        let _ = close(self.epfd);

pub struct Selector {
    // 128 should be fine for max io threads
    vec: SmallVec<[SingleSelector; 128]>,

impl Selector {
    pub fn new(io_workers: usize) -> io::Result<Self> {
        let mut s = Selector {
            vec: SmallVec::new(),

        for _ in 0..io_workers {
            let ss = SingleSelector::new()?;


    pub fn select(
        scheduler: &Scheduler,
        id: usize,
        events: &mut [SysEvent],
        _timeout: Option<u64>,
    ) -> io::Result<Option<u64>> {
        #[cfg(feature = "io_timeout")]
        let timeout_ms = _timeout
            .map(|to| std::cmp::min(ns_to_ms(to), isize::MAX as u64) as isize)
        #[cfg(not(feature = "io_timeout"))]
        let timeout_ms = -1;
        // info!("select; timeout={:?}", timeout_ms);

        let single_selector = unsafe { self.vec.get_unchecked(id) };
        let epfd = single_selector.epfd;

        // Wait for epoll events for at most timeout_ms milliseconds
        let n = epoll_wait(epfd, events, timeout_ms).map_err(from_nix_error)?;
        // println!("epoll_wait = {}", n);

        // collect coroutines
        for event in unsafe { events.get_unchecked(..n) } {
            if == 0 {
                // this is just a wakeup event, ignore it
                let mut buf = [0u8; 8];
                // clear the eventfd, ignore the result
                read(single_selector.evfd, &mut buf).ok();
                // info!("got wakeup event in select, id={}", id);
            let data = unsafe { &mut *( as *mut EventData) };
            // info!("select got event, data={:p}", data);
  , Ordering::Release);

            // first check the atomic co, this may be grab by the worker first
            let co = match {
                Some(co) => co,
                None => continue,

            // it's safe to remove the timer since we are running the timer_list in the same thread
            #[cfg(feature = "io_timeout")]
            data.timer.borrow_mut().take().map(|h| {
                unsafe {
                    // tell the timer handler not to cancel the io
                    // it's not always true that you can really remove the timer entry
                    h.with_mut_data(|value| = std::ptr::null_mut());

            scheduler.schedule_with_id(co, id);

        // run all the local tasks

        // free the unused event_data

        // deal with the timer list
        #[cfg(feature = "io_timeout")]
        let next_expire = single_selector
            .schedule_timer(now(), &timeout_handler);
        #[cfg(not(feature = "io_timeout"))]
        let next_expire = None;

    // this will post an os event so that we can wake up the event loop
    pub fn wakeup(&self, id: usize) {
        let buf = 1u64.to_le_bytes();
        let ret = write(unsafe { self.vec.get_unchecked(id) }.evfd, &buf);
        trace!("wakeup id={:?}, ret={:?}", id, ret);

    // register io event to the selector
    pub fn add_fd(&self, io_data: IoData) -> io::Result<IoData> {
        let mut info = EpollEvent::new(
                | EpollFlags::EPOLLOUT
                | EpollFlags::EPOLLRDHUP
                | EpollFlags::EPOLLET,
            io_data.as_ref() as *const _ as _,

        let fd = io_data.fd;
        let id = fd as usize % self.vec.len();
        let single_selector = unsafe { self.vec.get_unchecked(id) };
        let epfd = single_selector.epfd;
        info!("add fd to epoll select, fd={:?}", fd);
        epoll_ctl(epfd, EpollOp::EpollCtlAdd, fd, &mut info)
            .map(|_| io_data)

    pub fn mod_fd(&self, io_data: &IoData, is_read: bool) -> io::Result<()> {
        let mut info = if is_read {
                EpollFlags::EPOLLIN | EpollFlags::EPOLLRDHUP | EpollFlags::EPOLLET,
                io_data.as_ref() as *const _ as _,
        } else {
                EpollFlags::EPOLLOUT | EpollFlags::EPOLLHUP | EpollFlags::EPOLLET,
                io_data.as_ref() as *const _ as _,

        let fd = io_data.fd;
        let id = fd as usize % self.vec.len();
        let single_selector = unsafe { self.vec.get_unchecked(id) };
        let epfd = single_selector.epfd;
        info!("mod fd to epoll select, fd={:?}, is_read={}", fd, is_read);
        epoll_ctl(epfd, EpollOp::EpollCtlMod, fd, &mut info).map_err(from_nix_error)

    pub fn del_fd(&self, io_data: &IoData) {
        #[cfg(feature = "io_timeout")]
        if let Some(h) = io_data.timer.borrow_mut().take() {
            unsafe {
                // mark the timer as removed if any, this only happened
                // when cancel an IO. what if the timer expired at the same time?
                // because we run this func in the user space, so the timer handler
                // will not got the coroutine
                h.with_mut_data(|value| = std::ptr::null_mut());

        let fd = io_data.fd;
        let id = fd as usize % self.vec.len();
        let single_selector = unsafe { self.vec.get_unchecked(id) };
        let epfd = single_selector.epfd;
        info!("del fd from epoll select, fd={:?}", fd);
        epoll_ctl(epfd, EpollOp::EpollCtlDel, fd, None).ok();

        // after EpollCtlDel push the unused event data

    // we can't free the event data directly in the worker thread
    // must free them before the next epoll_wait
    fn free_unused_event_data(&self, id: usize) {
        let free_ev = &unsafe { self.vec.get_unchecked(id) }.free_ev;
        while !free_ev.bulk_pop().is_empty() {}

    // register the io request to the timeout list
    #[cfg(feature = "io_timeout")]
    pub fn add_io_timer(&self, io: &IoData, timeout: Duration) {
        let id = io.fd as usize % self.vec.len();
        // info!("io timeout = {:?}", dur);
        let (h, b_new) = unsafe { self.vec.get_unchecked(id) }
            .add_timer(timeout, io.timer_data());
        if b_new {
            // wake up the event loop thread to recall the next wait timeout