max-7219-led-matrix-util 0.1.1

Utility library using 'max7219'-crate for LED matrix displays written in Rust for Linux (Raspberry Pi). The main purpose is educational.

Util library for MAX7219-powered LED matrix displays written in Rust for Linux (Raspberry Pi).

This is a util library on top of MAX7219-crate that allows you to display text on dot matrix displays. The main purpose of this lib is educational. There aren't mappings for all chars yet! Feel free to contribute on github!

This definitely work's on Raspberry Pi. This is not no-std and won't work on Arduino because it uses gpio_cdev-crate which uses linux character device driver to access GPIO. Should work on other Linux powered devices with GPIO hardware too.

Feel free to learn from the code or to contribute!


Usage example

use max_7219_led_matrix_util::setup::setup;
use max_7219_led_matrix_util::{shop_moving_text_in_loop, prepare_display};

const NUM_DISPLAYS: usize = 4;

fn main() {
    // provide three args for the three pins
    let args: Vec<String> = std::env::args().collect();
    assert_eq!(args.len(), 4, "Provide three args!");

    let data_pin = args[1].parse::<u32>().unwrap();
    let cs_pin = args[2].parse::<u32>().unwrap();
    let clk_pin = args[3].parse::<u32>().unwrap();

    println!("data={}, cs={}, clk={}", data_pin, cs_pin, clk_pin);

    let mut display = setup("/dev/gpiochip0", NUM_DISPLAYS, data_pin, cs_pin, clk_pin);
    prepare_display(&mut display, NUM_DISPLAYS, 0x0F);
    shop_moving_text_in_loop(&mut display, "HELLO 01 ABCDEF    ", NUM_DISPLAYS, 50);

max_7219_led_matrix_util::setup::setup returns an instance of a struct defined by crate max7219 (the actual device driver). Therefore you can work directly on this driver too without the need of the utility functions. Like display.write_raw().