may 0.3.33

Rust Stackful Coroutine Library
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May is a high-performance library for programming stackful coroutines with which you can easily develop and maintain massive concurrent programs. It can be thought as the Rust version of the popular [Goroutine][go].


## Table of contents
* [Features]#features
* [Usage]#usage
* [More examples]#more-examples
  * [The CPU heavy load examples]#the-cpu-heavy-load-examples
  * [The I/O heavy bound examples]#the-io-heavy-bound-examples
* [Performance]#performance
* [Caveat]#caveat
* [How to tune a stack size]#how-to-tune-a-stack-size
* [License]#license


## Features
* The stackful coroutine implementation is based on [generator][generator];
* Support schedule on a configurable number of threads for multi-core systems;
* Support coroutine version of a local storage ([CLS][cls]);
* Support efficient asynchronous network I/O;
* Support efficient timer management;
* Support standard synchronization primitives, a semaphore, an MPMC channel, etc;
* Support cancellation of coroutines;
* Support graceful panic handling that will not affect other coroutines;
* Support scoped coroutine creation;
* Support general selection for all the coroutine API;
* All the coroutine API are compatible with the standard library semantics;
* All the coroutine API can be safely called in multi-threaded context;
* Both stable, beta, and nightly channels are supported;
* x86_64 GNU/Linux, x86_64 Windows, x86_64 Mac, AArch64 Linux OS are supported.


## Usage
A naive echo server implemented with May:
extern crate may;

use may::net::TcpListener;
use std::io::{Read, Write};

fn main() {
    let listener = TcpListener::bind("").unwrap();
    while let Ok((mut stream, _)) = listener.accept() {
        go!(move || {
            let mut buf = vec![0; 1024 * 16]; // alloc in heap!
            while let Ok(n) = buf) {
                if n == 0 {



## More examples

### The CPU heavy load examples
* [The "Quick Sort" algorithm][sort]
* [A prime number generator][prime]

### The I/O heavy bound examples
* [An echo server][echo_server]
* [An echo client][echo_client]
* [A simple HTTP][http_sever]
* [A simple HTTPS][https_sever]
* [WebSockets][websocket]


## Performance
You can refer to to get the latest [may_minihttp][may_minihttp] comparisons with other most popular frameworks.


## Caveat
There is a detailed [document][caveat] that describes May's main restrictions. In general, there are four things you should follow when writing programs that use coroutines:
* Don't call thread-blocking API (It will hurt the performance);
* Carefully use Thread Local Storage (access TLS in coroutine might trigger undefined behavior).

> It's considered **unsafe** with the following pattern:
> ```rust
> set_tls();
> // Or another coroutine API that would cause scheduling:
> coroutine::yield_now(); 
> use_tls();
> ```
> but it's **safe** if your code is not sensitive about the previous state of TLS. Or there is no coroutines scheduling between **set** TLS and **use** TLS.

* Don't run CPU bound tasks for long time, but it's ok if you don't care about fairness;
* Don't exceed the coroutine stack. There is a guard page for each coroutine stack. When stack overflow occurs, it will trigger segment fault error.

> The first three rules are common when using cooperative asynchronous libraries in Rust. Even using a futures-based system also have these limitations. So what you should really focus on is a coroutine stack size, make sure it's big enough for your applications. 


## How to tune a stack size
If you want to tune your coroutine stack size, please check out [this document][stack].


## License
May is licensed under either of the following, at your option:

 * The Apache License v2.0.0 ([LICENSE-APACHE]LICENSE-APACHE or;

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